Yahoo claiming Bray and Couch (among others) took cash? (Merged)

Cam Newton got paid 100,000 at Auburn and the NCAA never did anything. NOTHING should happen with this.

You're right but this is the NCAA we're talking about. Penalties range from "drop and give me 20" to "Program death penalty- SMU Mustangs style". Who knows what's gonna happen?
Since Couch is implicated and UT has knowledge that there were possible payments, he has to sit

If UT plays him, they will have played an ineligible player, and could forfeit any game he played in

If Couch took money, I don't care how nice of a guy he is, he pissed his chance and now has to face the music
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Championship no, but we are playing for a bowl game, and more importantly the extra month of practice with a young team that goes with it

We would have to vacate our 2 wins if Couch is declared ineligible, what's the chances of us making a bowl game without them?

I say play him, what do we have to lose?
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He's from Cali genius, but then again I wouldn't expect an A&M fan to worry about facts when its just so much easier to say whatever they think regardless of the truth.

I'm just following suit as to what a ton of your comrades have done to me. Who needs facts? Deal with it.
Unreal. Sit Couch in Knoxville this weekend. Just when things were looking up. And yes I am freaking out. My god. When is this gonna end fellas? Damn.
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Unreal. Sit Couch in Knoxville this weekend. Just when things were looking up. And yes I am freaking out. My god. When is this gonna end fellas? Damn.

Never. UT players have been paid for decades and will remain getting paid. Same as all other big time programs.
Fair or not, Couch will have to sit this one out during the investigation (or every game until the investigation is complete).

"The whole is greater than the sum of its parts."
Fair or not, Couch will have to sit this one out during the investigation (or every game until the investigation is complete).

"The whole is greater than the sum of its parts."

What investigation? You have knowledge the NCAA has one going?

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