Worst Knoxville Sports Radio Personality...

I can't really comment, but I know that anytime I happen to tune into 104.5 here in Nashville I either want to barf or punch my dashboard. These guys are total James Franklin knob gobblers and Vandy homers.

UT Football is very rarely even brought up. I used to listen to Ainge but there were too many damn commercials and it turned into 75% 3rd grade pull my finger jokes instead of actual football talk.
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The Entire Doc Jeff and Heather show is awful. You cover UT. If you know you are covering recruiting on the next show, its not too much to ask for you learn their names.
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I can't really comment, but I know that anytime I happen to tune into 104.5 here in Nashville I either want to barf or punch my dashboard. These guys are total James Franklin knob gobblers and Vandy homers.

UT Football is very rarely even brought up. I used to listen to Ainge but there were too many damn commercials and it turned into 75% 3rd grade pull my finger jokes instead of actual football talk.

Franklin had spats with the morning and noon shows because they actually asked him a legit question or 2 that he didn't want to ask and he refused to go back in their shows.... those guys were/are not Franklin homers. The guys in the afternoon, primarily Travis are absolutely Franklin knob slobbers.

I agree with you about Ainge. When he actually acts like a grown up, about 30% of the time IMO, he gives great insight and analysis. I find myself getting off the TSR app when he and JayBay start in with the sophomoric 7th grade sexual innuendos. Drives me nuts.
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All Heather has going is her looks and honestly they aren't that impressive to offset her other issues.

At times, her arguments with Dearstone can be entertaining, but usually are taxing.

The worst? The absolute worst? As a daily listener who listens throughout the day at work, it is Will West. All of them have their low moments from time to time coming across as arrogant know it alls, but all the rest put together in a week do not match West's arrogance in a single hour. During the three hours of sports 180, I sometimes listen to music, and wait until three for sports talk to begin. When I stay tuned, I wait for some caller to come on, and rip into him. Many times, that is the highlight of the day.

Will West is a complete idiot. I award him no points, and may God have mercy on his soul.
we've all been spoiled by the Jon Ward's, Bobby Denton's, Mike Hammond's, Mike Keith's, and yes to an extent Brent Hubbs as little as he's on the radio. id pay to listen to him over cheggerboard bob all day.

im too lazy for a poll. but im interested in opinions lf the masses. who you got? heather doesnt get a vote bc shes much better looking than any other personalities, and THAT fellas goes a lot farther in that business, than you think.

#4 will west
#3 dave hooker
#2 tony basilio
#1 mickey dearstone

Don't know how far this look would take her

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A better question would be.

Can you name a Knoxville Sports Radio Personality that you enjoy listening to?

Gramps, you know how to get a fight started in here, don't you? If anyone in here started complimenting any of them, someone would get POed, and rip into them.

Much better leaving it to putting down these supposed professionals who, believe it or not, actually get well paid to do what they do.
Heather is one of those people who get by on looks alone for a long time, then people start to get tired of her crap. She is horrible on the radio and has no interpersonal skills whatsoever. She can read a menu and make it annoying.
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A better question would be.

Can you name a Knoxville Sports Radio Personality that you enjoy listening to?

Yeah Swain is my favorite and its not close. As for worst id Say Chris Treece tied with Vince Ferara. Both sre boring.
Gramps, you know how to get a fight started in here, don't you? If anyone in here started complimenting any of them, someone would get POed, and rip into them.

Much better leaving it to putting down these supposed professionals who, believe it or not, actually get well paid to do what they do.

I try on occasion. :)
I agree with most everyone who's been mentioned thus far, but I personally can't stand listening to Andrew Darago (sp?) that is on Hooker's show. The guy always sounds like his eating lunch and mid-chew when he says something. Always seems to say things without thinking them through all the way.

When the whole "getting rid of the Pride" thing broke, his take was "Bye Bye, band. I, and everyone I know, doesn't even get to the stadium to see the band for pregame." What kind of fan cares so little about the pre-game tradition and opening the T?

And then he mentioned on air that he wasn't going to the Tennessee/Florida game on Tuesday because his lady-friend had to study. ? Wouldn't that mean you SHOULD go to the game? "It's okay, honey. I know you're studying, but I'll just stay here and watch Tennessee basketball and disctract you."
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Don't know how far this look would take her


Its funny you posted that. One of the days I was most irritated was when Erik Ainge was put on blast for his DUI by Doc Jeff &Heathers show. However they never mentioned a peep about her DUI and the callers who wanted to ask about it got their call dumped.
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Its funny you posted that. One of the days I was most irritated was when Erik Ainge was put on blast for his DUI by Doc Jeff &Heathers show. However they never mentioned a peep about her DUI and the callers who wanted to ask about it got their call dumped.

Not her
It's easy to pick on Heather, but Doc really is even worse IMO.
I miss how bad Chip Kane was. I enjoyed him just to see what he'd say next. The only thing close we have on the air now is David Foulk on News Talk.
Treece is pretty bad, too.

Why do so many hate on Hooker? I think he's alright.
Josh Ward is the best.

I remember the thread the night she got the dui allegedly and someone posted that pic for fun and admitted it wasnt really her. It did the trick. It might have even been AJERAY. That dude always post stuff that makes me laugh.
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A better question would be.

Can you name a Knoxville Sports Radio Personality that you enjoy listening to?

Terry Fair and Russell Smith of the original Drive show when it was on 100.3.

I still listen to the new show on 94.3, but it isn't the same without T. Fair. Russell lets himself get walked on by idiots like Small Mike (the Cattleman) and the "mayor of South Knoxville" Phil.
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A better question would be.

Can you name a Knoxville Sports Radio Personality that you enjoy listening to?

Treece and Steve Phillips have a good show.
The swain event is good although, Seth Stokes should stop growling when he wants to make a point.
EA show and hooker show are entertaining.
Doc heather and who ever is boring.
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The Worst
1. Will West
2. Doc
3. Heather
4. Hooker
5. Hyams

The Best
1. John Wilkerson
2. Josh West
3. Ainge (when he's sober)
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I like Treece & Swain. Good talkers & VFLs. Ainge is good when sticks to FB. When he strays I switch stations. Doug Matthews is THE BEST. Steve Phillips & Wilkerson are ok. Jeff from DJ&H is ok but I never listen to them anymore. Heather is horrible. & Doc needs to stick to LVBB play by play. Like Tony Bs homerism but too animated & too Yankee. Will west is horrible! All of the bad radio personalities are good compared to the idiot callers though. I'm embarrassed for them, their momma, their friends, UT & the state!
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