13' GA S Vonn Bell (Ohio State signee)

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Hoping we got several silents that he might be refrencing too..whens signing day next tuesday or wed? i might have to be sick that day and call out of work..
i agree, Dooley was HORRIBLE. i dont care if he landed Darick, JH, and TB, the fact that he KILLED relationships in state and tarnished the UT name across the state was the worst thing of all and still kills me. The fact that Butch has already restored most of those relationships in this short of time, and gotten so many big time recruits on campus, is AMAZING

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I said it would be Alabama then but now it appears to be a battle between Ohio State and Tennessee. There is a lot of smoke about a silent Tennessee commitment and I know Bell's parents loved Knoxville, but a reliable source told me that the Buckeyes still have the edge despite the excellent visit to the Vols. I'm going to say Ohio State, but not with a ton of confidence.
-Mike Farrell.
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