Wish is granted

Granted, but you only get better at menial things, like brushing your teeth, making coffee etc....

I wish today were Sept. 2, 2006.
Granted - but in time warp that br4ought to Sept 6 2006 you lost your ability to hear and see - bad way to watch a UT game.

I wish it were christmas vacation
Granted, but an emergency came up and you have to work through your vacation this year.

I wish I had all of my Christmas shopping done.
Granted, but everyone you know has a birthday on Dec. 26th so your efforts must be doulbed.
I wish i didn't have a flat tire on the way to work this morning...
Granted, but you had one on the way home tonight.

I wish I had a pilot's license
granted but it's for lighting stove's not flying planes

I wish it would snow.
Originally posted by Lexvol@Dec 2, 2005 2:42 PM
Granted, but you had one on the way home tonight.

I wish I had a pilot's license

Granted, but in an effort to reduce air pollution, the continental US was labeled a no fly zone.
I wish i was wittier so i could keep up with all the smart folks on this board.
Granted, but all the smart folfs suddenly come down to your level leaving you in the same place

I wish there was a winter/spring football league that was nationally televised and as good as college
Granted, However Joe Theisman is the play by play guy.

I wish the Vols would pick up Oklahoma as a game 1 opponent.
Granted, but they would have a terrible season

I wish georgia would have a terrible season
Granted, but he gets beat up outside a frat house, and Spurrier goes back to Fla.

I wish I had some x ray glasses
Granted, but you live in a nursing home.

I wish my boss would give me a Christmas bonus. Tight@#$ &#*%#$(*#@$%.
Originally posted by MyBloodRunnethOrange@Dec 3, 2005 8:09 AM
Granted, but it's only $10

I wish the Vol Network would release more games on DVD.

Granted, but they were part of a series against our cross state rival, Memphis State.

I wish Winter only lasted until Christmas.
Granted, but summer starts on New Years Day with 110 degree temps that will last till November.

I wish it would snow Christmas day and stay on the ground till New Years Day, then go away till next Christmas.
granted, but if you have kid they make you go sledin with them every mornin till dark and you dont get to enjoy it

I wish my dad would make some more chilli
Granted but its green chili, and you say ah...jalapeno chili....and he says what jalapenos??

I wish I could be invisible in a bank.
Granted but you are a Texas fan....

I wish that Tennessee was playing in the SECCG this year.
Granted, but it wouldn't count because of new rules by the BCS losers...

I wish it was April 1st.
Granted, but your friends play an April fools joke on you and it ends up taking your life. Stupid cement blocks... :disappointed:

I wish that I was Santa Claus..

VN Store
