Your anger may not be a choice: brain formation clues point towards anger disposition

So 7% were violent??? New York Times saying there were 4,700 BLM protests last year. Let's do the math. So only 329 violent protests!!! Awesome!!! That's only 7 violent protests per state! Not bad!!!
The BLM protests were overwhelmingly peaceful. That's a fact. And that's a fact that the right tried to deny.
What percentage of republican protests turned violent? Can you also do that math?
1/1 = ????????????
The BLM protests were overwhelmingly peaceful. That's a fact. And that's a fact that the right tried to deny.
What percentage of republican protests turned violent? Can you also do that math?
1/1 = ????????????

Yes, 1/1 = 1. 1 violent protest compared to 329 violent protests. And the level of violence at the 1/1 protest is certainly debatable.
"New neuroscience research sheds light on the relationship between anger and brain structure" New neuroscience research sheds light on the relationship between anger and brain structure

Kim and his colleagues used the large fMRI dataset to conduct a connectome-wide functional connectivity study, which allowed the researchers to uncover connectivity patterns associated with trait anger across the entire brain. They found that higher levels of trait anger were associated with hyperconnectivity between three brain regions (the left supplementary motor area, right supplementary motor area, and right lateral frontal pole) and the sensorimotor network.

“Our analyses highlighted a possible role for action-related brain regions in the expression of trait anger, patterns not previously detected in studies with fewer participants,” Kim told PsyPost. “Our findings suggest a novel interpretation of higher trait anger as possibly reflecting a greater propensity to provoked action. In other words, people who are more likely to experience frustration and anger exhibit altered connectivity patterns in certain action-related brain networks.”

It's pretty easy to accept temperament can have a genetic component. (Animals have been selectively bred forever) I'm not so down with the idea of dismissing "choice" in your headline. I also fully recognize someone with a higher amount of ghrelin in their system might be more predisposed to hunger but I'm not giving you a pass on being responsible for your weight after eating a whole large pizza and chasing it with half a sheet cake on the reg.
It's pretty easy to accept temperament can have a genetic component. (Animals have been selectively bred forever) I'm not so down with the idea of dismissing "choice" in your headline. I also fully recognize someone with a higher amount of ghrelin in their system might be more predisposed to hunger but I'm not giving you a pass on being responsible for your weight after eating a whole large pizza and chasing it with half a sheet cake on the reg.
Anyone else just get hungry?
Yes, 1/1 = 1. 1 violent protest compared to 329 violent protests. And the level of violence at the 1/1 protest is certainly debatable.
Almost, but the answer needed to be in the form of a percent.

The level of violence at the 1/6 Capital insurgence was far greater than almost all of the 329 BLM protests that were labeled violent.

But I know the right loves their narrative of "the summer of riots".
In my teens, early 20s I was quick to anger and now I rarely GAF enough to get mad. My brain is a shape shifter.

I think that's mostly maturity/wisdom kicking in.

Over time I'd be interested in seeing what changes take place in those on the high end of the aggression scale regarding brain chemistry/architecture.
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Almost, but the answer needed to be in the form of a percent.

The level of violence at the 1/6 Capital insurgence was far greater than almost all of the 329 BLM protests that were labeled violent.

But I know the right loves their narrative of "the summer of riots".

🤣😂. You’re a 🤡
In my teens, early 20s I was quick to anger and now I rarely GAF enough to get mad. My brain is a shape shifter.

I’m sure hormones are a contributing factor as well just acquiring wisdom to dismiss petty s***.
The BLM protests were overwhelmingly peaceful. That's a fact. And that's a fact that the right tried to deny.
What percentage of republican protests turned violent? Can you also do that math?
1/1 = ????????????
I guess we have a different opinion of peaceful.
I think that's mostly maturity/wisdom kicking in.

Over time I'd be interested in seeing what changes take place in those on the high end of the aggression scale regarding brain chemistry/architecture.

I would say that I'm still on the high end of the aggression scale just not on the temper scale. IMO the two are different.
I guess we have a different opinion of peaceful.
The study used this criteria to determine "violent". (If it wasn't violent, it was considered peaceful)
The authors define violent demonstrations as including “acts targeting other individuals, property, businesses, other rioting groups or armed actors.” Their definition includes anything from “fighting back against police” to vandalism, property destruction looting, road-blocking using barricades, burning tires or other materials.

Is there something else you would add to the list?
If not, maybe we have the same opinion of peaceful and it's actually your opinion of the BLM protests that is wrong.
The study used this criteria to determine "violent". (If it wasn't violent, it was considered peaceful)
The authors define violent demonstrations as including “acts targeting other individuals, property, businesses, other rioting groups or armed actors.” Their definition includes anything from “fighting back against police” to vandalism, property destruction looting, road-blocking using barricades, burning tires or other materials.

Is there something else you would add to the list?
If not, maybe we have the same opinion of peaceful and it's actually your opinion of the BLM protests that is wrong.

You can believe what you would like and I will do the same.
I would say that I'm still on the high end of the aggression scale just not on the temper scale. IMO the two are different.

I can see a difference. Not sure exactly how you view it but while I'm very slow to anger it's not pretty if you make me go there.

(for those that get the reference)
ScreenHunter_6245 Oct. 15 15.37.jpg
93% of Black Lives Matter Protests Have Been Peaceful, New Report Finds
Still, many people continue to believe that Black Lives Matter protests are largely violent—contrary to the report’s findings. ACLED highlights a recent Morning Consult poll in which 42% of respondents believe “most protesters (associated with the BLM movement) are trying to incite violence or destroy property.” (I'm guessing that 95% of that 42% are republicans) ACLED suggests this “disparity stems from political orientation and biased media framing… such as disproportionate coverage of violent demonstrations.”

More than 93% of people survive Covid. So not a big deal, right?
You can believe what you would like and I will do the same.
Why do you find more comfort in wrongly believing that BLM protests were mostly violent?

An even better question.......Why was the right wing media so intent on portraying the BLM protests as violent riots?
More than 93% of people survive Covid. So not a big deal, right?
Saying that all or most BLM protests were violent riots is as idiotic as saying all or most people who get COVID die.

Believing either is a sure sign of stupidity.

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