Would our government experiment on a group of its citizens even if it meant killing alll number of them?

It is difficult to diagnose because the CDC and IDSA, both government agencies, do not have the diagnostic and treatment regimens in place for this disease.
If you look up Lyme on CDC.gov you will see completely different statistics than the doctors who are finding it outside their guidelines.

If a doctor suspects it, he completes the steps provided by CDC and IDSA. By doing this, it will be missed. Dr Richard Horowitz and others are pushing for change.

Have you listened to what Dr. Burgdoferi, the founder of Borriella burgdoferi, has to say about this disease? You tube it.

It has spread by many reasons such as through animal migration, blood transfusions, and by placenta.

Again, your opinion is your own, but I invite anyone to live with this illness for 1 week. Let it completely change your life, go to IV clinics, shoot your thighs with injections every day, live with side effects of meds,
Live this, talk to people with it,
Then and only then will I listen to your opinion.

I guess what I am saying is that I don't blame the CDC for misdiagnosing because they don't know. However I would blame them for not knowing, because that is their job. It may seem a trite distinction but it is a big one for me.

and part of the reason i pull up short at blaming the government for the disease, or how far it has spread, is because I don't know how far up the ladder it goes. If this was just one guy working for the government on insect transmitted disease and lyme got out because of him, i would blame him, not the government. Now if a government agency okayed the plan to release on locals I would blame that agency, not the government/elected officials. If some elected official, government over-site group okayed it, or it was part of an 'official' policy I would blame the government. Without knowing all the pieces I find it difficult to assign blame to anyone.
I guess what I am saying is that I don't blame the CDC for misdiagnosing because they don't know. However I would blame them for not knowing, because that is their job. It may seem a trite distinction but it is a big one for me.

and part of the reason i pull up short at blaming the government for the disease, or how far it has spread, is because I don't know how far up the ladder it goes. If this was just one guy working for the government on insect transmitted disease and lyme got out because of him, i would blame him, not the government. Now if a government agency okayed the plan to release on locals I would blame that agency, not the government/elected officials. If some elected official, government over-site group okayed it, or it was part of an 'official' policy I would blame the government. Without knowing all the pieces I find it difficult to assign blame to anyone.

I do blame the CDC. They do very well know the issues right now but are completely denying what is happening. They set forth the diagnostic and treatment regimens for all infectious diseases. It is their job and they have failed! There are doctors giving speeches and debating with the CDC on the seriousness of this.

To this day, with hundreds of thousands sick across the world, they still deny Lyme exists outside the northeast. They also deny this infection persist after a 30 day antibiotic regimen. They describe my condition as Post Lyme disease treatment syndrome. How can I have this post syndrome when I was never treated for it. 4 years of it!
Say they are right and this is damage left from this infection. Could you please help me?
They have not updated the diagnostic and treatment protocols in over a decade. What if that were cancer? Heart disease? Hiv?
Meanwhile, the CDC is making absolutely no progress with an illness that has left me half alive. The physicians at CDC state we have something else. Well what is it?????

So here I am, struggling to survive, searching for a cure because the CDC sure isn't!
So, yes they know and are at fault for sleeping while I slowly die.

I cannot say 100% this is a government conspiracy. I do know it has circumstances surrounding it that draws suspicion on my part. Funny how this fossil article pops up to steer suspicion away from the conspiracy theory.
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I do blame the CDC. They do very well know the issues right now but are completely denying what is happening. They set forth the diagnostic and treatment regimens for all infectious diseases. It is their job and they have failed! There are doctors giving speeches and debating with the CDC on the seriousness of this.

To this day, with hundreds of thousands sick across the world, they still deny Lyme exists outside the northeast. They also deny this infection persist after a 30 day antibiotic regimen. They describe my condition as Post Lyme disease treatment syndrome. How can I have this post syndrome when I was never treated for it. 4 years of it!
Say they are right and this is damage left from this infection. Could you please help me?
They have not updated the diagnostic and treatment protocols in over a decade. What if that were cancer? Heart disease? Hiv?
Meanwhile, the CDC is making absolutely no progress with an illness that has left me half alive. The physicians at CDC state we have something else. Well what is it?????

So here I am, struggling to survive, searching for a cure because the CDC sure isn't!
So, yes they know and are at fault for sleeping while I slowly die.

I cannot say 100% this is a government conspiracy. I do know it has circumstances surrounding it that draws suspicion on my part. Funny how this fossil article pops up to steer suspicion away from the conspiracy theory.

I am agreeing with you, the CDC needs to update their procedures.
If you're goal is to eliminate a group of people, why use a sexually transmitted disease? Especially one that isn't immediately fatal.
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I am agreeing with you, the CDC needs to update their procedures.

