Worley Haters and Hood Ahead of Mo Couch Complainers

I think the team is on the right track. It was the first game of the season and yea some mistakes were made but all in all the team did a very good job. Under the circumstances of learning a new offense and the pace was enough alone to have some misques, but there was no penalties all game which means they get it to. They will get better as a team and it will reflect on the scoreboard.
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I love Butch and love my VOLS...but I'm really worried about our offense in general. I mean I was honestly bored mid-way through the 2nd qtr, needless to say the second half was even worse. I really hope that there's a lot more electricity than what was shown Saturday. If not, we'll be lucky to win 6 games...seriously. This may be where we are right now simply based on talent.

If a 47 yard TD run bores you?... good grief.

And your evaluation is based on feeling "electricity"?

You might want to think before you post next time... and maybe do a long preview of what you post.
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11 of 13 passes completed ...one miss was on North, another Worley ...others were good enough to catch ..whats the fuss about ...

"We have to have the ability to throw a three-step slant or a five-yard hitch and turn a five-yard gain into a 30-yard gain," said Butch. That's what the fuss is about. Butch's team averaged more per completion than UT did last year. Less than 10 yards per completion doesn't get it in Butch's system (or anybody else's for that matter). Every throw was a little late and a little behind. When the receiver has to stop to catch the ball, there won't be 30 yard gains from 5 yard passes. Worley's throws had no zip whatsoever.

He did make excellent choices both throwing and in the running game.

(It's hard to gauge Peterman because the #2 offensive line didn't play well, but it seemed that he did not make good choices.)
If a 47 yard TD run bores you?... good grief.

And your evaluation is based on feeling "electricity"?

You might want to think before you post next time... and maybe do a long preview of what you post.

You gotta love VNs finest. When we kick the **** out of WKU this weekend, the same ones calling the game to be close will start up more bs threads.
Everybody STFU! God D there are so many analyst and armchair coaches on here. It's stupid. Every time I check into VN, there is another moronic thread of if's, but's, or's , and concern's that it is just plain ridiculous. Most of the posters on here must have an IQ of 10 or below. DAAAMMNNNNN!

it's a message board. do u know what a message board is?
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"We have to have the ability to throw a three-step slant or a five-yard hitch and turn a five-yard gain into a 30-yard gain," said Butch. That's what the fuss is about. Butch's team averaged more per completion than UT did last year. Less than 10 yards per completion doesn't get it in Butch's system (or anybody else's for that matter). Every throw was a little late and a little behind. When the receiver has to stop to catch the ball, there won't be 30 yard gains from 5 yard passes. Worley's throws had no zip whatsoever.
Yeah. You're right. It was all Worley's fault. Jones was either lying or has no idea what he's talking about with all that stuff about the receivers not running their routes right.

And you bet your rear... I am sure he's just all torn up because Worley avg'd 9.5 ypc rather than 10 ypc the first time out....

Give it a break.

He did make excellent choices both throwing and in the running game.

(It's hard to gauge Peterman because the #2 offensive line didn't play well, but it seemed that he did not make good choices.)
No. It isn't that tough. I would really like for Peterman to step up and be the man. I like his personality. Seems to be a first class kid. But his decisions were not "excellent" as you acknowledge Worley's were. If he doesn't clean that up then he's going to be passed by one or both of the true Fr.
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er ... does anybody recall the last time we had a game management type quarterback rather than one with a superstar arm or skills that made few mistakes and stayed within the confines of the offense and what the coaching staff asked him to do? If memory serves it was Tee Martin who produced a NC. Get off Worley for now, Butch and staff have him out there because he gives us our best chance to win.
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er ... does anybody recall the last time we had a game management type quarterback rather than one with a superstar arm or skills that made few mistakes and stayed within the confines of the offense and what the coaching staff asked him to do? If memory serves it was Tee Martin who produced a NC. Get off Worley for now, Butch and staff have him out there because he gives us our best chance to win.

Both Clausens fit this mold. Casey didn't have a bad arm, but he didn't have a Bray/Ainge type arm either.

34-10 with a 14-1 road record with Casey. I'll take that.
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The guy went 11-13 and people are nitpicking the two incompletions. My gosh guys the first string scored 6 of 6 times which is exactly the result you want against a team like AP. No matter the opponent there are going to be incompletions and wrong routes ran. No game will be perfect. Ever. The offense was extremely efficient. And on Worleys running yes he is slow but he isn't asked of the coaches to break a 50 yard run. Any gain off a qb keeper is a plus. Just pick up 3-5 yards.
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Every pass won't be perfect no matter who the hell the qb is. He was 11-13. One was on north. One was his fault. Then Two with good adjustments by receivers. That's football man. That's why you want talent at WR. That's just football

My post wasnt meant to bash Worley as much as it was to defend North.
I thought Worley played a lot better than expected. Although we were playing a high school team. I was thrilled to see his arm strength. He throw a ball down the northwest sideline early in the game that looked to sail 50 yards or so with little effort.

