10:00 Brandon Warren---Be Here

(GenNeyland9 @ Jan 30 said:
Hope he doesn't end up a trojan
I wasn't going to say it, but that's how I feel to.
(GenNeyland9 @ Jan 30 said:
Ok so I know Brandon is a big man physically, but if he has the guts to go on the Hounddogs show in East Tennesee and tell everyone he's picking Florida State over the Vols, then he's a bigger man than I thought . . . that will take some balls if it is his ultimate decision.

I like that reasoning.
(Lady Vol Fan @ Jan 30 said:
is shepherd or riley announcing now too?
Sheppard said tomorrow. Good chance we get him based on his comments just now.
sheppherd was just on but said he wont say until signing day, he said its 50/50 between TN and LSU he said "there is a good chance of Tennessee picking me up"
(Xanny @ Jan 30 said:
What are the chances of Pope switching?
He's from California. I don't know his family situtation. It might be easier for them to attend games and such if he stays out west.
(hvwarrior58 @ Jan 30 said:
I think Pope is staying UT. He is ignoring calls to get the media off of him.
I hope.
(Lexvol @ Jan 30 said:
All this over a tight end. Never thought I would see the day....

Yeah big day for all those at Neyland heard to proclaim, "Why don't we EVER throw to the tight end? It ALWAYS works and he's ALWAYS open!"
(newjersey4vols @ Jan 30 said:
I thought I heard that Pope told USC...thanks but no thanks. Am I dreaming that?
Supposedly he did.
(vols kick balls @ Jan 30 said:
i was thinking he looked like a pig but i could see where you get he looks retarded

I read that Pope scored a 1430 on his SAT's....Hardly retarded...
(Volsguy12 @ Jan 30 said:
that'd be great to pick up sheppard and riley

It would be tough for LSU. They lost a WR today to somebody but they did pick up Jai Eugene who called Miles and switched from Michigan today.
Whenever you say someone looks "retarted," it might be best not to spell the word incorrectly, thus making you look somewhat "retarded"
(Lady Vol Fan @ Jan 30 said:
Vol freak, did sheppard say when, or where he'd announce?
I heard him say he hoped to have his mind made up tomorrow but I didn't hear him say when he would announce.
(GenNeyland9 @ Jan 30 said:
Whenever you say someone looks "retarted," it might be best not to spell the word incorrectly, thus making you look somewhat "retarded"

(GenNeyland9 @ Jan 30 said:
Whenever you say someone looks "retarted," it might be best not to spell the word incorrectly, thus making you look somewhat "retarded"
:eek:lol: That's like something I would do.

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