Yes, It Was a Coup Attempt. Here’s Why.

Lol .... The only mindless jibber-jabber comes from your little fragile hurt girly feelings. Truth always hurts the lunatic radical liberals feelings. It shows by what you post. You live by your fragile girly feelings on the cuff & become hurt & you lash out to us when a conservative has a different opinion that runs contrary to what your Nazi news media channels (cnn msnbc abc nbc) tells you each night & you believe all of it hook line & sinker.. Good job by you....
Do you honestly believe the raid was secretly led by the left?
Makes no difference what I believe about that.
I'm just curious. You're the one who just went on a rant saying "the only mindless jibber-jabber comes from your little fragile hurt girly feelings. Truth always hurts the lunatic radical liberals feelings."
I have no problem saying I do not believe it was led by the left.
Your reluctance to answer speaks volumes.
Down with wannabe Nazis.


Czeslawa Kwoka Polish Catholic, 14 years old.
She died in Auschwitz extermination camp on February 18, 1943 with a phenol injection in her heart. Shortly before the execution, she was photographed by the prisoner Whilem Brasse, who testified against the executioner of Czeslawa, a woman who, before the photo, punched her face, as the hematoma on the lip shows. All we see is the face of a terrified little girl who didn't even speak their language and lost her mother a few days before. He was one of about 250.000 children and underage girls executed in Auschwitz-Birkenau.
The photo, originally black and white at Memorial O świ ęcim, was colored by Brazilian professional photographer Anna Amaral, who was impressed with Czeslawa's photo and decided to put it in color and available for everyone.
So that everyone knows and no one forgets.

How about the racist Nazis that took down a historical monument and replaced it with a statue of John Lewis? Perhaps you don't see that kind of thing as redefining history? As the years pass, many reminders serve more to educate and remind than to glorify. If you refuse to acknowledge people of the past because you don't see their service as honorable, then you also minimize the history of those who which stood against them. You see, if you eradicate Nazis (the real German ones since you are free in using the term) from history, then how can you remember their victims? What is the meaning of the picture you posted if you remove the Nazis and what they did and what they stood for from history? They are just an idea but nothing real, nothing organized, nothing definable? Do you even understand how the Nazis legally came to power, and how the Treaty of Versailles ending WW1 made it all possible? Do you even have a clue about how strong arm politics of one side provoke responses from the opposition?
How about the racist Nazis that took down a historical monument and replaced it with a statue of John Lewis? Perhaps you don't see that kind of thing as redefining history? As the years pass, many reminders serve more to educate and remind than to glorify. If you refuse to acknowledge people of the past because you don't see their service as honorable, then you also minimize the history of those who which stood against them. You see, if you eradicate Nazis (the real German ones since you are free in using the term) from history, then how can you remember their victims? What is the meaning of the picture you posted if you remove the Nazis and what they did and what they stood for from history? They are just an idea but nothing real, nothing organized, nothing definable? Do you even understand how the Nazis legally came to power, and how the Treaty of Versailles ending WW1 made it all possible? Do you even have a clue about how strong arm politics of one side provoke responses from the opposition?
It's a pendulum. Simple as that.
It's a pendulum. Simple as that.

Pendulums are defined by the laws of physics, and the motion is constrained and within normal limits. If a forcing function pushes the pendulum beyond the linear limits, then it no longer acts as a pendulum. This is our problem, the forces being applied by the opposing politics of our time are increasing unconstrained, history shows that when that happens and civil rule snaps, chaos takes over, and society suffers. Both sides must accept some of what they don't want or like in a moderated democratic society; progressives by definition don't see things that way. The progressive version of governance is synonymous with rape as opposed to consensual sex.
I'm just curious. You're the one who just went on a rant saying "the only mindless jibber-jabber comes from your little fragile hurt girly feelings. Truth always hurts the lunatic radical liberals feelings."
I have no problem saying I do not believe it was led by the left.
Your reluctance to answer speaks volumes.

LOL to speaking volumes. It doesn't change anything that happened that day to what I believe. Your little girl feelings strike again though.
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Ashamed? No. I don't jump through hoops answering to loony liberals as you.
I understand. It's sort of a Catch 22 for you.
If you don't reject some of the nonsense being fed to you by the right wing media, you look like a moron.
If you do reject some of the nonsense being fed to you by the right wing media, you are admitting to being fed nonsense.
I understand. It's sort of a Catch 22 for you.
If you don't reject some of the nonsense being fed to you by the right wing media, you look like a moron.
If you do reject some of the nonsense being fed to you by the right wing media, you are admitting to being fed nonsense.