Also his TD pass where he was on his heels backing up and nearly being sacked was impressive. He hung in there and rifled the pass in there impressively. 9-10 times the QB either takes the sack or flies the ball out of the back of the endzone to get rid of it. That showed poise, patients and tons of effort.

The only negative I saw several times is that he didn't see some WIDE OPEN WR at times and would throw into coverage. Doing that against the big boys is another result!!

We were mistake free (no penalties) and Worley deserves credit for his part in that. He showed leadership by getting the play, to the line and getting the plays underway. Don't over look this......We haven't seen this in years on a constant basis......
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If Worley plays at that level throughout the season, we're looking at 4-8 or thereabouts. Off target passes with no zip like he was throwing Saturday night will spell disaster against good SEC defenses.
I thought Worley played a lot better than expected. Although we were playing a high school team. I was thrilled to see his arm strength. He throw a ball down the northwest sideline early in the game that looked to sail 50 yards or so with little effort.

Also his TD pass where he was on his heels backing up and nearly being sacked was impressive. He hung in there and rifled the pass in there impressively. 9-10 times the QB either takes the sack or flies the ball out of the back of the endzone to get rid of it. That showed poise, patients and tons of effort.

The only negative I saw several times is that he didn't see some WIDE OPEN WR at times and would throw into coverage. Doing that against the big boys is another result!!

We were mistake free (no penalties) and Worley deserves credit for his part in that. He showed leadership by getting the play, to the line and getting the plays underway. Don't over look this......We haven't seen this in years on a constant basis......

Solid post, and like you said we played a HS team. Hard to measure against that team. I do hope and think he gets better about seeing the whole field and finding the wide open WR's and putting it where only they can catch it.
If a 47 yard TD run bores you?... good grief.

And your evaluation is based on feeling "electricity"?

You might want to think before you post next time... and maybe do a long preview of what you post.

So you think they'll be able to line it up and run right at Georgia, Florida,SC,Bama, etc etc....? Wow....just wow. We'd better have a well oiled passing game to go with it or they'll put 9 in the box and say BRING IT!! Just hide and watch! And yes...I've thought about my post!
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With the starters, this team was on pace to score 84 freakin points. Stop the whining.
The D gave up zero. Albeit by a shanked FG. I guess they should have held them to negative points.
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So you think they'll be able to line it up and run right at Georgia, Florida,SC,Bama, etc etc....? Wow....just wow. We'd better have a well oiled passing game to go with it or they'll put 9 in the box and say BRING IT!! Just hide and watch! And yes...I've thought of thought about my post!

Its TBD on whether we can line up and run right at those teams... don't count against our O Line. But if they stack nine in the box then I'd run a whole lot of play action bubble screens
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I love Butch and love my VOLS...but I'm really worried about our offense in general. I mean I was honestly bored mid-way through the 2nd qtr, needless to say the second half was even worse. I really hope that there's a lot more electricity than what was shown Saturday. If not, we'll be lucky to win 6 games...seriously. This may be where we are right now simply based on talent.

After last year I can see where you're coming from. Last years offense was fun to watch. Dont think it's talent to blame tho...entirely. Experience has alot to do with it....as does scheme.

This year I'll take boring if it equals more W's.
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Worley needs to be shown the QB slide, or a FL, GA, SC or Bama LB or S will come up and knock the soup out of him. Based on how our 2nd team QB looked, we really need Worley to stay healthy.
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After last year I can see where you're coming from. Last years offense was fun to watch. Dont think it's talent to blame tho...entirely. Experience has alot to do with it....as does scheme.

This year I'll take boring if it equals more W's.

Absolutely...I would too. I just don't think they'll be able to earn more wins if we're going to run 85 percent of the time. Our O line is very good, but our backs are very average....which is not enough in the SEC.
So what is your point. That happens in a lot of games.

My point is that if JW doesn't work on his accuracy, a better defense will be licking their chops to get a chance to pick off those throws. Not bashing JW. He has a ton of upside. He is my QB as long as Butch says so. But his accuracy leaves something to be desired. Why am I a criminal for pointing this out?
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My post wasnt meant to bash Worley as much as it was to defend North.

Butch, you know the guy who coaches the Vols, said the issue wasn't Worley but the WRs not running proper routes. Let's just assume the coach, the guy standing on the sidelines, the one paid millions to coach our team knows what he's talking about. Is that so wrong?

I'm a Worley supporter, yet am not very happy with his performance myself. But Butch to me is like Harold in that all time diamond ad, "Always know your diamonds (in the rough), always know your jeweler (coach), and if Harold (Butch) says it's so, it's so."
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