I think it’s more to do with the low pay, overbearing administrators who justify their existence by pushing new nonsense every year, lack of professional autonomy due to said admin and unwieldy state standards, and parents who worship their children as infallible angels and act as lawyers for them in every interaction with the school system.
To the extent that kids are unteachable it’s mainly because they know they can’t fail. Come hell or high water they will be passed in order to keep the promotion and graduation rates up. Gone are the days of consequences, in school or at home, for poor performance and/or behavior. Even parents who want to do the right thing often can’t find time to properly parent between working multiple jobs just to survive and caring for their aging parents.
This is total silliness. Again, I don't know what the left thinks they're accomplishing with this. The difference between the loony left and the loony right is the loony left is harmless and wants to play silly semantic games. The loony right has guns and wants to overthrow democracy.
I wish that the Trojans would come to Knoxville and get their butts handed to them. On Shields-Watkins Practicum.
I see pronouns everyday in email signature blocks. Still waiting to see evidence of the first death caused by such additions.It is silliness, but don’t believe for one second it’s harmless. The uber woke left that pushes this garbage is fully intent on regulating and legislating speech wrt how and what others MUST and MUST NOT say, enforced by penalties under law. We are already seeing it being implemented and enforced on numerous college campuses across the country.
I would love to roast those guys here and every time the Vols make a play, I want to hear Jeff Jarnigan announce “and the Vols make another incredible play on Shields-Watkins Fiiiiieeeeellllld! Just stick our finger in their eye time and time again.
I see pronouns everyday in email signature blocks. Still waiting to see evidence of the first death caused by such additions.
I think it's silly, but harmless. Prove me wrong.