Would Butch Leave UT For Michigan State If Offered The Head Coaching Job?

He still has family up there and several of his assistants are from that area also. I work with a Mich State alum & he says it would be a done deal. Is Butch really a VFL?

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Butch is here to stay!
Sure hopes so anyway, for at least 5 years.:yes:
Who would leave the best football conference in the country to go elsewhere, especially the Big 10, PAC 10/12, and especially a smaller school or a conference not as good as the top 3-4 conferences in the country?:whistling:
Wow I cant believe someone would even start this thread... Why would someone even think this. STUPID!! Not the poster just the dumbass question!!
He still has family up there and several of his assistants are from that area also. I work with a Mich State alum & he says it would be a done deal. Is Butch really a VFL?

I remember that BUTch told someone the year before he
took the job
that Tennessee was his "Dream Job" and that he would be coaching there some day. Why would he leave his dream job to go to a "nothing" job in the Little 10 to be with Urban? Are you a Vandy troll or an OSU troll? Even outside of football why would ANYONE want to leave Tennessee to go to Michigan. Just doesn't make sense. The Mich St alum that you talked to must be a crack-head.
Michigan State to the Big Ten is what Ole Miss is to the SEC. They have history, but you need to dig back a few decades. However, they lack the tailgating, warm weather, and hot women, so they lose.

This is a stupid thread.
Guys, I hate to be the bearer of bad news. But I help coach the local private High School here in my small town and just talked to the school's head basketball coach and he swears Butch is going to sign a contract to be the Offensive coordinator for the high school here because the uniforms remind him of his high school's uniforms ( which sorta fills that "homesick for Michigan" yearning he's been having). Probably gonna fly straight from Alabama to here after media days...
Guys, I hate to be the bearer of bad news. But I help coach the local private High School here in my small town and just talked to the school's head basketball coach and he swears Butch is going to sign a contract to be the Offensive coordinator for the high school here because the uniforms remind him of his high school's uniforms ( which sorta fills that "homesick for Michigan" yearning he's been having). Probably gonna fly straight from Alabama to here after media days...

Darn. Thanks for ruining my day.
I'm trying to sort out which SEC school you're from. They're all scared now that Butch is cleaning their clocks for the 2014 recruiting class.

My entire post about Gruden & Kiffin and the land ownership and the mother in law etc. etc. was simply me making fun of the people from a year ago who claimed that they knew Gruden would end up here due to him owning land here and due to his mother in law living in this area. They also have a friend who has a friend who lives in Tampa and they saw U.T.'s plane at the air port. They must have been there to see Gruden.

Do you remember those type of posts from last year? Just making fun of those rumors because the M.S.U. topic is ridiculous too.
You lost all credibility when you said, his mother in law lives there"

It was meant as a joke! do you remember a year ago when some of the posters were saying those type of things. Land ownership, mother in law, and seeing the U.T. airplane at the Tampa airport to see Jon Gruden.

I was making fun of those posters from last year......
He still has family up there and several of his assistants are from that area also. I work with a Mich State alum & he says it would be a done deal. Is Butch really a VFL?
If my aunt had balls, would she me my uncle?
I'm sure that Butch is glad that the OP was able to get the dial up working and get his Sony Web TV hooked up so he could leak this top secret insider information. Because the OP leaked this, the BOT will be meeting this afternoon to discuss offering Butch a raise and a contract extension. OP, you have just gotten Butch Jones a raise and he hasn't even coached a single game yet!
Why do people even bring these questions up? I mean.. Last year people were asking about Dooley leaving... I would of packed the bum's bags and rented his U-haul.. Butch isn't going anywhere unless he turns out to be another Dooley..
Remember when this board among others was afraid Dooley was gonna leave for Georgia before he ever coached a game?Uh...

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