Gonna fix all the leaks in this place
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Man ain't nothing crappier than taking a shower and u look up only to have a giant freaking wolf spider fall dead on ur face!!I turned into a 13 year old girl at the moment lol...But yeah im probably gonna need therapy after this whole ordeal....
The football roster limit, as reported last week, will be 105, two sources briefed on the numbers confirmed. That’s an increase from the 85-player scholarship limit that has existed for decades but below the previous roster limit, which was 120 as of the start of the season.105 roster? We don't even have 85 this year I believe.
I don’t really see the 105 making a huge difference in football.The football roster limit, as reported last week, will be 105, two sources briefed on the numbers confirmed. That’s an increase from the 85-player scholarship limit that has existed for decades but below the previous roster limit, which was 120 as of the start of the season.
The limit will be effective for the 2025-26 season, along with other aspects of the settlement, including revenue sharing, expected to be around $20 million per school to each school’s
Power conference commissioners plan to set roster limits for House settlement: Sources
Power conference commissioners have decided on roster limits that will be filed this week as part of the settlement in the House-NCAA
We took him to the local shelter. We just really don't have time for a pet. It wouldn't be fair to the dog. My wife and son were both getting attached. It really bonded with my wife, followed her around everywhere. I'm allergic to dogs but can tolerate them outside. We live on acreage but it's difficult to have an unfenced outside dog now like it used to be.
We did our due diligence. We put up signs at our local establishments including the post office. We put it on Facebook on our community page. We put it on the "Neighborhood " app. My guess is someone just dumped him out.
The shelter said not to worry that the pup wouldn't last 20 min. They thought someone just dumped it after having a litter. It was such a sweet little puppy. The shelter thought it could have had some bull mastiff genetics as well.
More nudz sent. Thank you for being a loyal patron of the arts.Please email me at I would like to ask questions about benefits. I am getting near 60 and do have a USAR pension coming. @Weezer I'm already a subscriber so no need to send more.
Right, that's a year away. Not for 2024-2025.The football roster limit, as reported last week, will be 105, two sources briefed on the numbers confirmed. That’s an increase from the 85-player scholarship limit that has existed for decades but below the previous roster limit, which was 120 as of the start of the season.
The limit will be effective for the 2025-26 season, along with other aspects of the settlement, including revenue sharing, expected to be around $20 million per school to each school’s
Power conference commissioners plan to set roster limits for House settlement: Sources
Power conference commissioners have decided on roster limits that will be filed this week as part of the settlement in the House-NCAA
Yeah so much parity, soo many teams have 90+ averages. Back in the day having a 90 average would be a gtd top 8 class.Looking at the class rankings, this is the most even I've remember seeing recruiting rankings at this point. Basically everyone has a pretty good avg commit ranking until 17 when things drop off pretty big
Liar. Everyone wants more Weezer nudz.Not been able to get on as much with kids out of school and I just finished reading the previous thread. A couple of things.
1. @Glitch in the pic of the dog between your legs and your hideous feet covered by Crocs.....was that a bucket of books in the background on the right? WTF, buckets of light bulbs are a staple in every Vol household but a bucket 'o books is a sign of a cereal killer.
2. @InVOLuntary that boxer pup is freaking adorable. I would have a hard time not keeping but you I trust you will find it a good home or give him to an adoption center or no-kill shelter.
3. This will be longer but I can't remember who posted about needing legal gummies for themselves or a relative in pain (anyone who remembers, please reply and @ that poster.
There is a brand of fruit flavored gummies I love and buy from the vape shop near my can probably find online or we can connect and I will ship them to you from Jacksonville, FL. The brand is Red Devil (ironic as I grew up in Halls). They come in various mg's but I get the 250mg big boys for around $8. They are a Delta 8, HHC and THCP mixture and are great for pain.
I have 12 herniated disc's and fractured my anterior column on L4-L5 disc 2 years ago. Fracture is healed but still causes worse pain in that area than other herniated areas.
There is no Delta 9 in the Red Devils but the THCP is the strongest Cannabinnoid. It can be stronger than Delta 9 from a dispensary, depending on the formulation. Also, the combo with Delta 8 and HHC helps the overall effect pain relieving effect. Half of a 250mg gummy takes away all pain, makes me a little hungry and very mild mental effects. That's my dose if I'm at home relaxing. I take about 1/8th of a gummy before work for only pain relief with no mental effects.
