Your Hopes For The Next POTUS Joe Biden

No COVID = a Trump second term.

Trump has a better response to covid = likely Trump second term.

Regardless of anyone’s thoughts on covid, plenty of Americans take it serious. Continually suggesting it would just “go away” was a horrendous political move. Whoever advised him should’ve been fired. But then again we know that he probably doesn’t let anyone actually advise him.
Agreed. But the DC attack by the GOP will fan the division on mainstreet. And there is plenty right now
I am not so sure. The ardent, vocal party supporters will be divided. But as long as BJ is what he has been for 47 years, most of main street will simply go about their lives without much thought on DC.
Trump has a better response to covid = likely Trump second term.

Regardless of anyone’s thoughts on covid, plenty of Americans take it serious. Continually suggesting it would just “go away” was a horrendous political move. Whoever advised him should’ve been fired. But then again we know that he probably doesn’t let anyone actually advise him.

That's a decent point, but still with a booming economy the Democrats wouldn't have stood a chance had the China virus not hit.
I voted for Trump but at this point I hope it’s proven he lost fair and square. I also hope he starts his own party and people like Jim Jordan and other Trump disciples follow him, effectively purifying the GOP of it’s extremists. At that point, the GOP would be the only non-majority extremists party in America.

For Biden, I hope he separates himself from Pelosi and the goblin and truly governs as a non-partisan would govern, looking out for the rural Americans as much as he does inner city Americans. Most importantly, do not pack the courts.

Like him or not, we need to pray for him every day
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We will not “heal” We will continue to be divided. 70 million or so of us voted for Trump. We want low taxes, no wars and pro American policies. You all want the exact opposite of those things. I will refuse to unify with you people

Everybody knows that Republicans serve the Devil, so you folks will never again be accepted among decent folks. Your secret is out. BTW, Biden's tax policy is to lower taxes on the middle class and restore higher rates only on the top income bracket. That income varies over time, but he is talking about restoring higher tax rates on people making $400,000 or more per year. Is that you? You say you don't want wars, but it was Republicans who lied the country into going to war in Iraq. Pro American policies? If that is what you want, then why would you support a President who owes hundreds of millions dollars in loans underwritten by a Russian state bank, a President who picks unnecessary fights with our allies while never criticizing the President of Russia?

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My hopes for Biden are that he doesn't allow the extreme left of the party, a segment that allowed a very exposed Trump to hang very close in the election, dictate policy.

But from his tone it appears there is zero chance he does this. The country has allowed the fringe to lead.
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I’ve brought this up in another convo.

If you’re curious why some believe that Trump supporters are racist, look no further than Trump’s twitter account. Again, he retweeted a tweet where a Trump supporter was yelling “white power”. That happened. Now whether or not that was a mistake, idk? But if Trump supporters don’t want to be viewed as racists then Trump shouldn’t be retweeting a vid of a **Trump supporter** yelling “white power”. Nahmean?

He couldn’t just left it at that one dude being viewed as racist. But when Trump amplifies and sends that out to the world via twitter - it’s not that difficult to see why some view him or his supporters as racists.

Before anyone goes bananas - I don’t think Trump supporters are racists. I know some people who voted for Trump. We get along great.

I do believe that Trump was bad for the GOP. That’s just my personal opinion. His lack of anything decent is disappointing and the fact he’s being amplified by the party is not a good look.

Don’t take my word for it - take American voters’ word for it. Rejected him by the masses after one term.
I'm not a Trump supporter but you're last sentence is a complete break from reality. He overcame unprecedented obstacles to compete to the wire. He wasn't rejected. In fact given how vulnerable he was, (corona, economy, hostile media, civil unrest), the fact it was close is much more a mark against the left and their policies. It probably should have been a landslide.
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It will be worse post Trump because I expect the Repubs to go on attack on influence peddling Joe
25% will view it as more divided, 55% will view it as less divided, and 20% will view it the same. (just like under Obama)

Under Trump 75% viewed it as more divided, 25% viewed it as the same, 0% viewed it as less divided.
I hope I never have to watch a reporter ask anyone to comment on Trump's latest tweet ever again, but I know that hope is likely to get squashed within the hour
Trump will be a relentless pain in Bidens ass.
It’s what they all do. Obama hasn’t shut up yet. The difference is Trump will be after in on a all new level.

In case you were wondering....I’m not looking any more forward to hearing from trump after he leaves office than I am from Obama.

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