Yahoo claiming Bray and Couch (among others) took cash? (Merged)

Failure to monitor.

This isn't widespread enough or enough money to be that IMO. I agree with the others. Couch might be done and we might have to vacate some of Dooley's few victories, but I don't see anything above that.
So much for the only thing CDD could lay claim to. . . a clean program. Now he has no legacy except for the VFL program, and better shower habits.

There are always a lot of things that go on behind the scenes that coaches have no knowledge of. Oh, they know it happens, but probably not who or when or how it does.

CDD always struck me as a straight shooter when it came to things like that. Not defending him, but he just doesn't strike me as the kind of person that someone would want involved in that.
I'll repeat this one last time for those not paying attention. The guy who wrote the story is an Oregon graduate, who is now @ USC LAW who is also heavily involved in politics (plays dirty with no morals). Get it?

I'll repeat this one last time for those not paying attention. The guy who wrote the story is an Oregon graduate, who is now @ USC LAW who is also heavily involved in politics (plays dirty with no morals). Get it?

Hey, bro, Yahoo! broke the story on the whole Lyles thing. He didn't do this to gain an edge and get a back up DT suspended.

That just sounds ridiculous.
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Good question Butch. Bit of a knee jerk reaction on my part but whatevs... posted with full knowledge of repercussions likely coming my way from said VFL Police.... Ain't skeered....

You're a warrior KB...stay frosty
Posted via VolNation Mobile
I think what scares me is if the NCAA starts to investigate this, that more players are going to turn up. I seriously doubt that Bray and Couch were the only guys involved. Hopefully UT keeps the NCAA at bay with this.
Those who think this is not a big deal simply do not understand how the NCAA works. Tennessee was playing two players who were not eligible to play while Tennessee was on NCAA probation. Whether or not Tennessee knew is completely irrelevant.

It is relevant. Their response once they knew is relevant and the controls in place are relevant. How they met the agent is relevant.
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Does not matter where the guy graduated from... if they have evidence, then they have it.... it does not change because someone graduated from Oregon...

I have supported the Vols for several years ...beginning with 1965 and up to the present...and will continue to do so until the day they bury me...but if the evidence is there, we need to pay the price and move forward

NOW BRING ON THE DUCKS :machgun::machgun::gun:
Those who think this is not a big deal simply do not understand how the NCAA works. Tennessee was playing two players who were not eligible to play while Tennessee was on NCAA probation. Whether or not Tennessee knew is completely irrelevant.

This. Whether we like it or not, whether we think it's fair or not, Tennessee has been in trouble quite a few times over the last several years. The NCAA has shown they will crack down on a school that (in THEIR opinion) has shown a pattern of rule breaking.
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Good grief people these guys would take down Oregon for a story. We didn't need couch ineligible to win.


Maybe not, but the timing is awfully convenient. Not to mention, you don't exactly make any compelling points to back your argument.

Sounds to me when it comes to winning and losing. You are 0 for life when it comes to rational/logical arguments.
It's simple, we are on probation until 2015. Yahoo has documentation, the NCAA has egg on its face for screwing up the Miami investigation, they will take their time and come down hard. They only thing that might hold back a harsh penalty is that Alabama is up to their ears in this and how bad does the NCAA want to give their golden boys a black eye and take away wins?
Regardless Mo Couch needs to sit down until this is ironed.
This. Whether we like it or not, whether we think it's fair or not, Tennessee has been in trouble quite a few times over the last several years. The NCAA has shown they will crack down on a school that (in THEIR opinion) has shown a pattern of rule breaking.

What rule did UT break?
Just sit Couch for the first half of Oregon and dare the NCAA to do something. We're looking at ~1800.00 bucks for two players, one of whom isn't here anymore, with no evidence that any of the payments were known to any football staff member.

The Bama player got paid 10s of thousands and the NCAA can't afford to bring down both teams.

This is just more of the same, the NCAA can't stop the market from paying these kids.

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