* See my edit above. Sure luther, to whatever your point is ...... move on now and thanks for playing.
I'm bored with this back & forth gotcha game you're wanting to play. I was talking to Vol Main until you just jumped in to make your stupid liberal point.
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* See my edit above. Sure luther, whatever your point ...... move on now and thanks for playing.
I'm bored with this back & forth gotcha game you're wanting to play.
It never would have been a gothca game if you would have answered the simple question.
"Do you honestly believe the raid was secretly led by the left?"
But I'll move on.
It never would have been a gothca game if you would have answered the simple question.
"Do you honestly believe the raid was secretly led by the left?"
But I'll move on.

I did answer the question you asked .... you didn't like it & kept on w/your BS about me being ashamed for it.
Since my answer doesn't fit your agenda then you like to pile on for more gotcha questions.
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I did answer the question you asked .... you didn't like it & kept on w/your BS about me being ashamed for it.
Since my answer doesn't fit your agenda then you like to pile on for more gotcha questions.
I went back and looked and could not find the answer.
I'll just assume that you are unsure as to what to believe.
I really wasn't trying for any type of gothca; just legitimacy curios if anyone actually admits to believing that the left was responsible.
How about the racist Nazis that took down a historical monument and replaced it with a statue of John Lewis? Perhaps you don't see that kind of thing as redefining history? As the years pass, many reminders serve more to educate and remind than to glorify. If you refuse to acknowledge people of the past because you don't see their service as honorable, then you also minimize the history of those who which stood against them. You see, if you eradicate Nazis (the real German ones since you are free in using the term) from history, then how can you remember their victims? What is the meaning of the picture you posted if you remove the Nazis and what they did and what they stood for from history? They are just an idea but nothing real, nothing organized, nothing definable? Do you even understand how the Nazis legally came to power, and how the Treaty of Versailles ending WW1 made it all possible? Do you even have a clue about how strong arm politics of one side provoke responses from the opposition?

I'm not saying that everything in your post is wrong, but much of it does not make sense. I'll answer your question about me, since you try to make my understanding of history the issue. I understand fairly well how the Nazis came to power in Germany. I've studied that at upper graduate levels and independent readings for much of my life, so we can discuss that if you want. I can also tell you that all of my ancestors in the Civil War were in the CSA Army, so I am not some yankee liberal spouting mindless self righteousness. And yes, I do have a clue how actions produce reactions. As for being clueless, I think there are a lot of people in our country right now who are acting without concern for the consequences of their actions. You want to talk about removing Confederate monuments, but the topic is more rightly the attempted removal of our Constitution by right wing mobs incited by right wing politicians and media. THEY are the real and present threat to our freedom in this country. There can be no doubt that they are spreading sedition and inciting insurrection. Calling themselves patriots does not change what they are doing.
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I'm not saying that everything in your post is wrong, but much of it does not make sense. I'll answer your question about me, since you try to make my understanding of history the issue. I understand fairly well how the Nazis came to power in Germany. I've studied that at upper graduate levels, so we can discuss that if you want. I can also tell you that all of my ancestors in the Civil War were in the CSA Army, so I am not some yankee liberal spouting mindless self righteousness. And yes, I do have a clue how actions produce reactions. As for being clueless, I think there are a lot of people in our country right now who are acting without concern for the consequences of their actions. You want to talk about removing Confederate monuments, but the topic is more rightly the attempted removal of our Constitution by right wing mobs incited by right wing politicians and media. THEY are the real and present threat to our freedom in this country. There can be no doubt that they are spreading sedition and inciting insurrection.
"You want to talk about something that I don't have a rebuttal for but what about other things"
"You want to talk about something that I don't have a rebuttal for but what about other things"

If you want to divert attention away from the topic "Yes, It Was a Coup Attempt. Here’s Why." by talking about Confederate monuments, you are free to try. But I'll try to stay on topic.
It never would have been a gothca game if you would have answered the simple question.
"Do you honestly believe the raid was secretly led by the left?"
But I'll move on.

