
Rough, rough night for Peterman...was not very impressed with him. I think next week's game will be a great one. Hopefully the starting O-Line can be the road graders they were tonight! GBO!!
I thought some of the problems with the passing game was play calling. When you've got a QB with questionable accuracy, you don't throw the deep ball. Focus on short curls, crossing patterns and screens to open up the passing game and build confidence.
And all the armchair coaches since Monday dawged Butch for starting Worley. Looks much more stable than NP. Go figure....coach that actually picked up on that in naming a starter.
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This is hysterical. Raving reviews from unbiased friends I'm watching the game with. Yet Volnation criticizes him for "not on the number" throws. Our qb was 11-13 with a couple of drops
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Worley ran a solid first half. A couple of throws were off...mainly to North (maybe their timing was out of sync). Ran well, made few mistakes, good leadership and command presense...or is it pocket presents. lol

I'd give him an A-

Peterman unfortunately gets a C-
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Bunch of jackleg fans that never played a snap dogging our starting QB because they're waiting to see some kid QB they read an article or 2 about...oh and they know better who should be our starter than our head coach does..LOL. Brilliant. GBO VFL
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I thought some of the problems with the passing game was play calling. When you've got a QB with questionable accuracy, you don't throw the deep ball. Focus on short curls, crossing patterns and screens to open up the passing game and build confidence.

Don't agree... You have to have better accuracy to throw those compared to deep balls. Receiver has plenty of time to make adjustments while the ball is in the air on deep balls.
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Where are you getting those times? They aren't accurate, Peterman is clearly faster

I actually talked to Ainge some over the summer and he said that from what he'd seen Worley and peterman were about even is straight line speed but that peterman was harder to take down, had better moves and was just a better overall running qb. But from what I saw tonight that doesn't matter, he has a long long way to go. Sucks too cause he was my pick to to take ove. Really wish we could have seen ferg. I just feel like he has the moxie to be great.
Saw receivers drop balls that were catchable as well, Worley did pretty good definitely not as bad as some try to say. GBO!
Percentage wise, he was very accurate. But some of the passes the receiver had to make the play b/c they were thrown behind said WR.

The first thing I look at if I didn't watch the game would be the stats. I would be really impressed when I saw that he was 11-13. But once I watched the replay of the game, I would notice that some passes were not on target and thrown behind the receiver and such.:twocents:
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Those passes lack zip and accuracy = lots of picks and incompletes against fast defenses.
We will be in deep trouble if we don't develop a QB with some zip and fast release. Surely, Butch realizes this.
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Saw this a while back. Must post.

Worley did pretty darn good, imo. Especially since it's a first game with a brand new recieving corps and split reps for just about everyone. You can't argue with how he managed the game, his completion rate, or really much more than there were a few balls he threw that were too low/not timed right. THAT is damn good showing for an opener.

If you want to see where he really is compare his first game to those of other QBs. UGA's QB, a fifth year senior, is an outstanding QB with plenty of zip and experience and he's making some poor throws and bad decisions in the opener.

People need to chill. First games are first games, no matter who you play against and this one was an excellent one on many levels both in terms of execution and in terms of telling coaches where things are off and what needs to be fixed.
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I doubt if North will be taking him out for a steak dinner any time soon. But I'll take his stat line.

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