Yes, It Was a Coup Attempt. Here’s Why.

Of course I know the answer to both questions is a HUGE yes.
But I wanted those on record before I asked the next question........
If teaching has a significant and important impact on the minds of the youth, why are more "conservatives" not drawn to the profession?
I always love the answers to this question, as wrong as they may be.

I'm conservative from the standpoint of the role of government and I've been in the profession for going on 30 years.

Perhaps conservatives have a natural aversion to government monopolies and unions. I would imagine that private education has a much more balanced proportion of liberal to conservative.

Why are more liberals not drawn to a field like engineering? Why do conservatives outpace liberals as teachers in math and science?

I suggest you also look at the political make up of Education at the collegiate level; the gateway to becoming a k-12 teacher.
I'm conservative from the standpoint of the role of government and I've been in the profession for going on 30 years.

Perhaps conservatives have a natural aversion to government monopolies and unions. I would imagine that private education has a much more balanced proportion of liberal to conservative.

Why are more liberals not drawn to a field like engineering? Why do conservatives outpace liberals as teachers in math and science?

Machines aren't into touchy feely stuff ... for the most part.
That wasn't the inquiry. It's a non-answer. You can go back to playing with yourself
It was certainly hand in hand with the inquiry. It was an answer that could have furthered the debate had you guys not gone flying off on a tangent.
I'm conservative from the standpoint of the role of government and I've been in the profession for going on 30 years.

Perhaps conservatives have a natural aversion to government monopolies and unions. I would imagine that private education has a much more balanced proportion of liberal to conservative.

Why are more liberals not drawn to a field like engineering? Why do conservatives outpace liberals as teachers in math and science?

I suggest you also look at the political make up of Education at the collegiate level; the gateway to becoming a k-12 teacher.

You gotta love Rush...come on..we know
I will certainly admit that mistakes were made. What mistakes and by whom may be were we disagree.
Are you digging a deeper hole of ineptitude and stubborn-jackassery by implying ajvol made a mistake by asking a question about filling potholes with federal income tax money?
I can't speak for everybody, but I'd say it goes back to what makes a liberal a liberal. I don't have any real desire to tell someone else how to do things - example I enjoy testing, diagnostics, analysis but chose to be an engineer not a doctor. Why? I prefer to deal with machines - they may be dumb and only able to do repetitive things, but they are honest, and I don't have to deal with how they feel. Doubtless that's not true of all or maybe even many conservatives.

Liberals, however, always seem to have to have victims to fix - gays, minorities, poor, non citizens who prefer living here ... I see teaching a lot in the same vein - it's a relationship dealing with power of a sort - to promote something in someone. Teaching can facilitate an understanding of math or of social values ... even turn a normal kid into a terrorist if so inclined. Every time I see a liberal I get the feeling that he or she sees something as not right and there has to be a fix for it - not to help that one person but a nationwide fix for anybody like that one person. You have to have victims or in your case someone to teach to make "whole". Of course there are teachers who are there to impart knowledge about the subject; you find them mostly teaching real science, math, engineering, medicine, etc rather than in the humanities.
Thanks for the answer.
I would say that liberals don't see "victims" as much as they see people who could use a hand.
I'm conservative from the standpoint of the role of government and I've been in the profession for going on 30 years.

Perhaps conservatives have a natural aversion to government monopolies and unions. I would imagine that private education has a much more balanced proportion of liberal to conservative.

Why are more liberals not drawn to a field like engineering? Why do conservatives outpace liberals as teachers in math and science?

I suggest you also look at the political make up of Education at the collegiate level; the gateway to becoming a k-12 teacher.
GA Tech is completely liberal.
More conservatives in math and science?.........I also have 30 years and haven't seen that.
Are you digging a deeper hole of ineptitude and stubborn-jackassery by implying ajvol made a mistake by asking a question about filling potholes with federal income tax money?
I am not. Second guess?
GA Tech is completely liberal.
More conservatives in math and science?.........I also have 30 years and haven't seen that.

