Your anger may not be a choice: brain formation clues point towards anger disposition

I didn't see much of that on the news. I did go to a couple of protests and my kids went to numerous protests - all peaceful.
We may get our news from different sources.

Guess you blew your shot at a free tv or box of cereal or burning buildings down or blocking traffic etc.
I'm beginning to think luthervol and Septic are the same person.

Luther is a high school teacher or some kind of teacher and septic owns a S Corp.

They just have very similar hive mind on multiple topics.

El is an alter.
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Yea, I haven’t done MSM in years. I look for independent journalists in the mix on the ground streaming live video from the middle of it all. Harder to bias twist a live stream when you can hear and see everything in real time.
Do you not see the flaw in what you just said?
That's like only watching live reports for accident scenes and concluding that there are accidents every where and anyone who is driving is going to be in an accident.

Or look at it this way; how many of your independent journalists did you see broadcasting from the thousands of peaceful protests?
Let me guess, zero.
Should make one curious about what they are choosing to consume and why.
Do you not see the flaw in what you just said?
That's like only watching live reports for accident scenes and concluding that there are accidents every where and anyone who is driving is going to be in an accident.

Or look at it this way; how many of your independent journalists did you see broadcasting from the thousands of peaceful protests?
Let me guess, zero.
Should make one curious about what they are choosing to consume and why.

Oh my, aren’t you grasping. Why on earth would I choose the gaslighting from MSM over checking the live streams from a variety of on site reporters?

Some started out peaceful and ended up in riots and there were also live streams from some that stayed peaceful, so a wee bit more than your zero there.
I saw several BLM protestors trying very hard to maintain things as peaceful and then the “idea folks” showed up in black bloc and things went to crap. I also saw some BLM protestors who had no desire to be peaceful with no “idea folks” in sight.

Look at it this way; if all you saw from 1/6 was MSM’s aired footage you’d think thousands of people turned violent in DC. Yet if you searched out independent sources live streaming it, you’d know that the majority of the crowd was peacefully protesting and only a few hundred people were actual idiots.
It provides greater understanding of the underlying trait structure of those who appear to be pissed off in every single post in here.
Because most liberals live in an echo chamber, they tend to see disagreement (or specifically challenges to their world view) as anger and aggression.

And I'm constantly reminded that science is inherently political any time I try to provide background on an issue.
I wonder the context in which that may have been said. I think that if you asked a person on the right if science has become political, they would probably say "yes". But if you asked them if it should be politicized, they would likely say "no".
"New neuroscience research sheds light on the relationship between anger and brain structure" New neuroscience research sheds light on the relationship between anger and brain structure

Kim and his colleagues used the large fMRI dataset to conduct a connectome-wide functional connectivity study, which allowed the researchers to uncover connectivity patterns associated with trait anger across the entire brain. They found that higher levels of trait anger were associated with hyperconnectivity between three brain regions (the left supplementary motor area, right supplementary motor area, and right lateral frontal pole) and the sensorimotor network.

“Our analyses highlighted a possible role for action-related brain regions in the expression of trait anger, patterns not previously detected in studies with fewer participants,” Kim told PsyPost. “Our findings suggest a novel interpretation of higher trait anger as possibly reflecting a greater propensity to provoked action. In other words, people who are more likely to experience frustration and anger exhibit altered connectivity patterns in certain action-related brain networks.”
I didn’t hear them speaking about the participants past medical history. Few things should rule out participants, previous brain trauma particularly to the frontal lobe and medications. You have a link to the actual study?
Some dudes figured this out decades ago. It eventually led to the lowering of IQ scores to baseline mental retardation and of course accusations of racism.
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Some dudes figured this out decades ago. It eventually led to the lowering of IQ scores to baseline mental retardation and of course accusations of racism.
I like the new avatar, but it needs to be dirty and have a bunch of cuts to make it Lane's style.
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You're probably right. It just seems that there is so much anger in many on the right. Probably a result of my perspective.

Are you kidding me??? So you’ve fully ignored the hysterical screaming and temper tantrums by the left for four years after Trump was elected??? FFS Luther.
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Are you kidding me??? So you’ve fully ignored the hysterical screaming and temper tantrums by the left for four years after Trump was elected??? FFS Luther.
lol........The right's anger issues are what gave us Trump in the first place.
lol........The right's anger issues are what gave us Trump in the first place.

Or was it that Hillary was a horrible candidate and the Dems/ left relentlessly attacked, chastised and insulted so many people that didn’t agree with their hard left views? Yeah, there may have been a reason for that anger. And look what the left’s anger has gotten us in ten short months. No introspection, Luther?
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