Yeah, the days of abusing the Bible to justify violence are long gone

I'm curious as to what ya'll see as the difference between current day Islamic extremists and the Crusaders of the middle ages?

crusaders were going based on someones ideas, not what the Bible actually says

the koran actually says that stuff.
the koran calls for the murder and beheading of people, and where in the New Testament does it call for that?
Slay them wherever ye find them, and drive them out of the places whence they drove you out ... If they attack you (there) then slay them. Such is the reward of disbelievers.--2:191

Those who disbelieve Our revelations, We shall expose them to the Fire. As often as their skins are consumed We shall exchange them for fresh skins that they may taste the torment.--4:18
The only reward of those who make war upon Allah and His messenger and strive after corruption in the land will be that they will be killed or crucified, or have their hands and feet on alternate sides cut off, or will be expelled out of the land. Such will be their degradation in the world, and in the Hereafter theirs will be an awful doom.--5:33
Slay the idolaters wherever ye find them, and take them (captive), and besiege them, and prepare for them each ambush.--9:5
None of that is much different from what's in the bible's OT. I'm guessing you're coming from the view that the NT supersedes the OT?
Well, Christianity is based upon the New Testament, which is the New Law that was established when Jesus died on the Cross. This was symbolized by the tearing of the veil of the temple from top to bottom, signifying a new law. The Old Testament is a history, and establishes the lineage of Jesus and validates through prophesy of the Son of God.

So yes, for Christians, the New Testament supercedes the Old Testament.

if you are Jewish, then the Old Testament is still the law.
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we shall expose them to fire, translation, we will send them to hell. Move them to the front of the line, Front of the bus, you know murder them

make war on Allah-not believing in that faith, and therefore able to be slaughtered according to "the religion of peace"
This is en effort by LG to upstage Jesus, and I don't mean Obama, on palm Sunday.



Well, Christianity is based upon the New Testament, which is the New Law that was established when Jesus died on the Cross. This was symbolized by the tearing of the veil of the temple from top to bottom, signifying a new law. The Old Testament is a history, and establishes the lineage of Jesus and validates through prophesy of the Son of God.

So yes, for Christians, the New Testament supercedes the Old Testament.

if you are Jewish, then the Old Testament is still the law.

Ok, we've established that both the koran and bible contain some pretty violent ideas/verses.

I'm still not sure what you think the difference is, then, in modern day islamic extremists and the crusaders since both books contain loads of violence and "kill them if they don't agree" type ideals.
Ok, we've established that both the koran and bible contain some pretty violent ideas/verses.

I'm still not sure what you think the difference is, then, in modern day islamic extremists and the crusaders since both books contain loads of violence and "kill them if they don't agree" type ideals.

I have provided specific verses in the koran that deals with the violence. Now please tell me where in the NEW TESTAMENT it specifically talks about violence against non believers as does the Koran.
I'm not implying that Christianity is on the same level of violence as Islam. Religious beliefs lie on a continuum in this regard. For instance, we don't have to worry about the Amish killing people for non-belief, whether it be on the level of Christians in the Congo or Taliban terrorists.

But that doesn't change what the text in the Bible or Qu'ran say. And it certainly doesn't change the fact that people will interpret passages to fit their agenda. But just like Christians or Jews with the OT, not all Muslims literally believe all infidels should be beheaded.

I don't think this excuses what the text says, or the danger of believing these bronze age texts of myths, but good people will practice the good beliefs and bad people will practice the bad beliefs. Evidence still, IMO, that humanity can define morality and we don't need religious texts to do it for us.
I'm curious as to what ya'll see as the difference between current day Islamic extremists and the Crusaders of the middle ages?

I'd say the biggest difference is about 1,000 years! Why are you trying to compare apples to oranges?
I'd say the biggest difference is about 1,000 years! Why are you trying to compare apples to oranges?

Funny you should say that. The crusades happened roughly 1200 years after the NT, and Islam is currently at that same timeline after it took hold. I guess we should go ahead and assume it takes a particular religious belief about 1000 years to learn how to behave.

All rough estimates of course.
I have provided specific verses in the koran that deals with the violence. Now please tell me where in the NEW TESTAMENT it specifically talks about violence against non believers as does the Koran.

I'm not arguing that the NT says anything about violence against non believers. I'm arguing that the crusades were an example of violent religious extremism, just as today's extreme muslims are.
I have provided specific verses in the koran that deals with the violence. Now please tell me where in the NEW TESTAMENT it specifically talks about violence against non believers as does the Koran.

What does this matter? Augustine and Aquinas believed in the torture and execution of heretics. Are we to assume they never read the Sermon on the Mount?
This is stupid...every belief system has abused teachings. Millions have been killed in the name of atheism....what's the point of this thread. To pick out some morons misuing the Bible?

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