I get that thought on the surface. However, fan turns on TV, doesn't hear background, tweets a wtf. Not too far fetched and he should know how that works.
The expression about not $hitting where you eat comes to mind here. Fran Frascella has handled this situation poorly. He would have been better off to not mention it at all. Calling the Tennessee fans idiots was the dumbest of all moves; and it doesn't matter if the comment was just targeted to the ones on Twitter.
perfect! Fwiw Fran has always generally been favorable towards UT, pre-Barnes and more so since! Everyone please realize he has LOTS of influence, let it slide on #voltwitter volnation!
perfect! Fwiw Fran has always generally been favorable towards UT, pre-Barnes and more so since! Everyone please realize he has LOTS of influence, let it slide on #voltwitter volnation!
People defending him need to understand he started it because he has an on air forum and knows we can only respond on Twitter. If he doesn’t like what’s said on Twitter then he needs to get off of it. Also for some reason New Yorkers ( and many Yankees) take great pride in trashing southerners and the south because they want to appear superior. Then they all move here as soon as they can.