Yes, It Was a Coup Attempt. Here’s Why.

There's another thread about a big contract to General Dynamics Electric Boat for submarine work. General Dynamics donated about $2M to GOP candidates and more to dem candidates in the 2020 election cycle. Think it was money well spent for a $39B contract increase? Congress is bought and sold.

Actually, the U.S. Navy is seriously behind in submarine construction. Opening more production lines for submarines has been studied and discussed for years. It will be a difficult project, but now it will be done. The same peep posting like the loss of some temporary welding jobs on a pipeline is a huge political issue are getting down in the mouth about the jobs created by increased submarine production. They are probably pro defense patriots who just cannot bring themselves to approve anything a Democratic administration does. Sick, imo.
Not saying different, but Republicans talk against government like it is the very Devil while they are playing the game for as much money as they can get out of it. Do you see the point I'm trying to make?

Nope, I don't. Most of us don't have any direct stake in getting money from the government as it evolves through campaign finance bribery. There are different ways of looking at "conservative values". One that I've seen more of among non democrats is smaller government - look at any number of comments here and they usually get back to less government which means less bureaucracy and less overhead. The concepts of things like income tax and covid payments etc and how they impact people and the costs are one thing - the size of the bureaucracies that handle the work is a completely different beast. It's not always what is necessary but that it takes too much to do the work because of government inefficiency and overreach. We want smaller and self dependence, dems want more victims and more bureaucracy to help them.
Actually, the U.S. Navy is seriously behind in submarine construction. Opening more production lines for submarines has been studied and discussed for years. It will be a difficult project, but now it will be done. The same peep posting like the loss of some temporary welding jobs on a pipeline is a huge political issue are getting down in the mouth about the jobs created by increased submarine production. They are probably pro defense patriots who just cannot bring themselves to approve anything a Democratic administration does. Sick, imo.

Why can't we have both?
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Actually, the U.S. Navy is seriously behind in submarine construction. Opening more production lines for submarines has been studied and discussed for years. It will be a difficult project, but now it will be done. The same peep posting like the loss of some temporary welding jobs on a pipeline is a huge political issue are getting down in the mouth about the jobs created by increased submarine production. They are probably pro defense patriots who just cannot bring themselves to approve anything a Democratic administration does. Sick, imo.

Peace through Strength to counter China. I approve of more subs and overall defense spending and see it as only of only a handful of constitutional necessities. Recapitalization is expensive as all get out, and the DOD can sure waste alot of money and spread too thin for resources as the world policeman contingency. The DOD needs a haircut though. Get rid of the fat admirals and generals, stop goldplating every system.

Trump performed the first ever audit of the Pentagon, and yet it was a whisper of reporting. The bureaucracy thrives on inefficiency.

Pentagon Announces First-Ever Audit Of The Department Of Defense : The Two-Way : NPR

The defense budget is about to take a nosedive just as it did under Obama.
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Since when are potholes filled with federal income taxes?
Federal-aid highway funds are authorized by Congress to assist the States in providing for construction, reconstruction, and improvement of highways and bridges on eligible Federal-aid highway routes and for other special purpose programs and projects. The Interstate System is a component of the NHS.
Federal-aid highway funds are authorized by Congress to assist the States in providing for construction, reconstruction, and improvement of highways and bridges on eligible Federal-aid highway routes and for other special purpose programs and projects. The Interstate System is a component of the NHS.
Not income taxes.

The Highway Trust Fund finances most federal government spending for highways and mass transit. Revenues for the trust fund come from transportation-related excise taxes, primarily federal taxes on gasoline and diesel fuel.
Roads: paid for mostly by gasoline taxes which the democrats are trying to eliminate.
Electrical grid: paid for by your electric bill
Space: Nasa is a rounding error in the budget and SpaceX is putting them to shame.
Military: Yep 100% needed and funded by the federal government.
Education: This is a shared expense between the local, state and federal government.
Research: Should be 100% funded by companies as they reap the benefits.
Fire Protection: local taxes should cover this.
Police: local taxes should cover this.
Public lands: well we all own this so yeah the federal government should pay for whatever is needed.

So tell me, which one of these is a federal government investment?
All of them.
Not income taxes.

The Highway Trust Fund finances most federal government spending for highways and mass transit. Revenues for the trust fund come from transportation-related excise taxes, primarily federal taxes on gasoline and diesel fuel.
So. What difference does it make if it's a gasoline tax or an income tax? It has the exact same impact on your wallet.
Yeah and? Why don't we cut the federal .gov so much no one can get anything from it except what the constitution mandates?
We keep getting hung up on that whole "life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness" nonsense. That needs to be stricken.
That's an odd way to reply:
" I was wrong. Thanks for the correction. I will try to be more accurate in the future, ajvol."
How was I wrong? All I did was post that federal funds were used.
I’m so damn happy mailing my check every April I just can’t wait to do it again.
I don't enjoy it nor does it make me happy. Kind of like paying for health insurance, car insurance, home insurance, cell phone bill, etc... I don't like any of those things, but I understand the necessity.
Since when are potholes filled with federal income taxes?
Federal-aid highway funds are authorized by Congress to assist the States in providing for construction, reconstruction, and improvement of highways and bridges on eligible Federal-aid highway routes and for other special purpose programs and projects. The Interstate System is a component of the NHS.
How so? It's money taken out of your pocket that is going to the federal government and being used to fill potholes.
Re-read my question and your answer then figure it out. Dishonesty is fine with you as long as you’re the one deciding what is deemed truthful or a lie.

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