Yes, It Was a Coup Attempt. Here’s Why.

Oh, well that’s persuasive. Mr. Magoo over here doesnt know what we’re talking about, but definitely didn’t see any coup and wants to talk about Biden supporters, instead. There are maybe 10% of the number of active Biden supporters on this forum as there are Trump supporters yet you overwhelmingly pull this “both sides” ******** with them. Why is that?
Trump was a POS human being who said stupid things, but I don't buy into the narrative he was a terrible President when it comes to policy. But according to some, if you don't believe that narrative, you're a Trumper or you're "carrying his water". Meanwhile, from what I've seen, Biden has completely **** the bed and these same people refuse to acknowledge it. So yeah, I probably get a little pissy about it because the conversation centers around "feels" more than it does reality.

I like to use comparisons to point out the total hypocrisy of it all. For instance, there's the recent indictment that seems to suggest Hillary and her campaign were behind the Russia hoax BS that the left tried to use to throw Trump out of office. Was that a coup attempt? Unethical, IMO, if true, but not a coup attempt. Same for Trump and his BS rhetoric. Unethical, but not a coup attempt.
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Would you prefer "idiot insurrection"?
That takes us back to all the "insurrections" over George Floyd that the left seemed to have no concerns over. People who break the law should be prosecuted. I'm pretty consistent on that. Far more consistent than those who allow their politics to sway their opinions.
Apparently the President of the United States is just another idiot with no vested power. Seems half true, I guess.
Did he use his powers as CiC to call up the military and seize control? Nope. He expressed an idiotic opinion and nothing came of it. He's allowed his freedom of speech to express his stupidity. That doesn't make it a coup. In no way did he use his Presidential powers to seize control.
Apparently the President of the United States is just another idiot with no vested power. Seems half true, I guess.
Yes, but (as far as I know) Trump didn't actually order anyone (especially the military) to do something that would halt the transition.
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Eastman was one of Trump’s campaign lawyers. Eastman wrote a memo saying Pence could just unilaterally decide which electors to count in order to retain Trump as President. Eastman has admitted to providing the memo to Trump and Pence. Pence went to Dan Quayle and Michael Luttig looking for advice. Luttig has publicly confirmed that Pence sought his counsel about this very memo. Trump made at least 5 public statements urging Pence to do something about the election. One of these occasions was at the 1/6 speech when he was literally praising Eastman and talking about Pence being able to declare him the winner in the very same sentence. I posted the quotes and a link to the transcript.

There’s only one conclusion: Trump was actively trying to get the Vice President to overturn the election results. That’s a coup.

You acknowledged that “nobody listened to Trump” and that not listening to Trump was “the right thing,” if you didn’t realize that “listening to Trump” = doing a coup, that’s your own damn fault.
The government was never in danger. There is no evidence Pence ever intended to not certify the results even with your Hail Mary memo. Pence did his job and did it well. It wasn’t a damn coup and hopefully you’ve about cried yourself out again in this case of coup stupidity and we can all just look forward to the next time you decide to cry about wanna be coups again. Toodles!
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Why are you talking about the people at the Capitol? That’s not the conversation we were having. We are talking about proof that your ‘not really a horrible President’ was legitimately trying to get Pence to unilaterally declare him the winner of an election he lost.

Yes, It Was a Coup Attempt. Here’s Why.

It’s amazing with these impressive powers of observation that you haven’t noticed ND40 being a Trump shill. 😂
LMFAO you are actually mentally deficient. That’s the only explanation. I’ve bad mouthed Trump several times in the last few pages but sure I’m a shill. It’s wasn’t a coup because it didn’t meet the damn elements of a coup. I realize you desperately want it to be a coup and I’m not sorry this is happening to you either 🤡
Trump was a POS human being who said stupid things, but I don't buy into the narrative he was a terrible President when it comes to policy. But according to some, if you don't believe that narrative, you're a Trumper or you're "carrying his water". Meanwhile, from what I've seen, Biden has completely **** the bed and these same people refuse to acknowledge it. So yeah, I probably get a little pissy about it because the conversation centers around "feels" more than it does reality.

I like to use comparisons to point out the total hypocrisy of it all. For instance, there's the recent indictment that seems to suggest Hillary and her campaign were behind the Russia hoax BS that the left tried to use to throw Trump out of office. Was that a coup attempt? Unethical, IMO, if true, but not a coup attempt. Same for Trump and his BS rhetoric. Unethical, but not a coup attempt.
No that wasn’t a coup either. Just the usual dirty Clinton politics. And the bastards got a special counsel appointed to try and pin on Trump exactly what they were attempting during the campaign.
Now, let's look at Biden. Inflation has skyrocketed.
Wait a minute here... Inflation is going up, but Trump's fiscal policy is more responsible for that than Biden's. You don't seem to understand how the fiscal year works. The spending that has occurred since Joe Biden took office, primarily through the American Rescue Plan, accounts for a small part of new government spending over the past 18 months. This started over a year ago, as the government tried to protect the economy from the COVID fallout. Trump was already a massive spender before the pandemic, and he had shown no inclination of slowing down either. Inflation was inevitable regardless of who had won the 2020 Presidential Election. It is being blatantly partisan to blame Biden for inflation.
Trump was a POS human being who said stupid things, but I don't buy into the narrative he was a terrible President when it comes to policy.
You ignore Trump's fiscal irresponsibility, and blame Biden for the ensuing inflation. LOL. That is pure political partisanship by an obviously biased person.
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Wait a minute here... Inflation is going up, but Trump's fiscal policy is more responsible for that than Biden's. You don't seem to understand how the fiscal year works. The spending that has occurred since Joe Biden took office, primarily through the American Rescue Plan, accounts for a small part of new government spending over the past 18 months. This started over a year ago, as the government tried to protect the economy from the COVID fallout. Trump was already a massive spender before the pandemic, and he had shown no inclination of slowing down either. Inflation was inevitable regardless of who had won the 2020 Presidential Election. It is being blatantly partisan to blame Biden for inflation.

