If Fulmer had fired Clawson mid season, would he have never been let go?

His trend losing? I’ll take that trend with some East championship than the losing trend we have been in for the last ten years.
Nah...more 5-7 seasons and a couple 4-8 sprinkled in. Would have been even uglier.
Seems alot of fans frustration was that after each blowout loss he seemed to be poo poo'ing people being upset by saying "we've won alot of games around here" and "we havent forgotten how to coach".

That's not what people wanted to hear. Fire Clawson, say changes are coming, good recruiting class coming in etc.

If Fulmer had hired the 99 version of Jim Chaney he might still be coaching. Instead after a vast nationwide search he found Randy Sanders was the best OC in the country.
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See know can tell me. If you are out there and you think Fulmer should have been fired then tell me how has this helped this program? I’m tired of peoples opinions instead of facts.

Think of this way, 45 seasons counting kiffens season they only had six losing seasons. That is 4 1/2 decades of six losing seasons. The last nine, six losing seasons. Great job Hamilton and the fans wanting Fulmer gone.
That still doesn’t tell me why or how the program has been better since he has been gone. I want facts on how firing Fulmer has made this program and team better. Can anyone answer this one easy question since some of you think it was for the best????
Ignorance is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results. Tennessee fans are not ignorant.
If Fulmer had hired the 99 version of Jim Chaney he might still be coaching. Instead after a vast nationwide search he found Randy Sanders was the best OC in the country.
Promoting from within had always worked for him and Sanders called a good NC game with a lot of pressure surrounding him. Have no issue with his decision THEN. Just in not recognizing when it stopped working. We were one game away from playing for the NC in 2001...so well after that.
I don't want to get into the proving what might of been business because it's always impossible, whatever side you are on. However, it is an established and irrefutable fact that the amount of success the program has had, fell off like a ski jump after Fulmer was fired.

Reasonable people can disagree as to whether the firing of Fulmer was the cause of the immediate decline, however since the decline did occur, there's a pretty strong inference that it was the cause. If our record had not dropped off, likewise there would be a strong inference that firing Fulmer did not hurt us, and we'd be hearing that argument if that was the case, which unfortunately, it isn't.

It also bears repeating that we had Tajh Boyd committed when Fulmer was fired. Boyd was the foundation of everything Dabo has built at Clemson, so post-firing Fulmer record aside, there was other reason to believe things were going to get better, not worse.
I don't want to get into the proving what might of been business because it's always impossible, whatever side you are on. However, it is an established and irrefutable fact that the amount of success the program has had, fell off like a ski jump after Fulmer was fired. Reasonable people can disagree as to whether the firing of Fulmer was the cause of the immediate decline, however since the decline did occur, there's a pretty strong inference that it was the cause. If our record had not dropped off so drastically, likewise there would be a strong inference that firing Fulmer did not hurt us, and we'd be hearing that argument if that was the case, which unfortunately, it isn't. It also bears repeating that we had Tajh Boyd committed when Fulmer was fired. Boyd was the foundation of everything Dabo has built at Clemson, so post-firing Fulmer record aside, there was other reason to believe things were going to get better.
And I’m sure the QB musical chairs act would have been instrumental in the development of both Boyd and Petty.
See know can tell me. If you are out there and you think Fulmer should have been fired then tell me how has this helped this program? I’m tired of peoples opinions instead of facts.

Think of this way, 45 seasons counting kiffens season they only had six losing seasons. That is 4 1/2 decades of six losing seasons. The last nine, six losing seasons. Great job Hamilton and the fans wanting Fulmer gone.
How can you say they would have been better. 2 straight losing seasons without Cutcliff as OC, 3 straight bad recruiting classes, and I would say we were headed for about where we are now. Kiffin came in, worked wonders with worm burner Crompton, and won 7 games and would gave beaten Bama if we had a FG kicker.

Imo the downside began when Kiffin bolted. Perfect storm of 4 straight terrible recruiting classes and a coach bolting 1 year into a rebuild.
I don't see comparing Jonathan Crompton, et al., as being an apples to apples comparison to Tajh Boyd.
Who was going to be Taj Boyd's OC and are you saying Boyd would have been great in Fulmer's under the center offense that didnt fit his skillset at all?
Peyton's senior year we needed LSU and Georgia to beat Florida for us also, and got skullfracked by Nebraska in the bowl game. I'm still proud of that SEC championship though, we won it fair and square.
Yes, a little different though because the loss to Florida was our only regular season loss that year. In 2007 we had 2 completely non-competitive losses to rivals plus a nonconference loss. It never really "felt" that year like we had a great team; the 1997 squad actually was a really good team.
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His numbers proves it. We know what happened and has happened since he was gone. Are you seriously going to tell me Fulmer would have fell from 23 most wins his last six years to 70 where we are now.

But you prove my point no one can prove firing Fulmer has been a good, productive, beneficial to this program.
So then by your own reasoning it was wrong to fire Johnny Majors and hire Fulmer?

Compare last 4 years of Majors vs last 4 years of Fulmer record wise.
You know what let him stay three more season and if he had losing seasons then let him go.

Firing Fulmer has cursed this program. I said it then from day one and I will continue to say it. He is a legendary coach and person here. His firing was a disgrace and the program and fans have suffered ever since.

Let’s go back up. I’ve read and continue to read how and why he was fired. I need someone to convince me how firing him was the best and right choice. For some reason no one can.

How about two losing seasons in his last four years?
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This. Spot on. It was time. The downward spiral started before Clawson.

Rodney Garner left in early 98

Cut left

Fulmanders became our OC

Should have fired Sanders and Washington after 02. Instead he said somebody(Queen Victoria probably) talked him out of it so he fired the TE coach

After that unless Cut would have stayed it was pretty much re-arranging the deck chairs on the Titanic.
Who was going to be Taj Boyd's OC and are you saying Boyd would have been great in Fulmer's under the center offense that didnt fit his skillset at all?
No one can prove what might have been, I'm just saying there were reasons for optimism as well. We can prove what was though, and it is irrefutable that the program went to excrement after Fulmer was fired, whether his firing was the cause or not.
So then by your own reasoning it was wrong to fire Johnny Majors and hire Fulmer?

Compare last 4 years of Majors vs last 4 years of Fulmer record wise.

I was not necessarily for Majors getting fired either. However, Majors did have open heart surgery before the 92 season and there were some questions if his health could hold up long term. Now he did back and coach Pitt but I doubt he had the pressures he had at UT to win.
I was not necessarily for Majors getting fired either. However, Majors did have open heart surgery before the 92 season and there were some questions if his health could hold up long term. Now he did back and coach Pitt but I doubt he had the pressures he had at UT to win.
Exactly. Is always a crapshoot when you change coaches. I personally think Kiffen would have done well here, at least for a few years.
I’m done arguing with kids that just don’t understand. Fulmer would have turned this program around to at least win a few East titles and maybe one SEC championships but the numbers don’t lie there either. Since 2008 the East team has the SEC championship twice. One by Florida in 08 and one by Georgia in 17.

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