Would Butch Leave UT For Michigan State If Offered The Head Coaching Job?

The answer is no... at least no time soon. I think the character of the guy virtually precludes it from happening. But I think he also knows the difference between what he has at UT and what he would have at MSU.
He still has family up there and several of his assistants are from that area also. I work with a Mich State alum & he says it would be a done deal. Is Butch really a VFL?
No way. Michigan Sate is not the same kind of school as Michigan.
He still has family up there and several of his assistants are from that area also. I work with a Mich State alum & he says it would be a done deal. Is Butch really a VFL?

we have our next head coach on staff now" , when Fulmer hired Dave Clawson as OC???
I don't think we need to worry about Butch leaving until he has built this team up to contend for a SEC Championship, then maybe we need to start to worry.

The fact that this question has come up with Dooley and Butch before they have even coached a game just shows the psychological damage Kiffin did to the fan base. Relax, enjoy the success we're having in recruiting right now, and clean the portable grill in preparation for tailgating. Kiffin wont hurt us again, I promise.
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Yeah OP, be worried. I hear Butch seems to get a bit more hyped when Pam Ward is calling his team's games at 11am central every Saturday.
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I heard that he is like Jon Gruden and Kiffin and he has land there. Also, his mother in law still lives there. I have a cousin who plays hockey for the Michigan State hockey team ( I am not kidding about that) He says he saw the U.T. plane at the Lansing Michigan airport yesterday and that they are drawing up a contract for Jones, in the event that their current coach is fired and Jones can take his place.

It is a done deal, so book it!!! Jones is gone, after this one season.

You lost all credibility when you said, his mother in law lives there"
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He still has family up there and several of his assistants are from that area also. I work with a Mich State alum & he says it would be a done deal. Is Butch really a VFL?

He still has family up there and several of his assistants are from that area also. I work with a Mich State alum & he says it would be a done deal. Is Butch really a VFL?

Yes, people would go anywhere where they have family. I hear John Gruden's wife is from here and that she used to be a UT cheerleader. I bet if UT has another job opening, in any sport or any department, Gruden would jump at it. It's a done deal. :good!:
thats not even a lateral move thats a backwards ass move!!! SEC program with the very best facilities and best stadium in the country.... then you have a B1G program that is second in there own state and not moving forward... dumb question.
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I heard that he is like Jon Gruden and Kiffin and he has land there. Also, his mother in law still lives there. I have a cousin who plays hockey for the Michigan State hockey team ( I am not kidding about that) He says he saw the U.T. plane at the Lansing Michigan airport yesterday and that they are drawing up a contract for Jones, in the event that their current coach is fired and Jones can take his place.

It is a done deal, so book it!!! Jones is gone, after this one season.

Can I borrow your mattress...I need mine to sleep on!
He still has family up there and several of his assistants are from that area also. I work with a Mich State alum & he says it would be a done deal. Is Butch really a VFL?

This absolutely has to be an ingeniously sarcastic post, by a bored fan in the middle of the dog days of CFB, to prove that someone with less than 30 posts shouldn't be able to start a thread...he didn't even try to lie and say that the Spartan alum he works with is a big-time booster...Butch hasn't even coached a game yet...how could he possib--nope, not gonna fall for it.
I don't think we need to worry about Butch leaving until he has built this team up to contend for a SEC Championship, then maybe we need to start to worry.

The fact that this question has come up with Dooley and Butch before they have even coached a game just shows the psychological damage Kiffin did to the fan base. Relax, enjoy the success we're having in recruiting right now, and clean the portable grill in preparation for tailgating. Kiffin wont hurt us again, I promise.

You are so right. I am still upset about Kiffin and it does play on the mind.
Michigan State?



Yeah, let's leave the SEC where you can recruit the best players in the country for East Lansing effing Michigan.
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