I took a whole gummy once and spent 6-8 hours in what I imagine a normal day as @TrippieRedd would be like. I quit smoking pot (except occasionally at concerts) about 12 years ago so I no longer have as much tolerance and don't like the "stoned out of my mind" feeling since I have kids but I smoked heavily for 20 years so stillsome tolerance.
I highly recommend looking for that brand or any brand with that combo of ingredients. I will mail you a free sample by Priority Mail if you want to try and see if it works....unopened package, of course. Reply with your email if interested and I will email you....I'd post mine on here but it has my full name in it and I don't want more @Weezer nudes. My email without my name is inundated with spam so I probably wouldn't see it.
This post is a sample of what’s Good in life.Good stuff. Understood on not having time or being able to have purely outdoor dogs now....especially a puppy. I too found a dog recently....kinda long story.
Last Friday it was storming bad here all day so I walked my dog around 9:30pm once rain stopped. I heard a dog behind me as I was heading back to the house and thought it was a neighbor with the same idea. Look back and a German Shepherd mix comes limping up, not able to put any weight on front left paw and right paw shaking like crazy. No owner around or collar and dog is panting as hard as I've ever heard.
It ignored my dog, walked right up to me and sat down to lean against my leg. She was much bigger than my bestest boy but he was comfortable....sniffing her and interested, of course. She was soaking wet and heart beating 100mph. I stood and petted her and hoped an owner would come before walking the last 50 yards to my front porch. She followed and laid down on my porch. I yelled for my wife who came out with a towel and water. We noticed light pink blood spots on my porch wherever she had stepped. Our neighbor was outside with her niece who is a vet tech and we called them over.
She helped us cool her down (never knew rubbing alcohol on paw pads opens pores and cools them) and checked her out. Couldn't really find anything wrong but she told us the dog seemed older, confirmed German Shep. mixed with something else, 60ish pounds and gave us some advice on finding owner since our P.O.S. local rescue and animal control were either closed or their number was busy signal constantly.
I live in a large residential neighborhood surrounded by residential streets off a super busy 4-6 lane highway so figured she was local and got out. I have a fenced yard and screened back porch that I felt would be a good spot since I didn't know how she would react to my cat or if she had parasites. The dog didn't want to move, though so I picked her up and carried her to my back porch, we made her a bed, turned on the ceiling fan and put out dog food and sat with her a while. It wasn't storming any more so she was fine rest of the night.
I checked on her the next morning and she was so sweet and well groomed....couldn't find any fleas or ticks. She even smelleed good. I brought her in before the Florida heat got bad and made her a pallet beside my bed in a corner. She mostly stayed there over the weekend or followed me around. We were able to see that her paw pad was torn away and bandaged her up and she was able to hobble around but wouldn't eat except some chicken I gave her. I drove around to try to find her luck. Took her to the vet up the road on Monday morning and luckily she was chipped but the jerk that answered said it was his ex wife's dog and he didn't care about it but he did give the name of his ex and her email. Also told the vet that the dog is named Nova.
Email bounced back as no good and my wife couldn't find the lady's name on social media. Also no response on Next Door app or our neighborhood Facebook page. I went to work that evening and someone who knew the owner saw one of my wife's multiple social media outlet posts, recognized the description and got them in touch. Lots of dog fighting and using bait dogs in our area so the wife had the lady send a pic to prove it was her dog. It was already late so we arranged for the owner to come pick up the dog the next day after her shift at the hospital (nurse).
Turns out the old girl is 13, deathly afraid of storms and got lost after she broke out of the privacy fence and ran. The dog traveled almost 10 miles to my neighborhood and then found me. I was starting to get attached and probably would have kept her if we couldn't find the owner.
Luckily, things worked out and the owner and dog had a happy reunion, though the dog didn't respond at first due to bad eyesight....she freaked out when she smelled her, though. The owner said she was sending us a gift basket but I told her that dog-sitting the sweet girl for the weekend plus a couple days and a happy ending was enough for us. Really disappointed in the local services available to someone finding a lost and hurt dog, though.