'12 TN RB Jovon Robinson

I don't think auburn will have room for Robinson or Mathers considering they will have Yeldon, Blakely, and Corey Grant coming in that year.
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I have learn when it comes to recruiting local kids, the local homers will always tell you the kid is all Vol as they jockey for the kid an offer. Once that offer comes, very rarely does the kid choose to be a Vol right away. Alot of times it seems IF they do(DY), they will be talked down on and the message board gurus will try and discuss how the kid should be recruited over. I am of the thinking that when a local kid is offered, if he does not accept then he is no different than any other recruit at his position. The staff should not treat him better or recruit him any harder than they would a kid from Florida. 9 times out of 10 the kid from Florida will be a better player anyway. Watching local kids talk about how they want that Vol offer and then announce Tenenssee is not even in their top 4-5 schools is getting old.

Yes, TN has 3 great looking backs this year who the Vols have offered. None of the 3 wanted to be a Vol right away while Cross did. I think we should take 1 more back and if it happens to be someone other than the 3 local TN guys....let them know they can play elsewhere and move on. We have 2-3 great looking RBs who actually have Tennessee in their top 2-3 for 2013, so we will be fine.
I have learn when it comes to recruiting local kids, the local homers will always tell you the kid is all Vol as they jockey for the kid an offer. Once that offer comes, very rarely does the kid choose to be a Vol right away. Alot of times it seems IF they do(DY), they will be talked down on and the message board gurus will try and discuss how the kid should be recruited over. I am of the thinking that when a local kid is offered, if he does not accept then he is no different than any other recruit at his position. The staff should not treat him better or recruit him any harder than they would a kid from Florida. 9 times out of 10 the kid from Florida will be a better player anyway. Watching local kids talk about how they want that Vol offer and then announce Tenenssee is not even in their top 4-5 schools is getting old.

Yes, TN has 3 great looking backs this year who the Vols have offered. None of the 3 wanted to be a Vol right away while Cross did. I think we should take 1 more back and if it happens to be someone other than the 3 local TN guys....let them know they can play elsewhere and move on. We have 2-3 great looking RBs who actually have Tennessee in their top 2-3 for 2013, so we will be fine.

Awesome post. Now imagine being the flagship school of the state that produces the most SEC ballplayers. Some of our fans assume the same about some of our local boys.
You talking about this is getting very old. What player from Tennessee has said they really want that Vol offer and left us out of their top 5? Name one. And why does a kid have to accept the offer right away? How about you be happy that the kid is going to try and make the best possible choice for himself and not UT fans.
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Yes. Way off. How many times does it have to be said that Kimbrow is much higher on the board at RB than either Mathers or Robinson, if not #1?
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You can say it until you turn blue in the face, but that does not make it true. I believe Kimbrow is too far down the list of running backs we want for him to be a take right now and I also believe he knows it. That is why we are not on his list of favorites.

I personally like Robinson much more for what he would bring to our team, but I doubt we will have room for him either.

When you hear that Kimbrow is at the top of our board, that is for public consumption, not fact -- we are trying to not step on any toes in Memphis and elsewhere if it can be helped, and we want to do it in a way that does not hurt Kimbrow so we say publicly how much we want him. That said, if we whiff on all the other RB's we like better, that could change things, but I believe there are a number of RB's that we like better, including Robinson. Or if during the season D Young does not do well or God forbid if he somehow gets a significant injury, that may change the equation also (although it may be too late), but the bottom line is that we cannot use up a scholarship on another player of that type.

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You can say it until you turn blue in the face, but that does not make it true. I believe Kimbrow is too far down the list of running backs we want for him to be a take right now and I also believe he knows it. That is why we are not on his list of favorites.

I personally like Robinson much more for what he would bring to our team, but I doubt we will have room for him either.

When you hear that Kimbrow is at the top of our board, that is for public consumption, not fact -- we are trying to not step on any toes in Memphis and elsewhere if it can be helped, and we want to do it in a way that does not hurt Kimbrow so we say publicly how much we want him. That said, if we whiff on all the other RB's we like better, that could change things, but I believe there are a number of RB's that we like better, including Robinson. Or if during the season D Young does not do well or God forbid if he somehow gets a significant injury, that may change the equation also (although it may be too late), but the bottom line is that we cannot use up a scholarship on another player of that type.


Kimbrow is a definite take right now. He's not a DY clone he has more skills and more upside. He also can play CB if needed(he has the athleticism to do it). Don't know what big board you've seen but LV knows someone who has seen the real one and Kimbrow is ranked higher than both of them easily.
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Kimbrow is a definite take right now. He's not a DY clone he has more skills and more upside. He also can play CB if needed(he has the athleticism to do it). Don't know what big board you've seen but LV knows someone who has seen the real one and Kimbrow is ranked higher than both of them easily.
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Thank you. Saved me the time of responding to such an uninformed and extremely subjective post.
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Kimbrow is a definite take right now. He's not a DY clone he has more skills and more upside. He also can play CB if needed(he has the athleticism to do it). Don't know what big board you've seen but LV knows someone who has seen the real one and Kimbrow is ranked higher than both of them easily.
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Kimbrow is the #1 RB, IIRC. That may not be the case now, though.
some recent comments on tos make me wonder if robinson may have grade and or character issues and that is why TN and other schools seem to be slow playing him

kid looks like the second coming of jamal lewis to me.
Robinson has very impressive video. He looks quick for a someone so big. I would love to see this kid a vol although my personal favorite is Mathers.
With where we stand with a couple 2013 RBs and our current depth..I would like to see us land Marion Grice(JuCo) #1 or RJ Robinson (Juco) #2. Either kid would come in ready to carry the ball from day 1.
some recent comments on tos make me wonder if robinson may have grade and or character issues and that is why TN and other schools seem to be slow playing him

kid looks like the second coming of jamal lewis to me.

Yep. The word is that Robinson has some serious work to do to gain admission to an SEC school -- which makes Vanderbilt extremely unlikely and UT next to impossible under Cheek's leadership.

The bad news for the kid is that under the new SEC guidelines (thanks, guys) many (perhaps most) schools will not be willing to take the risk with him. Bad rule, in my opinion, and one that hurts the kids.

If he has possible grade issues then I hope we leave him alone. We only need 2 backs this year. Cross and Kimbrow would be my choices.
Yes. Way off. How many times does it have to be said that Kimbrow is much higher on the board at RB than either Mathers or Robinson, if not #1?
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Were not even in Kimbrows top 5. Coach's aren't losing sleep over it either. We are in on several out of state RBs.
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Were not even in Kimbrows top 5. Coach's aren't losing sleep over it either. We are in on several out of state RBs.
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Not sure about the latest Kimbrow news, but it seemed like once we offered Redmond, we moved into good position once again with Kimbrow.
I get the feeling the Robinson offer is similar to the Holsey one. I think grades are a concern here. Just based on what I've been reading.
I get the feeling the Robinson offer is similar to the Holsey one. I think grades are a concern here. Just based on what I've been reading.

There are some concerns, but I've seen it mention where it's overblown and he will end up qualifying.
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