I have no opinion/or an answer to that question. Secretly led by the left? I don't know ..... I have no answer to that.
That's my answer. Was that so hard to read the first time?
I'm not saying that everything in your post is wrong, but much of it does not make sense. I'll answer your question about me, since you try to make my understanding of history the issue. I understand fairly well how the Nazis came to power in Germany. I've studied that at upper graduate levels, so we can discuss that if you want. I can also tell you that all of my ancestors in the Civil War were in the CSA Army, so I am not some yankee liberal spouting mindless self righteousness. And yes, I do have a clue how actions produce reactions. As for being clueless, I think there are a lot of people in our country right now who are acting without concern for the consequences of their actions. You want to talk about removing Confederate monuments, but the topic is more rightly the attempted removal of our Constitution by right wing mobs incited by right wing politicians and media. THEY are the real and present threat to our freedom in this country. There can be no doubt that they are spreading sedition and inciting insurrection.

The interesting part is that all the ancestors on my side of the Civil War fought for the Union - doesn't change my outlook on the current state of affairs at all. I absolutely disagree with you about the right removing or interfering with the Constitution; in fact, try and find a right side poster here who speaks against the Constitution. A few of us and certainly I have argued against "interpretations" of a pretty simply worded document and the amendments to it; but you won't find us arguing against it. If you equate what happened at the capitol as that, you are wrong. The courts had plenty of opportunity to actually hear and review what went on during a flawed election, and they turned a deaf ear and went with "standing"; they were the safety valve, and they abdicated.

The protestors at the capitol by comparison to blm protestors were civil and certainly less prone to property damage and loss of life. We by virtue of our Constitution have the right to assemble and petition the government for redress. Other avenues were blocked; protestors took a more direct approach. Remember your side is the one who caused interpretations of the Constitution and certainly the 1st Amendment to be broadened to cover words not as oral or written discourse but also as actions. This election had changes from the norm; those changes were done with specific goals in mind; changes were done outside the bounds described by the US and state Constitutions, the challenges were brushed off by the courts, and you saw the result. That's not sedition or insurrection - that is insistence that the Constitution be followed.
The interesting part is that all the ancestors on my side of the Civil War fought for the Union - doesn't change my outlook on the current state of affairs at all. I absolutely disagree with you about the right removing or interfering with the Constitution; in fact, try and find a right side poster here who speaks against the Constitution. A few of us and certainly I have argued against "interpretations" of a pretty simply worded document and the amendments to it; but you won't find us arguing against it. If you equate what happened at the capitol as that, you are wrong. The courts had plenty of opportunity to actually hear and review what went on during a flawed election, and they turned a deaf ear and went with "standing"; they were the safety valve, and they abdicated.

The protestors at the capitol by comparison to blm protestors were civil and certainly less prone to property damage and loss of life. We by virtue of our Constitution have the right to assemble and petition the government for redress. Other avenues were blocked; protestors took a more direct approach. Remember your side is the one who caused interpretations of the Constitution and certainly the 1st Amendment to be broadened to cover words not as oral or written discourse but also as actions. This election had changes from the norm; those changes were done with specific goals in mind; changes were done outside the bounds described by the US and state Constitutions, the challenges were brushed off by the courts, and you saw the result. That's not sedition or insurrection - that is insistence that the Constitution be followed.

Gonna get worse.. a lot. If the elect cannot govern under compromise, why should we? Commencing the Great Purge and what is one to expect to what happens.
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Makes no difference what I believe about that.
This was your answer.
I have no opinion/or an answer to that question. Secretly led by the left? I don't know ..... I have no answer to that.
That's my answer. Was that so hard to read the first time?
So yes it was hard to read.
That's fine. I'm in no mood to go around in circles. I asked one simple and straight forward question and here we are.
Don't tell me what my side is, like this a some kind of team sport. Seriously, you need to stop thinking and talking that way. You do not get to tell me what I think by assigning me to your rival team. The problem I continually encounter with Republicans is their reacting to criticism of the right with a criticism of the left. If you want to talk to me, we are going to talk about what is true and false, right and wrong. You want courts to try cases which have no standing, but you do not get to tell courts what to do. "The courts had plenty of opportunity to actually hear and review what went on during a flawed election, and they turned a deaf ear and went with "standing"; they were the safety valve, and they abdicated." The fact is that the Trump Campaign lawyers had plenty of opportunity to present evidence in a number of the cases which were heard. When you say they didn't, you are lying, because they did. Please, stop telling that lie. Stop misrepresenting the whole of what happened by select parts to make misleading arguments. It is dishonest, and it disserves the truth that we should both want to represent in our discussions here. When judges asked Trump lawyers if they had evidence of fraud, they said no, that they were not alleging voter fraud.
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