Yahoo claiming Bray and Couch (among others) took cash? (Merged)

BOOM! Is this the same guy? Looks like him.

Rand Getlin graduated from the University of Oregon with a degree in Political Science with minor emphasis in History and Business Administration, and is currently a J.D. candidate at the USC Gould School of Law
Tennessee is on freaking probation. Makes it a big deal.

This issue has to do with player eligibility. Tennessee as an institution was not involved in this. How can you not understand that? The most that can happen here is we will have to vacate wins from games these guys played in because accepting money from an agent would have rendered them ineligible. Even so, I don't see that happening for a few hundred bucks. Couch might have to sit a game. UT is not in the wrong here.
I couldn't stomach reading the entire thread. Are those alleged receipt dates before or after the NCAA put us on probation?
This will be used against us on the recruiting trail.

Um no. Sure we may have to forfeit some games that they played in, but this is not going to have any long term repercussions (assuming nothing else comes up in an investigation) nor are players going to decide to come here because a couple of players got a bit of money.
Lol. Yea, love those college football programs crippled because of the few hundreds bucks some players received that the school had no knowledge of.

List those schools for me again.

Ummm..the Ohio State scandal (resulting in significant scholly reductins, post season ban, and HEAVY recruiting restrictions) all started because some players took a couple hundred bucks here, couple hundred bucks just gave the NCAA a door to come through and find the bigger stuff like the tattos, cars, big cash deposits, etc.
Lol. Yea, love those college football programs crippled because of the few hundreds bucks some players received that the school had no knowledge of.

List those schools for me again.

OK buddy. Let me break it down. We are on probation right now. We got bent over IMO for Bruce Pearl and Kiffin. What happens now? It is not good.
I couldn't stomach reading the entire thread. Are those alleged receipt dates before or after the NCAA put us on probation?

Doesn't matter, the university is not tied to this. Couch on the other hand has issues regarding eligibility.
Gonna need more than those of you freaking out.

What exactly did UT do here?

Those who think this is not a big deal simply do not understand how the NCAA works. Tennessee was playing two players who were not eligible to play while Tennessee was on NCAA probation. Whether or not Tennessee knew is completely irrelevant.
Well **** I hope we don't have to forfeit all our wins and bowl wins while he and Dooley were here...... Oh wait nvm on another note I did really like Bray and wish he would of stayed this year he's 10 times better then Worley
Pay attention ya'll. The guy that wrote the story is an OREGON graduate. he is also heavily involved in POLITICS. My guess is he also has money on Oregon. Investigate THAT.
Ummm..the Ohio State scandal (resulting in significant scholly reductins, post season ban, and HEAVY recruiting restrictions) all started because some players took a couple hundred bucks here, couple hundred bucks just gave the NCAA a door to come through and find the bigger stuff like the tattos, cars, big cash deposits, etc.

You mean the number 3 ranked buckeyes?

Totally crippling. Good example.
Ummm..the Ohio State scandal (resulting in significant scholly reductins, post season ban, and HEAVY recruiting restrictions) all started because some players took a couple hundred bucks here, couple hundred bucks just gave the NCAA a door to come through and find the bigger stuff like the tattos, cars, big cash deposits, etc.

Big difference was the head coach knew about it and let them play anyways. HUGE difference. Tennessee had no way of knowing this. Tell me one thing UT should have done differently? Handcuffed the players to their beds until game day?

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