Your call: Worley or Peterman and why?

Worley on a short leash if he doesn't provide then let Dobbs or Peterman step up
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What's dumb about it? What's dumb about prefering a QB who's sit in the film room under Jim Chaney for two years compared to a freshman. A guy who's put on 20+lbs and looks SEC ready compared to two freshman that neither even weigh 200 lbs. look at the offer lists out of HS. Worley had major SEC offers, and IIRC Stanford and ND too. If these coaches are as good as I think they are there isn't any reason they shouldn't mold Worley into a good QB.

New coaches , new system. He hasn't looked good when playing, hasn't looked good during the summer and didn't look good in the spring. This is according to Butch himself. He shouldn't get the job just for being here longer. If he is better than ok. These people crowning him are doing it off of heart and not head.
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Worley to start game one and will keep the job unless he plays absolutely terrible. It will be interesting to see how Dobbs and Ferguson do in August as both are capable of taking the staring job.
New coaches , new system. He hasn't looked good when playing, hasn't looked good during the summer and didn't look good in the spring. This is according to Butch himself. He shouldn't get the job just for being here longer. If he is better than ok. These people crowning him are doing it off of heart and not head.

Who said he hasn't looked good in the summer?
New coaches , new system. He hasn't looked good when playing, hasn't looked good during the summer and didn't look good in the spring. This is according to Butch himself. He shouldn't get the job just for being here longer. If he is better than ok. These people crowning him are doing it off of heart and not head.

Hubbs said on the radio this morning Worley has the edge.
I was really excited about Nate coming out of HS and I still am. I think he has more potential (better arm and is more mobile) than Worley. However, I think he needs more time to learn the offense so that things start to slow down for him as he seemed a bit overwhelmed in the O&W game. A lot of that comes with experience but I think another year of working on his game and learning the offense would benefit him. So for now I'm going with Worley because he has more experience and seems to know the offense better. But if he doesn't perform well I'd be fine with letting Nate play and get some in-game experience because I think he will be the starter down the road for us (and yes I mean over the two guys we brought in last class as well).

I think Worley will start, but Peterman will play in every game. Sorta like the Ainge & Schafer situation. However; I think around game 4, Peterman will be the starter. South Alabama would be a good game for Peterman to get his feet wet as the full time starter.

At seasons end, Worley will transfer to a school in which he can play immediately as the starter. Maybe Furman, East Carolina, etc. etc.

Then next season, Peterman will have to hold off Dobbs from taking his job.
If he is better by a good margin and wins the job fine. I just don't see why a lot here want to crown him without that happening just because he is older.

No one is crowning him anything. In reality we have a RS Freshman who has never played, and 2 Freshman who arrived this summer. People thinking Dobbs can just show up and be game ready after a month of practice are kidding themselves. In my opinion the best thing for UT this season is for Worley to be ready and lead us this year.
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I don't know how anyone could say who the starting QB should be at this moment. None of them have had any significant time in CBJ's system. The most we got is the O&W game and that's a controlled scrimmage. Give 'em a couple weeks into fall camp and it will begin to sort out. The good news is we have several good candidates. The down side to that is there are not enough practice reps to go around. Two weeks into camp Jones will pick the two best and redshirt one of the younger ones. IMHO
New coaches , new system. He hasn't looked good when playing, hasn't looked good during the summer and didn't look good in the spring. This is according to Butch himself. He shouldn't get the job just for being here longer. If he is better than ok. These people crowning him are doing it off of heart and not head.

I'm "crowning him" because he's more than likely the only one who has a damn clue what it takes to be an SEC QB. Quit telling other people why they are "crowning him". You're comments are full of speculation at best. You can sit there and say CBJ said Justin hasn't played well, but unless you can point to us where he's said anyone has played better, that's not worth a hill of beans.

Has CBJ said Worley hasn't played well while praising other QBs? No I don't think he has. So quit twisting your speculative comments into CBJ saying Justin isn't the man. Peterman CLEARLY ISN'T READY. JMO, but it wasn't just accuracy and reads with him, but the ball just didn't jump out of his hand nowhere near how I expected. And as I stated...neither of the freshman weigh 200lbs. Hell they have Furgeson's weight at sub 180.

