Loitering. Look it up dude. Sitting, standing, floating, lying down, etc, doesn't matter.
How do I know they didnt tell the employees they were waiting? How do you know they did? They were asked to order. They said no. They were asked to leave. They refused. Cops came. They didn't get arrested. - POC Supervisor statements.
Maybe they should work on polishing their social skills next time in a public place?...unless you know that tramples the image they were trying to roll with.
It use to be the only reason you called the police was over an emergency.
They were not being accused of loitering, but rather trespassing. Big difference. One implies just being somewhere for a long period of time, the other implies that they didn't belong there to begin with. I'll let you add up 2+2.
Also, technically, they were arrested but released when they realized no crime had been committed. Since both trespassing and loitering are considered crimes, why were they exonerated if they're as guilty as you say they are?
The image they're trying to roll with? Like they can really help that they're black. Come on, really? :banghead2:
In most urban environments afflicted with large populations of socioeconomically disenfranchised people what normally would be an unlocked restroom in a business is often locked. Some places even charge you to use the restroom. I've seen locks on bathroom doors in Burger Kings in California..had to pay 25 cents to open it. Deters the homeless and millennials.
Yeah, makes sense. I've seen it when traveling, at gas stations, convenience stores, etc. Some of which have a "no pay, no pee" rule.
So...funny story, sort of. Just showing you how even a cop can be a bit of a "nonconformist" under the right circumstances: Last year we're traveling to visit family in PA. We're on some state route in WV, and I'm 3 hours and a couple of big coffees since my last head call, so we pull into this gas station to fill up and use the bathroom. I'm about to bust, so I go in and ask where the restrooms are. The lady at the counter says "You have to buy something to get the key." I tell her that I am going to fill up my tank (we're parked at the pump), but I need to pee first. She gives me the same answer again. By now I'm practically doing the Snoopy Dance, but I'm also pissed, so I say "No worries, Ma'am...I'll just pi** at the pump while I'm filling up."
She hands me the key. $56 in gas just to take a leak in a bathroom that looked like it hadn't been cleaned since Eisenhower got elected.
Maybe that's how they roll in Philly, ya think?
So you were accused of loitering? I've never been told to leave a place when explaining that I was waiting for someone. It isn't the policy of chain establishments to handle things like this. If you were a victim of overt racism, you'd probably be a little defiant too.
Starbucks official policy released in 2009. Sorry to hurt you rube's feelings.I thought the initial article stated that Starbucks doesnt allow people to use the restroom or tables without purchases.
"We strive to create a welcoming environment for all of our customers. We do not have any time limits for being in our stores, and continue to focus on making the Third Place experience for every Starbucks customer."
If this location is consistent with all races, it's not racist. You really need to chill until questions can be asked. Asking it, is fair. Deeming it racist on the limited first reaction info is foolish.
So far, the cops weren't racist, the kids were indeed loitering and asked to leave but didn't. Now if we find out that this location is strict on non-patrons using facilities and sitting space as an overall rule, will you change your tune?
So an eyewitness statement is unreliable, but we should listen to a guy who wasn't there who has a vested interest in making his guys look good?
That's funny, I could have sworn that eyewitness testimonies are used in courtrooms all over America, every hour of every day. Stupid AF comment, but no surprise coming from you.Eyewitnesses are worthless. Remember all the lies they told with the Michael Brown case? Lmao
Also, this police chief actually had something to say regarding what happened. We found out what happened. Weird.
I am heartbroken to see Philadelphia in the headlines for an incident that at least based on what we know at this point appears to exemplify what racial discrimination looks like in 2018.