Based on my experience in recruiting, it could be about the height OR the way he conducted himself during the visit.
Recruiting visits can get pretty crazy as far as partying and whatnot.
We had a recruit that before, during, and after the festivities did not conduct himself like he should have when he visited.
In turn he was not offered a scholorship.
Granted this is on a smaller scale then what we are talking about here with a major program, but the coaches will talk to the hosts and everyone else and get a feel for the players to.
Please dont take this as me saying a bad word about Gionni Paul, but simply that there are several factors when you bring a player in that you learn about outside of the gametape and the telephone calls.
I just cant imagine wiht the coaching staff who has seen the tape and everything else can see the size of a kid like this and cool on him.
Again, not saying anything about Paul, but just speaking in general terms based on what I have seen before.