kentucky sucks
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The Worst
1. Will West
2. Doc
3. Heather
4. Hooker
5. Hyams
The Best
1. John Wilkerson
2. Josh West
3. Ainge (when he's sober)
The worst:
1. Basilio and it's not even close. The next show prep he does will be the first time for him. The only thing he knows how to do is throw out a controversial topic and cater to the dumbest listeners in the market area (they love him...all 10 of them, they used to call every show). I thought he had finally been run out town but apparently, he still has a show. I saw his car parked out in front of Calhoun's lately. It was filthy and had a faded wrap advertising his show.
2. Heather and Jacoby: Neither one knows anything about sports and neither one ever shuts up. The only time I ever listen to the show is during football seasons when they have Pat Ryan on the air. He knows what he is talking about but Heather and Jeff won't shut up long enough to let him talk. As pointed out earlier they have about 40 min of commercials every hour, too. Doc is OK but the other two plus the callers make the show unbearable.
3. Hooker: The Pillsbury Doughboy with a personality that is part John Adams and part Basilio. Was glad when he left the Knoxville air waves and hated to see him return.
The former players(Swain, Treece, Ainge) on TSR are able to give a good insight to the game but Ainge does get too juvenile too often. Wilkerson and Hyams are good during football season because they give more facts and don't suffer fools who call in with biased comments (they make them back up their statements with facts, which most can't do).
we've all been spoiled by the Jon Ward's, Bobby Denton's, Mike Hammond's, Mike Keith's, and yes to an extent Brent Hubbs as little as he's on the radio. id pay to listen to him over cheggerboard bob all day.
im too lazy for a poll. but im interested in opinions lf the masses. who you got? heather doesnt get a vote bc shes much better looking than any other personalities, and THAT fellas goes a lot farther in that business, than you think.
#4 will west
#3 dave hooker
#2 tony basilio
#1 mickey dearstone
we've all been spoiled by the Jon Ward's, Bobby Denton's, Mike Hammond's, Mike Keith's, and yes to an extent Brent Hubbs as little as he's on the radio. id pay to listen to him over cheggerboard bob all day.
im too lazy for a poll. but im interested in opinions lf the masses. who you got? heather doesnt get a vote bc shes much better looking than any other personalities, and THAT fellas goes a lot farther in that business, than you think.
#4 will west
#3 dave hooker
#2 tony basilio
#1 mickey dearstone
we've all been spoiled by the Jon Ward's, Bobby Denton's, Mike Hammond's, Mike Keith's, and yes to an extent Brent Hubbs as little as he's on the radio. id pay to listen to him over cheggerboard bob all day.
im too lazy for a poll. but im interested in opinions lf the masses. who you got? heather doesnt get a vote bc shes much better looking than any other personalities, and THAT fellas goes a lot farther in that business, than you think.
#4 will west
#3 dave hooker
#2 tony basilio
#1 mickey dearstone
I agree with most everyone who's been mentioned thus far, but I personally can't stand listening to Andrew Darago (sp?) that is on Hooker's show. The guy always sounds like his eating lunch and mid-chew when he says something. Always seems to say things without thinking them through all the way.
When the whole "getting rid of the Pride" thing broke, his take was "Bye Bye, band. I, and everyone I know, doesn't even get to the stadium to see the band for pregame." What kind of fan cares so little about the pre-game tradition and opening the T?
And then he mentioned on air that he wasn't going to the Tennessee/Florida game on Tuesday because his lady-friend had to study. ? Wouldn't that mean you SHOULD go to the game? "It's okay, honey. I know you're studying, but I'll just stay here and watch Tennessee basketball and disctract you."