Did you read the CDC section on Lyme?
Please do, then look up DR Richard Horowitz. He has some modules to help diagnose Lyme quickly and treatment regimens.
The data he presents is so different than the CDC.

We have a joke among the Lyme community. There is CDC positive Lyme Disease and non CDC positive.
My lab test was initially negative, but then positive.
If you're goal is to eliminate a group of people, why use a sexually transmitted disease? Especially one that isn't immediately fatal.

Extermination is a poor choice of wording on my part. Experiment does fit though.
Best case (if the article is correct) there was hiv in the vaccine by mistake and the government is denying it. Worst case the government saw gay people as "unpopular" at the time and therefore available to be experimented on.
Red, best of luck going forward. We'll keep you in our thoughts.

Ummmm..... did you ever think that maybe you're severely allergic to Slice? I keed, I keed.........
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Here's an interesting article from National Geographic last year:

What Is Lyme Disease? New Findings Deepen the Mystery

It is interesting. I agree with the sexual transmission. The rest of the article completely belittles my suffering.

The beginning of the article states this is a catch all diagnosis. This is far from the truth. Fibromyalgia gets that honor. Most of us go years and years with multiple diagnosis before Lyme is even considered. By "people" I am referring to the people I have met on this horrific path in clinics, and forums.

Also, psychosomatic symptoms? When the doctors couldn't figure me out, I was sent to cognitive behavioral therapy because evidently I'm that great of an actress. I guess after I picked blackberries, I decided to make this up.
What I can tell you is they were right about one thing, IT is all in my head, ITS A BRAIN INFECTION!!!

Also, why suddenly does this caveman have Lyme disease? Is it to take the heat off the problem?

The author of this article also keeps referring to those doctors treating chronic Lyme as "counter culture". I'm sure the guy who place the first stent in a coronary artery was also counter cultural.(I am an RN for 22 years. Worked in Cath lab.)

I could tear this apart....
A friend of mine had Lyme disease while in high school in TN. And there's no way this kid was getting laid or visiting the north east.
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Did you read the CDC section on Lyme?
Please do, then look up DR Richard Horowitz. He has some modules to help diagnose Lyme quickly and treatment regimens.
The data he presents is so different than the CDC.

We have a joke among the Lyme community. There is CDC positive Lyme Disease and non CDC positive.
My lab test was initially negative, but then positive.

the Lyme Disease section has always seemed thin to me, on the CDC website, especially after i heard how bad you had it.

I know nothing about how it works but can't Horowitz go give some lectures or something to the CDC? give them his testing parameters or data? It seems there is a level of communication not happening.
the Lyme Disease section has always seemed thin to me, on the CDC website, especially after i heard how bad you had it.

I know nothing about how it works but can't Horowitz go give some lectures or something to the CDC? give them his testing parameters or data? It seems there is a level of communication not happening.

He has spoken at conferences all over.
I read an article a doctor wrote about chronic Lyme disease. He doesn't deny the existence of Lyme just that it is not chronic. There is a celebrity Yolanda Foster who has it. She is on Real Housewives of Hollywood. The name of it is Real Housewife, Fake Disease.
With the medical community torn over its very existence, how will we get well??
I got laughed at for saying that we have people in our govt that would be willing to take a chance on winning a first strike nuclear war. If they are capable of releasing a bio-weapon on us, they would certainly try to hunker down while the rest of humanity has to deal with a nuclear war.

How in the world do these people seem to always pop up in our govt?

Nuclear War With Russia "Winnable" Said Trump's Incoming National Security Advisor

I got laughed at for saying that we have people in our govt that would be willing to take a chance on winning a first strike nuclear war. If they are capable of releasing a bio-weapon on us, they would certainly try to hunker down while the rest of humanity has to deal with a nuclear war.
I'm. Not laughing. Our gov is complicit in so many black ops and bioengineered warfare it's not even deniable anymore. The only reason the cdc is so concerned about Ebola entering the country is that it can't be controlled.
We did use our own people to test nuclear weapons, neurological agents and skin agents. Then the gov 40 years later finally fessed up. My microbiology teacher once made a comment, he worked for the cdc before, " you'd never believe the things they're capable of" yes actually, yes i would.
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I'm. Not laughing. Our gov is complicit in so many black ops and bioengineered warfare it's not even deniable anymore. The only reason the cdc is so concerned about Ebola entering the country is that it can't be controlled.
We did use our own people to test nuclear weapons, neurological agents and skin agents. Then the gov 40 years later finally fessed up. My microbiology teacher once made a comment, he worked for the cdc before, " you'd never believe the things they're capable of" yes actually, yes i would.
There’s also a conspiracy about the CDC expert that “drowned” in Atalanta a while back. He was an expert on Zika and a few others. There was strong speculation that he stumbled upon something he shouldn’t have and was killed for it.

EXCLUSIVE: CDC researcher had personal struggles before suicide
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