Words of Wisdom by @1RBFjr

The sole purpose of Chem profs is clearly to torture students and deny their dreams and aspirations

My organic prof described the class like you are walking across quicksand and each new concept being taught is like a piece of cardboard coming down on you from above that you have to get under your feet to keep from sinking. So for each concept you do not "get under your feet" in time for the next concept coming down will put you that much deeper in the quicksand until you are completely stuck. That was by far the most scared I had ever been in a class, but accurate nonetheless. I ended up really enjoying the class but that description will always haunt/stick with me.
My organic prof described the class like you are walking across quicksand and each new concept being taught is like a piece of cardboard coming down on you from above that you have to get under your feet to keep from sinking. So for each concept you do not "get under your feet" in time for the next concept coming down will put you that much deeper in the quicksand until you are completely stuck. That was by far the most scared I had ever been in a class, but accurate nonetheless. I ended up really enjoying the class but that description will always haunt/stick with me.

Well, that may not be the most exciting and optimistic message to convey the wonders and glory of organic chemistry. Ok class, let’s gear up for a semester trudging through quicksand! I’m glad you enjoyed the class though; there are more who enjoy it than those who are willing to admit it!
Well, that may not be the most exciting and optimistic message to convey the wonders and glory of organic chemistry. Ok class, let’s gear up for a semester trudging through quicksand! I’m glad you enjoyed the class though; there are more who enjoy it than those who are willing to admit it!
My daughter is terrified at the prospects of taking Chemistry 102 and 103 next year. Any suggestions to calm her fears?👊😀👍🍊
This is my overall philosophy:

1. It’s a game.

2. They’re college students.

3. No one has asked me to coach at this level.

4. I’m in the stands or watching at home hoping for the best, knowing there’s no way as a player I could even come close to making that basket, making that throw, making that hit, etc.

5. I’m watching for fun, and time with family and friends.

I grabbed this from a post in a prior thread, thank you @1RBFjr...........OT
Excellent advice.

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