Your Hopes For The Next POTUS Joe Biden

Why has this country become beholden to corporate greed? We are being held hostage by people who makes millions or billions of dollars. And for what? The hope they’ll pay their employees more? The hope they’ll stay here? **** them all. That’s the real problem.
Is it corporate greed or an overreaching, over regulating, over taxing federal government? People want to profit from their efforts.
Is it corporate greed or an overreaching, over regulating, over taxing federal government? People want to profit from their efforts.

I’m fine with profit. What I’m not fine with is the ever-increasing attitude of “**** the people who got us here.” Payroll is getting thinner and thinner while profits aren’t. Why? Is it to appease shareholders and fatten CEO pockets?
Why has this country become beholden to corporate greed? We are being held hostage by people who makes millions or billions of dollars. And for what? The hope they’ll pay their employees more? The hope they’ll stay here? **** them all. That’s the real problem.

Wall St and Big Tech heavily financed the Biden campaign, These Millionaires and Billionaires who contributed to the Biden campaign did not contribute to see their world shaken, they contributed to maintain their corporatocracy.
I’m fine with profit. What I’m not fine with is the ever-increasing attitude of “**** the people who got us here.” Payroll is getting thinner and thinner while profits aren’t. Why? Is it to appease shareholders and fatten CEO pockets?
There's been an awful lot of failed businesses this year with all those fat profits. What happened?
Lmao that’s a staying in business problem.
At some point when they see raising taxes isn’t “making it fair” they’ll start trying to regulate with profit and earnings caps.

It really seems to rustle their jimmies that businesses can adjust their own staffing, pay, and costs to accommodate their needs.
It'll be an improvement over the last four years if we merely get back to arguing about taxes, trade, and the normal stuff people argue about.
Yeah all that talk of peace in the Middle East was a real downer. Sucked talking about America being oil independent. I really hated the part where Europe was finally having to start paying for their own defenses... It will be good when we are once again footing the bill for everybody else in the entire world.
God it feels good to say that!

A return to normalcy. A return to decency. Getting the country healed. Those are my top three hopes. Then let's grab us some guns.

PS. I'm just kidding about the guns.

Target practice with Biden/Harris targets
I’m fine with profit. What I’m not fine with is the ever-increasing attitude of “**** the people who got us here.” Payroll is getting thinner and thinner while profits aren’t. Why? Is it to appease shareholders and fatten CEO pockets?

until the pandemic wages were growing faster than any time during the previous administration and the one before that.
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Why has this country become beholden to corporate greed? We are being held hostage by people who makes millions or billions of dollars. And for what? The hope they’ll pay their employees more? The hope they’ll stay here? **** them all. That’s the real problem.
Coorprate greed built this country.

Greed is a good thing.
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At first they came for the billionaires and I cheered because I’m not a billionaire.
Then they came for the millionaires and and I was quite because I’m not a millionaire.
Then they came for the upper middle class and I thought “oh well they’re doing fine” I’m not upper middle class anyway.
Then they came for me and I became a republican.
Why has this country become beholden to corporate greed? We are being held hostage by people who makes millions or billions of dollars. And for what? The hope they’ll pay their employees more? The hope they’ll stay here? **** them all. That’s the real problem.

Do you have a 401k? Do you dabble in the market on your own? If so do you do it to throw f***ing money away?
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Question for Biden supporters Will I need my college transcripts from 25 years ago to apply for student loan reimbursements? Should I cut out the middle person and just give the bill for my health insurance to my next door neighbor? Will the funds from the billionaire breakup be sent on a debit card, direct deposit or Hogwarts' Owls?
Greed is a good thing.
One of my heroes
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Being honest here...I'm very bitter...and that's not my usual mentality...they never gave Trump any opportunity it was resist and impeach one...but I love America more than I dislike my wish is for the US to have good jobs like Mike Rowe has collar jobs that don't require college and vocational schools in African American and poorer areas...get people off welfare and into the middle class
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