'10 LA WR Trovon Reed

Oh really, here is the story on his mother--I have to go get ready for work(we work up here), I can provide more sources of him stating he is leaving the state when I get off. You just sit back relax and have a few more drinks. It may take you awhile to read this using hooked on phonics. And don't ever call me a liar again thanks;)

Scout.com: Reed Plays with a Heavy Heart

Story says nothing about him wanting to leave La.

Read through his other articles on Scout and you'll see why I say what I do.
Story says nothing about him wanting to leave La.

Read through his other articles on Scout and you'll see why I say what I do.

LSU fans are just worried about Orgeron and Wilson taking top talent from Lousiana. Thanks for Anthony Johnson.

Reed is not an LSU-lock and they are nervous!
Story says nothing about him wanting to leave La.

Read through his other articles on Scout and you'll see why I say what I do.

Thoughts on trovon reed? @ TigerDroppings.com

Scout.com: Receiver Remains Wide Open

Scout.com: Catching up with WR Trovon Reed

Scout.com: Reed Plays with a Heavy Heart

Ok here are a few to start you off. It took me about 15 minutes to skim through this so LSU time that is 3 weeks.

Some fun highlights from the articles. Trovon has never been a LSU fan it seems he rooted more heavily for Texas(most of his close family is from Texas). When he went to the Wisconsin 7 on 7 his mother died the day before. He stated she said to follow his dream and go and not stay with her. His dream of going to a better place and playing football. How do you interpret that?(rhetorical I really don't want your answer).

When asked of his list and leader no specific leader but mentions Tenn., LSU, UF. He also mentions Oregon and Texas as schools he really likes and is "feeling" unlike the others which he just likes. Who do you think his leader is?(again rhetorical your answer is not welcome).

He does say Texas messed up and failed to contact him for awhile. Recenty, they had a big decommit at WR and have started calling him again. He is not even an LSU lean dude.

When he was asked how important was distance he said not at all that it was not part of his consideration that he was going to go to the school that he felt most at home at like family and put the ball up in a way that made him look good.

Lastly, one of those is your own board making comments a month ago about how they have heard from his coaches and other people around him that he wants to go out of LA. Your board is tigerdroppings perhaps you got lost and need help finding your way home? (Really don't want you to answer just go home).
Read that article closer.

And the article about his Mom didn't say anything about him going to a better place, it said that she is going to be in a better place.

So one liner you are just going to ignore the other links? Stick with the one you already had and had read to you by your sister before bed time? You are correct and notice I was not quoting. His mother asked him to continue and go to 7 on 7 event. To follow his dreams wherever they take him. And that she would be watching over him whereever he is. She was his last bit of close family in LA and she is gone now. There is a quote somewhere If I can find it where he says to the effect I look forward to move to another place although it will be hard leaving his old home behind.

If you would like to read through the rest it is clear to any reasonable person that he was first a Texas lean then Oregon maybe he is now looking hard at Auburn either way at no point is he ever putting LSU above any others. In fact when directly asked he said I am not an LSU fan but then said some nice things about them and how he liked Miles. I cannot understand why any of you guys over there at droppings think he is an LSU lock or even lean. You are only in it cuz of location he clearly likes other schools and coaches more. Lache and Wood are your hope of getting him miss out on one of them and IMO he is not staying in state no chance. I would actually say he ends up in the state of Texas in the end since it was his favorite from the start. And that is where his meaningful family lives anyway.
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I have been to LA one time and I know I wanted to leave the state as soon as I got there. I cant blame him if he wants to leave
New article up on rivals with him mentioned in it. I think it is not talking about us but any help?
it really says absolutly nothing.. just that he is one of UGA's pros[ects.. it does say that Tennessee and Alabama look to be in the lead for DeMarco Cobbs
Cobbs and Reed these are the guys I wanted from the start. Thunder and Lightning in WR terms.
I think USC and Oklahoma will be players for Cobbs. I do hope we can pull him though. As well as Reed.

I really hope Reed does well wherever he chooses. The kid has had a rough time. He deserves some good things to come his way. Best of luck to the kid. I will be pulling for him.
"right now i'm looking at auburn, lsu, oregon, florida, and tennessee a little, and in no particular order. I don't have all the trips set yet because i don't want to miss practice or anything. I don't want my team to think i am letting recruiting business interfere with our season."
This kid had one of the most impressive films I had seen for a 2010 WR/ATH. He is a stud, but there is probably no chance we get him.
It is weird though that we are still so hard after so many WR. I love our class but we are pursuing UF WR commits, Reed, Stills, Prater etc.

I think the thought is that Meline can easily move to the secondary and that leaves us with the ability to grab another WR and if we can get a top one we will.
Reed and Seastrunk I think will be LSU Tigers. I think Dyer goes to the Barn, but if he doesnt, those two could just as easily still be tigers, but in the state of Bama instead.

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