Universities tend to be biased against the mathematically challenged.
Math is like anything in life...use it or lose it. Most College level Math is something 90% of vocations out there simply do not make use of. I'm one of those that would rather have teeth pulled than take a Math class I know will NEVER benefit me and all the concepts will be purged from memory in a few years time.
Lots of people hate Math, and I've never been a fan of the Education System trying to force students to have to waste valuable time and tuition money on classes that have no ability to contribute to a persons success in their chosen field.
People...especially educators who want nothing more than to secure their employment, routinely say "well, it contributes to one's overall knowledge and makes them more well-rounded." BS! anything you do not routinely practice, you forget...it gets completely flushed from memory. So why invest in something that, like electronics...just completely loses value in a year or two?
Instead of 50-60 percent of a College students time being wasted on Gen Ed class...they NEED to use those 4 year MUCH more efficiently. For example, careers in 3D animation...my current field. Most private and state colleges DO NOT sufficiently prepare students to enter the field...because they do not spend the necessary amount of time training in the specific vocation, and instead completely waste 2+ years in school taking BS Gen Ed class that won't help them in the field one lick. Now...if you at least make that 3 full years of in-depth animation and art skills training, they come away much more prepared.
I said all of that to say this...the education system as a whole needs a major overhaul. Programs that NEED the Math and Science classes should be the only ones pushing it. There is absolutely no need to force a student to have to take a physics or chemistry class that
WILL NEVER UTILIZE IT. . The same goes for Math. The average person will never need to do math problems from a College level. What is learned in HS is more than sufficient for 80-90% of the population.