Words of Wisdom by @1RBFjr

Oh, is this the “you don’t coach, so your opinion doesn’t matter” post. Fans care. Fans show up when a product is good. Fans don’t need to be policed for sharing their frustration. Don’t tell fans how they should feel or act (unless their behavior breaks the law).

Sharing frustration is fine, that is not what this is about. Doing so while being respectful and not trashing players should not be difficult.
Sharing frustration is fine, that is not what this is about. Doing so while being respectful and not trashing players should not be difficult.
You’d have to define what you mean be “trashing” players? Criticism? Like Denton’s base running was hot garbage. Is that “trashing?”
You’d have to define what you mean be “trashing” players? Criticism? Like Denton’s base running was hot garbage. Is that “trashing?”
Did Denton go on his own? I believe he was waved on and that's a 50/50 play. Quite often the ball short hops the 3rd baseman and bounces around the dugout or is way off line, we needed something to happen and it didn't work out........ I tip my hat to the right fielder, he threw a seed to 3rd.
Denton play was not even close to 50/50. You are down in the score column, you are slow, hitter hits a seed to right. AUTOMATIC hold up at second and keep the potential rally going. 100% mental error. That said, Denton is going to be VERY important for us this year!!!
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You’d have to define what you mean be “trashing” players? Criticism? Like Denton’s base running was hot garbage. Is that “trashing?”

There are other ways to say it. Folks here are trying to help you navigate the baseball forum. It’s a fun, respectful place to discuss baseball, the team, all the teams for that matter. It’s rowdy at times, a lot of inside jokes, a lot of people weary of the other forums.

Maybe I should give an example.

1. (Insert player name)’s base running is trash. OR…

2. Sloppy base running there. OR…

3. What in the world were they thinking?!?

1. Is borderline to me, but maybe not to others.

Where as 2 and 3 would be acceptable to just about everyone.

The baseball forum was self policed for a very long time but with the success of the program recently, that wasn’t going to work. This message is not to you specifically but everyone in general.

If anyone here has a question about the rules, feel free to ask and they are stickied at the top of the board.
There are other ways to say it. Folks here are trying to help you navigate the baseball forum. It’s a fun, respectful place to discuss baseball, the team, all the teams for that matter. It’s rowdy at times, a lot of inside jokes, a lot of people weary of the other forums.

Maybe I should give an example.

1. (Insert player name)’s base running is trash. OR…

2. Sloppy base running there. OR…

3. What in the world were they thinking?!?

1. Is borderline to me, but maybe not to others.

Where as 2 and 3 would be acceptable to just about everyone.

The baseball forum was self policed for a very long time but with the success of the program recently, that wasn’t going to work. This message is not to you specifically but everyone in general.

If anyone here has a question about the rules, feel free to ask and they are stickied at the top of the board.
#1 Is totally unnecessary and a cheap shot. Shouldn’t be tolerated on this forum.
#1 Is totally unnecessary and a cheap shot. Shouldn’t be tolerated on this forum.

I got handed a bat last year and was a bit reluctant to swing it. This year, I’m swinging at anything close.

Everyone has their own opinions about what’s acceptable and what isn’t. I believe in giving folks that ain’t been around here too long, a chance to learn how the baseball forum works.

Whatever happens after that is up to them.
My response was "in that situation that might not have been the smartest play. Don't know if it was the coach or player." But what was put on VN was he was an idiot. Get him off the field. Why is that kid even playing. Why would we take him from Alabama and so on.

It is sad when players are told do not go on social media or the websites of UT fans and VN is one that is mentioned. Talked to a player, not Kirby yesterday, who said his dad told him point blank after the first game to stay off social media because the UT fans have already turned on the team. My heart hurt a little hearing that from a new player and his dad. That should never happen. Our guys should know that the fans are behind them no matter what, especially the ones on UT message boards. I know it may happen other places but it should not. Go on LSU's or Arkkansas' or Vandy's message board if you want to trash UT players. I know I may take it personally but I think it is sad that the coaches tell the players and I tell the parents they better be thick skinned to come on here.

Know I enjoy my time on here and the relationships I have built. I try to give back to the VN family but the crazy cousins that show up during the season are hard to deal with. Maybe why I don't go to family reunions in real life. ;)
My response was "in that situation that might not have been the smartest play. Don't know if it was the coach or player." But what was put on VN was he was an idiot. Get him off the field. Why is that kid even playing. Why would we take him from Alabama and so on.

It is sad when players are told do not go on social media or the websites of UT fans and VN is one that is mentioned. Talked to a player, not Kirby yesterday, who said his dad told him point blank after the first game to stay off social media because the UT fans have already turned on the team. My heart hurt a little hearing that from a new player and his dad. That should never happen. Our guys should know that the fans are behind them no matter what, especially the ones on UT message boards. I know it may happen other places but it should not. Go on LSU's or Arkkansas' or Vandy's message board if you want to trash UT players. I know I may take it personally but I think it is sad that the coaches tell the players and I tell the parents they better be thick skinned to come on here.

