Yahoo claiming Bray and Couch (among others) took cash? (Merged)

Big difference was the head coach knew about it and let them play anyways. HUGE difference. Tennessee had no way of knowing this. Tell me one thing UT should have done differently? Handcuffed the players to their beds until game day?

Don't try to subdue their freak out. They gettin it on!
This whole thing might explain why we have seen so little of Couch so far?

After reading the whole article, I think Bama has more to worry about than any one else. Fluker, et al., are the majority thrust of the investigative work.

If our boys were involved, even for the penny anti stuff listed, then the UTAD has no choice but to take action.

So much for the only thing CDD could lay claim to. . . a clean program. Now he has no legacy except for the VFL program, and better shower habits.
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So if bama has to vacate wins, can we make a shirt that says Got 15? Then an X on it and make them 14, 13, etc.
Failure to monitor.
I don't think it's a failure to monitor. The university's ability to monitor what players do out of class or practice is far too limited. A university certainly doesn't have control over what a player does in his free time. Nor does a university keep tabs on a players bank account or wallet for that matter- or at least not to my knowledge! As I'm sure most of us have figured out by now, financial endeavors and/or "discussions" between prospective NFL players and agents naturally happen. If a player gets wind of a "generous" agent, one who has a way of "allocating funds" to a prospect or player, then that player may decide to see if it's true or they may already know based on what another player has said. So it's nothing to do with a lack of oversight, in my opinion. I reckon had everyone been smart about what allegedly occurred here, no news would have come of it and everything would've been dandy. It probably would have gone unnoticed / unknown, like I'm sure most "allocations" or "invoices" from prospect to agent / whomever typically do. Just my opinion, but I'm sure in the back of our minds we know this happens a lot more than we'd like to believe. It's just always shocking to hear about it when the home team is involved; even if it just involves the individual players.
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NCAA is toothless. Nothing will come of this. One more reason to form a super division and leave the NCAA behind.
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Is it starting to click now? Oregon is scared. This guy is definitely scared. My guess is he has money on it. If true.. yahoo has lost ALL credibility.
Lol. Yea, love those college football programs crippled because of the few hundreds bucks some players received that the school had no knowledge of.

List those schools for me again.

You are making perfect sense

Its just not that hard to understand
Is it starting to click now? Oregon is scared. This guy is definitely scared. My guess is he has money on it. If true.. yahoo has lost ALL credibility.

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I'll repeat this one last time for those not paying attention. The guy who wrote the story is an Oregon graduate, who is now @ USC LAW who is also heavily involved in politics (plays dirty with no morals). Get it?

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