I don’t disagree that low level employees like janitors and kitchen staff workers are woefully underpaid. They should be paid more, however I also understand why that hasn’t always been the case but that doesn’t mean it is right. Those types of positions have generally gone to teenagers or low skilled workers and businesses can pay them less because they are easily replaceable due to immigration, people with criminal records, high school students, drop outs, etc. Unfortunately, some of those positions have been filled by hard working individuals who have had hard lives not as a result of their own making who do work very hard and are greatly under appreciated. They deserve more than the crumbs they are given and I would hope a supervisor or owner would recognize that and adjust their pay accordingly. I don’t think you can paint every low skill position similar to those with the same broad brush and demand a living wage because some of those positions aren’t full time or are reserved for part time workers looking for a handful of hours a week. There is no doubt that many positions like bus drivers, janitorial staff, cafeteria workers, substitute teachers, and secretaries are woefully underpaid while working very hard under difficult circumstances.