Wonder why America is laughing stock of the world

Not exactly a strong rebuke. What are you hedging for?
There is nothing wrong with a kid seeing someone in drag.
It's what the person in drag is doing that is the bigger issue.
I saw Milton Berle dressed in drag many times as a kid. Thought it was funny. Never entered my mind (nor my parents') that it was the radical Hollywood commies trying to turn me homo.
There is nothing wrong with a kid seeing someone in drag.
It's what the person in drag is doing that is the bigger issue.
I saw Milton Berle dressed in drag many times as a kid. Thought it was funny. Never entered my mind (nor my parents') that it was the radical Hollywood commies trying to turn me homo.

Berle was a comedian. Of course nobody would think anything of that. What’s going on in todays society is much different. It’s like drag needs to be normalized. It’s a part in the indoctrination that kids can choose “genders.” I mean there are shows called Drag Kids and these kids are being brainwashed by adults who are mentally unstable.
Berle was a comedian. Of course nobody would think anything of that. What’s going on in todays society is much different. It’s like drag needs to be normalized. It’s a part in the indoctrination that kids can choose “genders.” I mean there are shows called Drag Kids and these kids are being brainwashed by adults who are mentally unstable.
Every drag show I've ever seen (which is only a handful) or heard about, is intended to be somewhat comedic.
It's really just the right wing media looking for yet another way to agitate and anger their consumers in order to increase the divide.
I would say the same thing about "Toddlers and Tiaras."


From the brief glimpse i had at that program, it looked like child abuse in some of those girls cases. Regardless, it teaches those little girls what? Your value/confidence/self worth is based on how you look after in some cases HOURS of makeup, hair, etc etc is spent changing how you actually look? My daughter is 14. Around the house she can try out different kinds of makeup with her mom, cousins, friend thats visiting etc. Outside our home lip gloss is about all shes gonna be putting on her face. She has a clear complexion from not caking on layers of makeup to cover Her face every waking moment...and she looks (gasp!) Like a healthy, pretty 14 year old. With heavy makeup like most women wear she looks 21 at least. Those tiny little girls on that show wear heavy, adult makeup...why? Why make (sometimes force it seemed) your precious little girl look like a miniature 21 year old? So weird and gross.
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Berle was a comedian. Of course nobody would think anything of that. What’s going on in todays society is much different. It’s like drag needs to be normalized. It’s a part in the indoctrination that kids can choose “genders.” I mean there are shows called Drag Kids and these kids are being brainwashed by adults who are mentally unstable.

Exactly. Nobody thinks anything of Tyler Perry dressing up as a Madea granny, channeling his mother. Nor did they when the Wayans took it to the double extreme with White Chicks. Because people understood that it is comedy. The concept of a physiological man dressed up and acting like a woman is utter silliness and should be laughed at.

Today, they are treating it quite seriously and you get canceled if you notice that its no longer a man basically dressing up as the fool in clown face to make a comedic or even political point. Now the screwed-up man is trying to normalize his aberrant sexual dysfunction on your children. Hell, in the UK, you get arrested for simply pointing that out!

I mean it wasnt long ago when even simple minded men of mystery knew the difference.


It's a military base for crying out loud.
pretty soon they'll be dressed in pink uniforms carrying the rainbow flag instead of the american flag while they build "green energy" infrastructure. Cause you know, what's what a military is for
Probably want to make it your pinkie, ring, and middle fingers on your non-dominate hand.
Trump and Trumpism are simply a poison to this country. The fact that so many cannot process and comprehend that truth is what makes it even more dangerous. I've reluctantly accepted the fact that some are just unable to see the truth.
This is rich coming from your mouth
Exactly. Nobody thinks anything of Tyler Perry dressing up as a Madea granny, channeling his mother. Nor did they when the Wayans took it to the double extreme with White Chicks. Because people understood that it is comedy. The concept of a physiological man dressed up and acting like a woman is utter silliness and should be laughed at.

Today, they are treating it quite seriously and you get canceled if you notice that its no longer a man basically dressing up as the fool in clown face to make a comedic or even political point. Now the screwed-up man is trying to normalize his aberrant sexual dysfunction on your children. Hell, in the UK, you get arrested for simply pointing that out!
Good grief. What happened to you people? I just have to believe it is the consumption of to much right wing media.
Please to the world a favor and lessen your consumption. It's more damaging to our society than cigarettes.
pretty soon they'll be dressed in pink uniforms carrying the rainbow flag instead of the american flag while they build "green energy" infrastructure. Cause you know, what's what a military is for
Let me guess. You watch Fox regularly.
There is nothing wrong with a kid seeing someone in drag.
It's what the person in drag is doing that is the bigger issue.
I saw Milton Berle dressed in drag many times as a kid. Thought it was funny. Never entered my mind (nor my parents') that it was the radical Hollywood commies trying to turn me homo.
Kids can handle more than adults give them credit for. My dad was kind of a boring, buttoned-up type. One Halloween in the late 70's, my parents went to a costume party that their friends were having. Somehow, she convinced him to let her outfit him him as the Rocky Horror Picture Show guy. I was only 5 or 6 at the time, and didn't understand why dad was wearing mom's panty hose ... but I do remember laughing my a$$ off, anyway.

Kids can handle it.
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Nope. I don't watch it all. Try a retort that isn't so predictable Luther
I find that hard to believe, but I'll take your word for it.
It must be some other source.....talk radio?...Q?.....Infowars?.....Alex Jones?.......Bannon?
Kids can handle more than adults give them credit for. My dad was kind of a boring, buttoned-up type. One Halloween in the late 70's, my parents went to a costume party that their friends were having. Somehow, she convinced him to let her outfit him him as the Rocky Horror Picture Show guy. I was only 5 or 6 at the time, and didn't understand why dad was wearing mom's panty hose ... but I do remember laughing my a$$ off, anyway.

Kids can handle it.
How perfect. Hope someone got a picture.
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Good grief. What happened to you people? I just have to believe it is the consumption of to much right wing media.
Please to the world a favor and lessen your consumption. It's more damaging to our society than cigarettes.

You are an admitted progressive. So it’s no surprise that you are in favor of the continued depravity of society. Yeah wanting to protect children from being indoctrinated and brainwashed by mentally unstable adults is terrible for society.

You exemplify the current disgusting liberal mindset perfectly.
I once went to a costume party as a cheerleader and I must say I did look quite fetching.
You are an admitted progressive. So it’s no surprise that you are in favor of the continued depravity of society. Yeah wanting to protect children from being indoctrinated and brainwashed by mentally unstable adults is terrible for society.

You exemplify the current disgusting liberal mindset perfectly.
That's what old narrow minded and shallow people said about Elvis, the Beatles, and rock and roll in general.....the Devil's music.
And anyone who didn't agree was some radical progressive who didn't care about the country or children.
Same song....different verse.....you are now that person.
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