You say we're "crowning Worley" by using our hearts, not our heads. Do you think sending a 180-190lb true freshman into Autzen stadium is "using one's head"? I'd think not.
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You let Dobbs and Ferguson redshirt unless you have no other choice. We likely aren't signing a QB this year so we need that extra year. It's Worley's job to lose.

This. Have said it many times. If a true freshman takes over the season is already cooked and there will be a QB controversy for years to come.
If Peterman doesn't significantly impress the coaches, basically if he doesn't take the decision out of their hands with superlative play, he sits.

And he's screwed. With the two frosh incoming, by the following season, both will be in a position to place him #4 on the depth chart.

If there isn't a significant difference between Worley and Peterman, the coach's best bet is to start the younger player (that he recruited elsewhere for his offense, by the way), who has more eligibility, and is a longer-term return for the team.

It would seem that Worley has more pressure to separate himself.
Dobbs hopefully

I love how everyone completely ignores Ferguson here. Dobbs may be smart, but in his highlights he didn't seem to sense pressure in the pocket well. Riley was an expert at flushing out of the pocket and getting rid of the ball. The only problem is that you'll have a few picks thrown by Ferguson.
The same spring practices where both qbs looked bad and Butch said neither was being a good leader and that the freshman would come in to challenge them.

Worley is getting that same dumb loyalty that Dooley got. Most of the Worley fans were the long term Doolanders. They think a player/coach just coming here and waiting and not leaving deserves something for "being loyal". All of these " he's waited his turn, he has been here the longest etc" comments are dumb. If he is the best play him, but being here longer or being loyal does not mean he should get the job.

You know what else is dumb?

Bringing CDD comparisons into every discussion. :hi:
Nailed it.

Hopefully, the team has been purged of the quitter mentallity.


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I'd start Worley because I think he has better chemistry with wide receivers.

Peterman was recruited by this staff at Cincy and perfect for their system. Wouldn't say he has more chemistry, the majority of receivers and TE's are new or FR. Croom, Harris,North, Jenkins, Smith, Johnson, Quinn, Bowles,forget the other new TE. So really outside of Pig, Young, Blanc and Carter both QB's have spent the same amount of time throwing to the receivers.
Peterman was recruited by this staff at Cincy and perfect for their system. Wouldn't say he has more chemistry, the majority of receivers and TE's are new or FR. Croom, Harris,North, Jenkins, Smith, Johnson, Quinn, Bowles,forget the other new TE. So really outside of Pig, Young, Blanc and Carter both QB's have spent the same amount of time throwing to the receivers.

Not true. VQ reported after spring practice that peterman did not get half the reps with the first team that Worley got.
I have watched them about twice and the coaches watch them everyday. Hummmm. I know I am more knowledgeable - but I am going to defer this one time to the coaches and let them make the call.

I know it's a crazy concept.

This all day every day.
Worley gets the nod. After Florida, Peterman will get a shot. After S Carolina, Dobbs is the QB for the rest of the season. CBJ interview today said the jobs open and the best player will get the nod, which to me says he's going to really look at who improves the most and go with them.
Worley gets the nod. After Florida, Peterman will get a shot. After S Carolina, Dobbs is the QB for the rest of the season. CBJ interview today said the jobs open and the best player will get the nod, which to me says he's going to really look at who improves the most and go with them.

Honestly, I don't care who the starter is. I trust that this staff will start the guy who they think gives us the best chance to win.

Having said that, I think it's in the program's best long-term interest if Worely is able to win and hold onto the job for this year and the next. This will allow the staff to groom the young QB's and that way when the time comes for them to step up and be the leader of this team, they will be more seasoned and ready to go. Plus it adds longevity to their eligibility here at UT if they can both be redshirted. If Worely can win the job and then let Peterman have mop up duty, I think this will be best for the program long-term.
Justin Worley, and I'll tell you why. I had a dream last night that he stepped under center in a blaze of bearded glory and then promptly completed 7 straight passes culminating in a beautiful touchdown in the back corner of the endzone to what appeared to be a white guy wearing #4. Admittedly, I don't know if we have a WR wearing #4 on our roster, but I don't believe that diminishes the validity of my prophetic vision. So it is written, so it shall be done.

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