10:00 Brandon Warren---Be Here

Coach: Son, what do you think about coming to College U.?
Recruit: Yeah, yeah, I'm coming here, what time is dinner?
Father: You gonna get my boy in the starting lineup coach?
Coach: Yeah, yeah, sure...what time is dinner?

3 months later
Recruit: I'm committed to College U. but I'm still taking my visits...

Recruiting is a joke.
(thebiglowboski @ Jan 30 said:
lord if he dont commit This will be the worst spent hour of my life!!!

Somehow, I really doubt that... :crazy:
Do you all think Hubbs and Packer know? I just can't get a good read on them.

(VolunteerHillbilly @ Jan 30 said:
Maybe next year you can hook some recruit up with a webcam and they can announce on VN streaming video?
Now you are thinking.
Dang we are about to crash my freaking server (time to upgrade).

BRANDON WARREN TO.................

(vol_freak @ Jan 30 said:
Do you all think Hubbs and Packer know? I just can't get a good read on them.

He would have to know thats why he saves it to the end.. It's RATINGS

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