Your Hopes For The Next POTUS Joe Biden

I’m gonna say a POTUS tweeting out divisive rhetoric is more impactful than anything a liberal can say on a message board full of conservatives.

While I find some truth in your statement, Trump does more than plant seeds. He has a massive audience. And for some reason people continue to believe the things he says.

He himself is a super-spreader of misinformation and division.

Second screen shot taken for future use .. keep up that same energy during this next administration.
Ah the tolerant "love it or leave it" which has morphed into "comply or be cancelled." Thanks but I'll continue to express my views here and vote accordingly. That used to be encouraged in the US. But Trump right?

Nah, I'm not encouraging you or anyone to leave. I'm just stating the fact that you're in a very small minority of voters here, and that you'll likely be frustrated heretofore here.
Nah, I'm not encouraging you or anyone to leave. I'm just stating the fact that you're in a very small minority of voters here, and that you'll likely be frustrated heretofore here.
Yeah I'm unlike ~100 million in that I don't want the govt in control of my life. That number has grown in recent years
I’m gonna say a POTUS tweeting out divisive rhetoric is more impactful than anything a liberal can say on a message board full of conservatives.

While I find some truth in your statement, Trump does more than plant seeds. He has a massive audience. And for some reason people continue to believe the things he says.

He himself is a super-spreader of misinformation and division.

I am not a Trump or Biden supporter. I am more Independent than I have ever been. Watching Rs and Ds is like watching little children fight.

You want to know why DJT has a passionate following? It's because he attacks the media and politicians which they see as constantly attacking them. He has never called them "deplorable", "bitter-clingers", "racists". Where did those names come from?
The D side sees those names as accurate. So, in your mind, a rightie has no moral standing to be upset at those aspersions. You view it almost as if those things manifested in a vacuum with no catalyst whatsover. And when they fall in love with a candidate who fights for them, it is an indictment on them and the country.
Nah, I'm not encouraging you or anyone to leave. I'm just stating the fact that you're in a very small minority of voters here, and that you'll likely be frustrated heretofore here.

“ Heretofore “.. Before now here ? That’s new lol
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Your question was if he said or tweeted anything more divisive than the impeachment scandal.
I actually said nothing about tweets and just asked for anything as divisive as calling his presidency invalid. That's a bad look but do you think that was on purpose? How many even saw it? Again, the old man should realize he's billionaire potus and get off twitter
I actually said nothing about tweets and just asked for anything as divisive as calling his presidency invalid. That's a bad look but do you think that was on purpose? How many even saw it? Again, the old man should realize he's billionaire potus and get off twitter

If I had to put a number on it I’d say roughly 88M people.

Couldn’t agree more with the bold.
I am not a Trump or Biden supporter. I am more Independent than I have ever been. Watching Rs and Ds is like watching little children fight.

You want to know why DJT has a passionate following? It's because he attacks the media and politicians which they see as constantly attacking them. He has never called them "deplorable", "bitter-clingers", "racists". Where did those names come from?
The D side sees those names as accurate. So, in your mind, a rightie has no moral standing to be upset at those aspersions. You view it almost as if those things manifested in a vacuum with no catalyst whatsover. And when they fall in love with a candidate who fights for them, it is an indictment on them and the country.

I’ve brought this up in another convo.

If you’re curious why some believe that Trump supporters are racist, look no further than Trump’s twitter account. Again, he retweeted a tweet where a Trump supporter was yelling “white power”. That happened. Now whether or not that was a mistake, idk? But if Trump supporters don’t want to be viewed as racists then Trump shouldn’t be retweeting a vid of a **Trump supporter** yelling “white power”. Nahmean?

He couldn’t just left it at that one dude being viewed as racist. But when Trump amplifies and sends that out to the world via twitter - it’s not that difficult to see why some view him or his supporters as racists.

Before anyone goes bananas - I don’t think Trump supporters are racists. I know some people who voted for Trump. We get along great.

I do believe that Trump was bad for the GOP. That’s just my personal opinion. His lack of anything decent is disappointing and the fact he’s being amplified by the party is not a good look.

Don’t take my word for it - take American voters’ word for it. Rejected him by the masses after one term.
That's an absurd estimate that makes zero sense. Most on Twitter are bots, even fewer would see it and fewer still would watch

Yet it was reported on by every media outlet. So whether they saw it on twitter or in the news, I’d say 88M is a conservative estimate.
I’ve brought this up in another convo.

If you’re curious why some believe that Trump supporters are racist, look no further than Trump’s twitter account. Again, he retweeted a tweet where a Trump supporter was yelling “white power”. That happened. Now whether or not that was a mistake, idk? But if Trump supporters don’t want to be viewed as racists then Trump shouldn’t be retweeting a vid of a **Trump supporter** yelling “white power”. Nahmean?

He couldn’t just left it at that one dude being viewed as racist. But when Trump amplifies and sends that out to the world via twitter - it’s not that difficult to see why some view him or his supporters as racists.

Before anyone goes bananas - I don’t think Trump supporters are racists. I know some people who voted for Trump. We get along great.

I do believe that Trump was bad for the GOP. That’s just my personal opinion. His lack of anything decent is disappointing and the fact he’s
being amplified by the party is not a good look.

