Would Butch Leave UT For Michigan State If Offered The Head Coaching Job?

You're a bit late to the party on this one. Our country is going down the crapper.
To the OP: Just say no!

You're right. Now if you'll excuse me I've got riot plans this evening because the Trayvon Martin decision has upset me. I think I will twitter threats first. (sarcasm)
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You shut your ****** mouth!!!!!

a lot of people are agitated with the OP in this thread but im just happy that we are in a position right now to warrant the quoted post. when Butch's name first came up, there was a collective WTF!? 7 months later...
a lot of people are agitated with the OP in this thread but im just happy that we are in a position right now to warrant the quoted post. when Butch's name first came up, there was a collective WTF!? 7 months later...

You're happy that the OP made up a topic about an alum stating its a done deal? Its one thing to bring up a topic based Dobbs truth. Its another when the topic is a lie.
Not worried so much about Butch, but the assistants... I hope we can keep a FULL staff with no changes for at least like 3 years. That is if all pan out like I am hoping for.
He still has family up there and several of his assistants are from that area also. I work with a Mich State alum & he says it would be a done deal. Is Butch really a VFL?

There's always someone who wants to not rain, but take a dump on Tennessee's parade.
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Not worried so much about Butch, but the assistants... I hope we can keep a FULL staff with no changes for at least like 3 years. That is if all pan out like I am hoping for.

I think out of all the coaches, Martinez would be the first to leave. He's been an SEC defensive coordinator before and I wouldn't be surprised if another team offered him a DC position, such as an Arizona or some gay school like that
The fact that the OP has not responded should tell you all you need to know about his motives...
NO! Butch is happy to be at UT and has no reason to leave. This is his dream job and he is doing a great job recruiting because the kids believe in him and that he's here to stay!!!
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He still has family up re and several of his assistants are from that area also. I work with a Mich State alum & he says it would be a done deal. Is Butch really a VFL?

Are you effn kidding me... he hasn't even coached. Game here yet, and your asking that question. ..turn in your vol card
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I remember the thread questioning whether Dooley would leave us for UGA when they fire Richt. Richt beat us three in a row and Dooley is gone. Let's see how he does with his current job first.
So he is going to come to UT, put together the best class in the country then downgrade by leaving the SEC for Michigan State? All before he even coaches ONE GAME. Butch ain't leaving anytime soon. But I would not be upset if he did go there in 5 or 6 years. You don't have to stay on the hill all your life to be a VFL. Not to mention, he has become somewhat of a celebrity since coming here. We have better resources, facilities, tradition, stadium, fans, players, conference, and girls.
Insert GTFO gif

I'm just going to barrage the OP with FAIL gifs.

He would be going to a lessor conference and a lessor program and probably at lessor pay. Also, no Rocky Top, Smokey, or Vol Navy....And where would Dantonio go?

a Big Fat NYET!!!
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I think out of all the coaches, Martinez would be the first to leave. He's been an SEC defensive coordinator before and I wouldn't be surprised if another team offered him a DC position, such as an Arizona or some gay school like that

What other homosexual schools are on your list?
Posted via VolNation Mobile
I am bored as hell so I will attempt to give you some reasoning to go and laugh at your buddy:

1) The complaint at UT has been "it's hard to recruit to UT". Butch says BS.
2) If he is any kind of coach and signs the class he has now and continues to sign classes like this, he will win. Period. He will win often and win big.
3) If he completes #2, there will be no need for him to take a demotion to MSU. Vol Fans and boosters will pay him what he wants as long as he is winning.
4) If he doesn't win, MSU won't hire him anyway.

Therefore, when he is successful here, he will create his own dynasty and will laugh at MSU.

Having said all that, this is a stupid thread.
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