Wow, Paul Krugman showing why he got that Nobel Prize in Economics

Debt Is Good: Paul Krugman

Believe it or not, many economists argue that the economy needs a sufficient amount of public debt out there to function well. And how much is sufficient? Maybe more than we currently have. That is, there’s a reasonable argument to be made that part of what ails the world economy right now is that governments aren’t deep enough in debt.
Krugman had a debate with Ron Paul a few years ago, I think on Larry King or Blitzer, and of course he was absolutely destroyed.

I don't understand how people can actually believe the debt we are accruing, is not only a positive, but increasingly beneficial and directly correlated to our power and future growth.
Wait a minute …did this numb nutz just actually say that NOBODY saw a supply chain / logistics problem ( coming at us like a train wreck about to happen) after shutting down the planets largest economy , forcing lock downs , encouraging mandates that would cause people to be unemployed if they didn’t bend the knee and capitulate? Really ?

That’s what he said. He should have been reading VN a couple years ago.
Maybe if the administration wasn't filled with career politicians and sycophants (most never having ran a business or had a leadership role in a business) they would have seen it coming . Maybe have contingency plans in place . Maybe act early instead of casting blame and doing nothing.

Tell the person running the teleprompter they suck.

So did Trump see it coming? He helped send us down this path. Is it better to know and jack the value of our $ or do it in ignorance (allegedly)?
How do you not see it coming with the debt we have been piling on since 2001? How many VolNationites have been jumping up and down over it? Somebody tell Krugman if you touch a hot iron, you’ll get burned too!
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This is true. Way too much uncertainty generated by the government with Obamacare and other proposed regulations for much investment and hiring to go on.

Total crap. Nice Repub line, problem is hiring numbers have remained high and there is a ton of cash in economy.

If you're not making boatloads of money right now it's because you're too stupid to know how. I really mean that.

Look at all the $750k homes being built out in far west Knox County. That money is coming from somewhere. I had a builder from Nashville tell me that as hot as the real estate market is in metro Nashville, their biggest growth area is Knoxville.

We're seeing numbers from our clients that are just stunning. We're putting together a syndication of a client's business that is nothing more than pet stores. Pet stores? But we're expecting a capital investment of $10 million. Their big hook is that they surprise inspect every breeder they buy from at least once a year. Doesn't sound like much but their sales have exploded once they made that their central theme.
Total crap. Nice Repub line, problem is hiring numbers have remained high and there is a ton of cash in economy.

If you're not making boatloads of money right now it's because you're too stupid to know how. I really mean that.

Look at all the $750k homes being built out in far west Knox County. That money is coming from somewhere. I had a builder from Nashville tell me that as hot as the real estate market is in metro Nashville, their biggest growth area is Knoxville.

We're seeing numbers from our clients that are just stunning. We're putting together a syndication of a client's business that is nothing more than pet stores. Pet stores? But we're expecting a capital investment of $10 million. Their big hook is that they surprise inspect every breeder they buy from at least once a year. Doesn't sound like much but their sales have exploded once they made that their central theme.

The post of mine you quoted was in reference to Obama's first term, the passage of ACA and all of the uncertainty it and the delays in it's implementation caused. Hell, it was posted in 2013 and has nothing to do with what is going on now, maybe you are just too stupid to comprehend?
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Maybe if the administration wasn't filled with career politicians and sycophants (most never having ran a business or had a leadership role in a business) they would have seen it coming . Maybe have contingency plans in place . Maybe act early instead of casting blame and doing nothing.

Tell the person running the teleprompter they suck.
Most of the folks in this administration has never worked a job they went from college into politics in some form or fashion. Maybe a brief stop as a lawyer.
Most of the folks in this administration has never worked a job they went from college into politics in some form or fashion. Maybe a brief stop as a lawyer.
You don't have to be the smartest guy or gal in the room . Just the one that knows how to hire them.
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The post of mine you quoted was in reference to Obama's first term, the passage of ACA and all of the uncertainty it and the delays in it's implementation caused. Hell, it was posted in 2013 and has nothing to do with what is going on now, maybe you are just too stupid to comprehend?

Hog, you're so funny. You've got all this anger stored up. I so enjoy getting you riled up. Keep it coming.

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