Don’t take my word for it - take American voters’ word for it. Rejected him by the masses after one term.

You behaved completely congruent with I offered in my post.

The D side sees those names as accurate. So, in your mind, a rightie has no moral standing to be upset at those aspersions. You view it almost as if those things manifested in a vacuum with no catalyst whatsover. And when they fall in love with a candidate who fights for them, it is an indictment on them and the country.

Your default programming is corrupt. I can find tons of racism with D politicians and current cultural movements if I look hard enough. My default programming is racism in America is there is a bell curve distribution when looking at our population. But only the extreme racism on the right side of the curve is excoriated.
You behaved completely congruent with I offered in my post.

The D side sees those names as accurate. So, in your mind, a rightie has no moral standing to be upset at those aspersions. You view it almost as if those things manifested in a vacuum with no catalyst whatsover. And when they fall in love with a candidate who fights for them, it is an indictment on them and the country.

Your default programming is corrupt. I can find tons of racism with D politicians and current cultural movements if I look hard enough. My default programming is racism in America is there is a bell curve distribution when looking at our population. But only the extreme racism on the right side of the curve is excoriated.

I’m not saying there isn’t racism on both sides.

But if you want to not be viewed as racist (regardless of political affiliation), you probably shouldn’t retweet someone yelling “white power”. There is not a sane or logical person that would not consider that racist. So it as at this point that a “righty” can not be upset if someone calls Trump racist.

Unless the argument is that he’s dumb instead of racist. This is the line of thinking I most align with.
I’ve brought this up in another convo.

If you’re curious why some believe that Trump supporters are racist, look no further than Trump’s twitter account. Again, he retweeted a tweet where a Trump supporter was yelling “white power”. That happened. Now whether or not that was a mistake, idk? But if Trump supporters don’t want to be viewed as racists then Trump shouldn’t be retweeting a vid of a **Trump supporter** yelling “white power”. Nahmean?

He couldn’t just left it at that one dude being viewed as racist. But when Trump amplifies and sends that out to the world via twitter - it’s not that difficult to see why some view him or his supporters as racists.

Before anyone goes bananas - I don’t think Trump supporters are racists. I know some people who voted for Trump. We get along great.

I do believe that Trump was bad for the GOP. That’s just my personal opinion. His lack of anything decent is disappointing and the fact he’s being amplified by the party is not a good look.

Don’t take my word for it - take American voters’ word for it. Rejected him by the masses after one term.

Yeah that's not as cut and dry of a point as it sounds.

There was plenty of reporting on Trump losing support from people that voted for him 4 years ago for the last several months. I haven't read any polling numbers on that topic but Im guessing that happened to some degree.

The massive wave against his first term resulted in a big push in voting turnout, that obvious explosion in voting didn't all go to Biden as Trump as increased his vote total from 4 years ago by 9 million people.
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Impeachment - Fact: Trump withheld our taxpayer dollars to an ally (Ukraine) dependent upon whether that country would provide dirt on a political opponent. We can argue the semantics of whether or no this is an act that rose to the level of impeachment, but make no mistake, it happened.

As for the pandemic, the lack of a federal response plan served as the genesis for our country's excessive deaths. Trump knew how dangerous and lethal CV19 was in January (per the Woodward audio tapes), yet he downplayed the virus - he lied to us all - and then he effectively did nothing to form a federal plan of action.
The impeachment also lasted less that 5 months... late September to early February is not “years.”
Yeah that's not as cut and dry of a point as it sounds.

There was plenty of reporting on Trump losing support from people that voted for him 4 years ago for the last several months. I haven't read any polling numbers on that topic but Im guessing that happened to some degree.

The massive wave against his first term resulted in a big push in voting turnout, that obvious explosion in voting didn't all go to Biden as Trump as increased his vote total from 4 years ago by 9 million people.

That’s true. More layered than what I presented, for sure. My point from the bolded was supposed to be that he was voted out after one term. Could’ve worded that better.
That’s true. More layered than what I presented, for sure. My point from the bolded was supposed to be that he was voted out after one term. Could’ve worded that better.
Given the 4 year effort by the MSM and the D party, the idea that he expand his vote by 9 million is remarkable whether you hate him or not.
I’m not saying there isn’t racism on both sides.

But if you want to not be viewed as racist (regardless of political affiliation), you probably shouldn’t retweet someone yelling “white power”. There is not a sane or logical person that would not consider that racist. So it as at this point that a “righty” can not be upset if someone calls Trump racist.

Unless the argument is that he’s dumb instead of racist. This is the line of thinking I most align with.
To be fair to you, you have offered a couple of "outs" about that tweet. It is just as easy to give DJT the out as it is to dig in about racism. Here's how I choose to evaluate it: Is the [politician] pushing policy which provides opportunity to one ethnicity and/or limiting opportunity for others? If the answer is no, it doesn't mean the politician is devoid of racist thought, but it means their thoughts are not harmful to anyone.
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Given the 4 year effort by the MSM and the D party, the idea that he expand his vote by 9 million is remarkable whether you hate him or not.
Imagine a political figure willing to fight for everyone without the bombast, against the media, foreign interests, a BCG.

I think that person would galvanize the majority.

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