'12 TN RB Jovon Robinson

I dont know if you are half joking or not but this is actually exactly how I envision things going on down there.

I was dead serious. I think that it definitely happens on this scale. We are talking millions and millions of dollars in revenue, it is a huge corporate business at the end of the day.. why would it be any different from the large scale money makers on Wall Street?
The NCAA could probably turn some stones that don't need to be turned on Rocky Top too

Already had plenty of stones turned here, and have adhered to all of the requests the NCAA made.

No reason to excuse bad behavior by trying to point out some else's bad behavior anyways.If Auburn is cheating, especially after the Cam situation, then the NCAA needs to act swiftly and either debunk the story or announce they have a lead and investigate further.

NCAA needs to start showing some uniformity for once in their life and establish some form of credibility.
And Trent Richardson drove a decked out SUV and Dre Kirkpatrick had a sports car. How is Alabama not being investigated? I remember at the draft they said Trent was from the ghetto...yet he can afford a $30,000 car? ha ok.

Yeah, because when I was at UT there were never 3 or 4 of the equivalent SUV's at that time parked in front of the bank right on the strip every weekend night. Glad our program would never involve itself in anything like that.
The real concern for Robinson appears to be that he is not academically eligble. That the NCAAdid visit the school about his grades and apparantly(rumor) that his grade was changed. If so he will not be playing but this seems to have nothing to do with AU at the moment.

There flags being raised about the money though. It apparantly started with a Wendy's that was rented out and him paying the $1800 tab with cash. Some have suggested the money like the car came from the mother. Which 2 stories are floating around. One she inhereitered the money or that she won the money in a lawsuit. I guess time will tell because the latest I saw they requested documentation on how the money came about and still waiting. Again all speculation and who knows how it will end up.

There are also redflags being thrown up in South Florida stemming from the Miami investigation that is rumored to link AU as well now.

Thought I would throw this in here as well

BATON ROUGE - There is likely to be a significant announcement concerning the LSU football team at noon today.

LSU athletic department officials have been letting every media member they can contact this morning know that a previously routine press conference with coach Les Miles scheduled for 6:15 p.m. has been moved up to noon today, and they are informing reporters that they need to be there.

Such practices are not used for routine press conferences during preseason camp. LSU informs media members of changes in regular press conference times via Twitter, not via officials calling reporters individually as they have done today.

"LSU coach Les Miles will meet with members of the media today at NOON in the TEAM ROOM," LSU sports information director Michael Bonnette just said in a release to reporters. "This is a change from the original schedule, which had him meeting with the media after the second practice today."

LSU associate vice chancellor and associate athletic director Herb Vincent has also been contacting reporters about the press conference.

Miles closed practices this week earlier than scheduled and has not given a reason. Neither has anyone else at LSU

Rumor is a player in trouble, like the Honey Badger failing another test and either suspended or off the team. Also heard a RB ineligbile. But who knows will be interesting to see and something brewing in BR.
Personally, I'm glad that he didn't pursue him. This kind of thing is the last thing we needed. Maybe CDD knew a little something about his transcript and steered clear of him. Who knows. All I am saying is that I'm glad that we're not involved in this scandal.

I do believe CDD already knew something was a little fishy.........

It'll be interesting to see if he's gonna be ineligible this year b/c of this grades deal. If so, it'll be disappointing but won't break us imo.
Memphis and Louisiana giveth and taketh away. Recruits from those two places, above all, always concern me.

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