GA Tech is completely liberal? What's your data?

haven't seen it? are you basing conclusions on your personal experience?

Why Are Teachers Mostly Liberal? - Pacific Research Institute

Among English teachers, there are 97 Democrats for every three Republicans, with the proportion being even more one-sided among health teachers, with 99 Democrats for every one Republican.

While there are slightly more Republicans among math and science teachers, among high school teachers overall, there are 87 Democrats for every 13 Republicans.
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Some data about who teachers are politically

View attachment 348136
Survey: Educators' Political Leanings, Who They Voted For, Where They Stand on Key Issues
Couple of points,

* Forty one percent of respondents described themselves as Democrats while another 30 percent said they were independents. Just 27 percent were Republicans.

• Half the respondents voted for Democrat Hillary Clinton in the 2016 presidential election. Another 29 percent voted for Trump. Thirteen percent selected a third-party candidate.
GA Tech is completely liberal? What's your data?

haven't seen it? are you basing conclusions on your personal experience?

Why Are Teachers Mostly Liberal? - Pacific Research Institute

Among English teachers, there are 97 Democrats for every three Republicans, with the proportion being even more one-sided among health teachers, with 99 Democrats for every one Republican.

While there are slightly more Republicans among math and science teachers, among high school teachers overall, there are 87 Democrats for every 13 Republicans.
edit - misread.
You said conservatives outpace liberals in math and science but your own post says it is 87 to 13 democrats.

Perhaps your liberalism is clouding your reading comprehension - read this sentence again and see if it says what you just claimed; pay particular attention to the "among high school teachers overall" phrase.

"While there are slightly more Republicans among math and science teachers, among high school teachers overall, there are 87 Democrats for every 13 Republicans."
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Survey: Educators' Political Leanings, Who They Voted For, Where They Stand on Key Issues
Couple of points,

* Forty one percent of respondents described themselves as Democrats while another 30 percent said they were independents. Just 27 percent were Republicans.

• Half the respondents voted for Democrat Hillary Clinton in the 2016 presidential election. Another 29 percent voted for Trump. Thirteen percent selected a third-party candidate.

This is the same article from which I posted the chart - it's two versions of the question. the chart I posted shows even the Dems consider themselves "moderate" rather than "liberal".
Perhaps your liberalism is clouding your reading comprehension - read this sentence again and see if it says what you just claimed; pay particular attention to the "among high school teachers overall" phrase.

"While there are slightly more Republicans among math and science teachers, among high school teachers overall, there are 87 Democrats for every 13 Republicans."
You missed my edit.
This is the same article from which I posted the chart - it's two versions of the question. the chart I posted shows even the Dems consider themselves "moderate" rather than "liberal".
Interesting that among the 43% who consider themselves moderate, most are democrat. Repubs have tried to highjack the "moderate" position. It is more like if you are conservative you're republican, otherwise you are democrat - at least in ducation.
Interesting that among the 43% who consider themselves moderate, most are democrat. Repubs have tried to highjack the "moderate" position. It is more like if you are conservative you're republican, otherwise you are democrat - at least in ducation.

democrat doesn't equal liberal any more than republican equals conservative
wasn't there when I posted my reply
Check the times. But it makes no difference.
I misread. I caught it. I corrected it.
At the same time you were condescendingly pointing out my mistake. Maybe the conservative in you is shining through????
Check the times. But it makes no difference.
I misread. I caught it. I corrected it.
At the same time you were condescendingly pointing out my mistake. Maybe the conservative in you is shining through????

so you posted to point out my mistake then realized I hadn't made a mistake and are criticizing me for showing that your post was wrong?

The point is that moderate seems to equal least in education.

The damn label **** is overplayed...Stop putting people in boxes. It is the coward way of deflecting argument about specifics.

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