Yes, It Was a Coup Attempt. Here’s Why.

It's hilarious how the supposed party of intelligence and education somehow won't study history to see what's coming.

Libs are amazingly good at rewriting and erasing parts of history so they don't have to be offended, though. However, they do have a penchant for keeping some parts around, so they can be selectively outraged by the past.
Qualifying for any type of .gov assistance is not middle class. If your kids qualify for a pell grant you are not middle class.
You may want to adjust your definition.
Pew defines the middle class as those earning between two-thirds and double the median household income.
TN - median household income is $52,375.
Two thirds = $34,917
Double = $104,750
There's your middle class range for TN.
That range accounts for 52% of the population.
You may want to adjust your definition.
Pew defines the middle class as those earning between two-thirds and double the median household income.
TN - median household income is $52,375.
Two thirds = $34,917
Double = $104,750
There's your middle class rang for TN.

They need to change their definition.
It's crazy calling the middle middle class.

It is crazy to keep calling them that just so people feel good about themselves.

Where people fall on the income range has far less to do with it than spending power does.
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You may want to adjust your definition.
Pew defines the middle class as those earning between two-thirds and double the median household income.
TN - median household income is $52,375.
Two thirds = $34,917
Double = $104,750
There's your middle class range for TN.
That range accounts for 52% of the population.
If a family of 4 makes $35K they are flat out broke. If a family of 4 makes $105k they're probably doing okay, but not stellar. This definition of middle class is way out there.
You may want to adjust your definition.
Pew defines the middle class as those earning between two-thirds and double the median household income.
TN - median household income is $52,375.
Two thirds = $34,917
Double = $104,750
There's your middle class range for TN.
That range accounts for 52% of the population.
Your two thirds level very likely qualifies for food stamps. That's middle class?
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If a family of 4 makes $35K they are flat out broke. If a family of 4 makes $105k they're probably doing okay, but not stellar. This definition of middle class is way out there.
It's what is used and what encompasses 52% of adults.
It's what is used and what encompasses 52% of adults.
So do your stats only apply to people 22 to 36 and have 3.2 kids? Come on, you can interpret stats anyway you want. The number of kids, the number of adults, the age, the education etc, etc all play a factor.
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I understand. It's sort of a Catch 22 for you.
If you don't reject some of the nonsense being fed to you by the right wing media, you look like a moron.
If you do reject some of the nonsense being fed to you by the right wing media, you are admitting to being fed nonsense.
You are certainly well versed in being fed nonsense from your liberal media.
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It's what is used and what encompasses 52% of adults.

Yeah, kinda like the unemployment rate actually covers non workers, too. Definitions, definitions, definitions. It's not who does the counting in this instance it's who does the defining.
So do your stats only apply to people 22 to 36 and have 3.2 kids? Come on, you can interpret stats anyway you want. The number of kids, the number of adults, the age, the education etc, etc all play a factor.
What Is Middle-Class Income?
Although the U.S. government doesn't have an official definition of middle-class income, the Pew Research Center considers a household income to be "middle-class" if it's between 67% and 200% of the median household income. (as I said)

The U.S. Census Bureau found that the 2019 median household income was $68,703.2

Using $68,703 as the base, the Pew definition of middle-class income would include households earning between $45,802 and $137,406.
Yeah, kinda like the unemployment rate actually covers non workers, too. Definitions, definitions, definitions. It's not who does the counting in this instance it's who does the defining.
Can we all at least agree that Hogg's 150-400k numbers were absurd?
Can we all at least agree that Hogg's 150-400k numbers were absurd?

I tend to agree with you on that one point, but you also have to agree that because of the discrepancy in cost of living across the country that the whole concept defining the "middle class" as a nationwide number is a farce. Even the government itself pays varying per diem rates for travel by location.
What Is Middle-Class Income?
Although the U.S. government doesn't have an official definition of middle-class income, the Pew Research Center considers a household income to be "middle-class" if it's between 67% and 200% of the median household income. (as I said)

The U.S. Census Bureau found that the 2019 median household income was $68,703.2

Using $68,703 as the base, the Pew definition of middle-class income would include households earning between $45,802 and $137,406.

Pew is stinky wrong.

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