Know I enjoy my time on here and the relationships I have built. I try to give back to the VN family but the crazy cousins that show up during the season are hard to deal with. Maybe why I don't go to family reunions in real life. ;)
I sincerely feel that it’s the vocal minority and a segment of the “legions of the miserable”. However, it ticks me off to no end to see so called “fans” take cheap shots and disparage our players or team. Many have no clue about baseball, but instead of asking questions, they spew ignorant and demeaning comments. It‘s embarrassing and pathetic.
Baseball isn't a game where you can have these little play to play meltdowns TN fans are known for.

Its a failure sport in general and the longest of seasons.

**But** Its relaxing. It builds. You're almost never out of it. A rough stretch isn't the end of the world; in fact, they're expected. Those are some of the reasons those of us enjoy it like we do.

Its why something like "Gah, can't run into an out there. Gotta get that cleaned up" is taken one way but "That is garbage! What was that idiot doing?! What moron sent him!?" or is taken another.

Season is too long to have to listen to that.
My response was "in that situation that might not have been the smartest play. Don't know if it was the coach or player." But what was put on VN was he was an idiot. Get him off the field. Why is that kid even playing. Why would we take him from Alabama and so on.

It is sad when players are told do not go on social media or the websites of UT fans and VN is one that is mentioned. Talked to a player, not Kirby yesterday, who said his dad told him point blank after the first game to stay off social media because the UT fans have already turned on the team. My heart hurt a little hearing that from a new player and his dad. That should never happen. Our guys should know that the fans are behind them no matter what, especially the ones on UT message boards. I know it may happen other places but it should not. Go on LSU's or Arkkansas' or Vandy's message board if you want to trash UT players. I know I may take it personally but I think it is sad that the coaches tell the players and I tell the parents they better be thick skinned to come on here.

Know I enjoy my time on here and the relationships I have built. I try to give back to the VN family but the crazy cousins that show up during the season are hard to deal with. Maybe why I don't go to family reunions in real life. ;)

In some ways, the board is like the team. At the beginning of a season we might think we know what we got, but you don’t know until the games start. Same here. It takes some time to know who’s who. I hate that coaches, parents and players feel that way, because the vast majority of folks here will never give up on the team, and if it all goes south, we’ll still be right here rooting on the coaches and players. When I say that, I mean, we’ve already proven it. That said, if I was a coach or a parent of a player, sadly, I would give them the same advice. The game day threads are not reflective of the total here and that any player, parent or coach would think they are bothers me more than I can put into words at the moment. I appreciate any parent coming here and sharing insights with the board and I know the majority of folks here do too.

This is my overall philosophy:

1. It’s a game.

2. They’re college students.

3. No one has asked me to coach at this level.

4. I’m in the stands or watching at home hoping for the best, knowing there’s no way as a player I could even come close to making that basket, making that throw, making that hit, etc.

5. I’m watching for fun, and time with family and friends.

I grabbed this from a post in a prior thread, thank you @1RBFjr...........OT
Baseball isn't a game where you can have these little play to play meltdowns TN fans are known for.

Its a failure sport in general and the longest of seasons.

**But** Its relaxing. It builds. You're almost never out of it. A rough stretch isn't the end of the world; in fact, they're expected. Those are some of the reasons those of us enjoy it like we do.

Its why something like "Gah, can't run into an out there. Gotta get that cleaned up" is taken one way but "That is garbage! What was that idiot doing?! What moron sent him!?" or is taken another.

Season is too long to have to listen to that.
Bump. Should be required reading. Go Vols!
Mental error. Wasn’t thinking on that play or don’t know what he was thinking. Lost his touch on the mound right now. Maybe it is time to see what another player can do at that position for a few games.

I know I am expecting too much nowadays for those kinds of statements to be the kinds of negative comments by posters about play of not-yet-fully-matured young men and women who actually have a vested interesting in playing as best they can. I just have to suck it up and accept people don’t know where the line is between constructive criticism and meanness. And many don’t care. No player should have to fear what his or her own fans are saying online.

Frankly, I admit I have become a dated old fool, notwithstanding older posters on here who are not. On some things, I am getting more and more glad of it.

See some of you tomorrow afternoon. GBO!!
In some ways, the board is like the team. At the beginning of a season we might think we know what we got, but you don’t know until the games start. Same here. It takes some time to know who’s who. I hate that coaches, parents and players feel that way, because the vast majority of folks here will never give up on the team, and if it all goes south, we’ll still be right here rooting on the coaches and players. When I say that, I mean, we’ve already proven it. That said, if I was a coach or a parent of a player, sadly, I would give them the same advice. The game day threads are not reflective of the total here and that any player, parent or coach would think they are bothers me more than I can put into words at the moment. I appreciate any parent coming here and sharing insights with the board and I know the majority of folks here do too.


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