oh boy - so any economic growth is attributed to Trump given how fiscal years work. For some reason Biden has been taking credit for Trump's economic growth.

using your argument it's blatantly partisan to attribute GDP growth to Biden policies since they are still under a Trump fiscal year policy.
oh boy - so any economic growth is attributed to Trump given how fiscal years work. For some reason Biden has been taking credit for Trump's economic growth.

using your argument it's blatantly partisan to attribute GDP growth to Biden policies since they are still under a Trump fiscal year policy.
I would agree with you.
I would agree with you.

do you believe that market reactions (inflation for example) are tied to fiscal timelines?

put another way - is there any policy decision by Biden in the last 8 months that has had any impact on the economy or is it all (good and bad) tied to decisions made by the prior administration?
Yes, but (as far as I know) Trump didn't actually order anyone (especially the military) to do something that would halt the transition.

So how do you view Pence seeking counsel about this memo that says he can overturn the election and Trump publicly pressuring Pence to do so?

We have a system where the President is decided by election. If the President is appointed by the Vice President that’s a stupid system, but it’s a different system.

Does he even have the authority to order Pence to do anything at that point?

Does he have the practical ability to use the military in that capacity at that point?

Seems like he did pretty much everything he could.
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LMFAO you are actually mentally deficient. That’s the only explanation. I’ve bad mouthed Trump several times in the last few pages but sure I’m a shill. It’s wasn’t a coup because it didn’t meet the damn elements of a coup. I realize you desperately want it to be a coup and I’m not sorry this is happening to you either 🤡
This is an amusing attempt at revisionism. I appreciate that you’ve clearly realized he was a turd. Doesn’t change the fact that he’s a turd you’ve been polishing for four years.
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do you believe that market reactions (inflation for example) are tied to fiscal timelines?

put another way - is there any policy decision by Biden in the last 8 months that has had any impact on the economy or is it all (good and bad) tied to decisions made by the prior administration?
There are other factors besides spending that can cause inflation, which Biden could be legitimately held responsible for. These factors include short term supply interruptions, tariffs on imported goods and labor shortages. It isn't accurate to blame Biden's recent spending for inflation, but some of his other policies may have contributed to it, though.

Basically, we are seeing a continuation of an old Republican hypocrisy :

Republicans pretend to care about fiscal responsibility again, when a Democrat takes office. Where was this concern for inflation when Trump was President? And would they even be mentioning inflation right now if Trump was still in office? I don't think so.
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Did he use his powers as CiC to call up the military and seize control? Nope. He expressed an idiotic opinion and nothing came of it. He's allowed his freedom of speech to express his stupidity. That doesn't make it a coup. In no way did he use his Presidential powers to seize control.

The Vice President overturning the election would have been a coup. Trump wanted the Vice President to overturn the election. Trump took significant steps towards achieving his goal. This isn’t just a matter of him saying something stupid.

The idea that any American President tried to install himself as an unelected dictator is objectively bad, but you can’t wait to explain it away as “he said something stupid.”

Reductionist **** like that is why people lump you in with the Trumpkins. And probably why nobody criticizes (or praises) Biden, here.

The only opinion in this discussion that’s interesting to me is Velo because there’s an expectation that it’s got some nuance and is not going to be somebody finding the most convenient way to excuse this or change the subject.

The rest of you don’t have any credibility left after the last four years. It’s pure entertainment value to see the nonsense that you come up with to rationalize objectively bad things that your tribalism forces you to rationalize. If the most you can muster about this is “just his freedom of speech,” then I’m not sure what use I’m supposed to have for your opinion about Afghanistan or inflation or unemployment benefits.

The fact that he didn’t use any official authority, such as the military, is the lone decent point that’s been made. I don’t know who made it first, but it’s a fair critique.
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Yes, he was willing to do all sorts of things to remain in office (regardless of what the vote tally).

What I'm saying is he communicated in a "Will no one rid me of this turbulent priest?" manner, rather than giving explicit commands.

I see what you’re saying and I agree with the facts, but I don’t know that I think it affects my analysis:

To me, there was previously some ambiguity about what Pence was supposed to do, per Trump that has now been resolved. I suppose it would be most accurate to say that what he wanted was to remain President and it’s now clear he was willing to give up the current model of government to achieve that.

To me, that’s an attempted coup. Maybe there’s a better word for it. I’m open to that. Idiot’s Insurrection is fun. I’m a sucker for alliteration. Putz’s Putsch, maybe.
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There are some nuts reading this thread who still like Trump.
Some of the nuttier nuts even believe the election was stolen.
Pence did the right thing and Trump hates him for it......pretty much sums it all up.

Do you think people who like Trump is going to change their mind for what you've stated? For what, to vote for Biden? Biden is worse than Jimmy Carter.

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