'14 GA RB Treyvon Paulk (UT Signee 2/5/14)

All fair points. I'm fine with the opinions of both camps. But if we are going to discuss it it's only fair to allow points from both sides.

Again, my only issue is the hypocritical posts suggesting we are only allowed to speculate if it sheds a positive light on Paulk.

I hope the kid is innocent.
That's fair, thanks for the discussion. You bring a lot to the board. I'm going back to lurk mode now. Have a nice evening.
I think if Paulk is allowed back it might be more a case of him meeting certain criteria. Not an innocence/guilt thing at this point.
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Everyone speculates, sure. That doesn't mean our speculation lines up with what actually happened. Deerpark is a good poster but he's been wrong on things. He was adamant that we were never going to Nike. He's had some good info in the past but in the end, he's a poster on a message board, not really a reliable source. The problem is people taking message board posts and running with it like it's 100% truth. We don't really know what happened, it's best to let Jones take care of it because I seriously doubt he would take him back if it meant disrupting the chemistry of the team.

Its like the Preston Williams situation, we don't really know if he was asked to leave for smoking weed. It was a rumor. If Butch thought he was gonna be a problem, he probably would've dropped him. Jones is the one who speaks to him daily.

My opinion on the Barn's claim about PW is that it makes no sense. How many recruits would allow a staff member into their room if they were smoking a joint or the way I read one account that he lit one up after the Barn guy walked into the room. That's really stupid. The stories all came from Auburn writers that report what the Barn staff tells them to. They don't have a problem with their players smoking weed so why would they worry about PW? I tend to believe that PW was wearing Vol gear and wouldn't change into the Barn junk and they asked him to leave.
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If I were a HC and KNOW I had dismissed a kid who was 100 percent innocent, it would be my #1 priority to get him reinstated immediately. Not in a month. Not in 4 months. Not after I get his buddies LOI, but NOW. Would I not owe him that?

Sorry, it's just not adding up.

That's the dumbest thing you've ever said!
How can a numbers expert claim that something or anything is not adding up?
Imo Butch is the one who passed judgement. I didn't dismiss the kid from the football program. Butch did in Sept. I just don't see a reason for me to try and come up with a reason to say we need him back after what he did. You can if you like. That's on you.

Let me quote it for you just in case.
I don't see he's admitting to anything other than being in the minorty. For goodness sake can we just discuss Paulk rather than whether or not we agree with Lebvol?

Yeah it is not just that post, there have been a lot of things he said, that when you add them up, indicate he is contrary just to piss people off sometimes.....As far as reinstating Paulk after 4 months and signing day had passed "not adding up" leb, it(hypothetically) is because you nor I know everything about it. Perhaps it would "add" up if we did.
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I don't prefer his routine on integrity and coaches either, but in this case I don't see what's wrong with his opinion in this thread. Personally, I find those constantly derailing threads by complaining about him, a thousand times more annoying.

But back to the topic, I'm certain there are quite a few people who think this was more than just a misunderstanding or a firm stance on the the political issue of the day. I have more confidence in Butch than some of you. When he suspended Paulk, I tend to believe he had good reason.

It's actually kinda funny that people are allowed to speculate and share their opinion on this topic as long as it involves Paulk's innocence. That's the only point I'm trying to make.

I understand your point but I for one will take a wait and see on this whole issue with TP. I hope CBJ would only allow him back if he really felt he was innocent in this case. As far as LEB, he is annoying and it is so constant in nearly every thread, it makes being on this site less than enjoyable. He is the one poster I wish would just go away. If you find me annoying, that is fine. I know you are a good poster but I wish his crap would stop. If he can post his junk at 500 posts per day, we can complain about it in about 10.
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All fair points. I'm fine with the opinions of both camps. But if we are going to discuss it it's only fair to allow points from both sides.

Again, my only issue is the hypocritical posts suggesting we are only allowed to speculate if it sheds a positive light on Paulk.

I hope the kid is innocent.

I'm not of the opinion that he should be reinstated. I am also not of the opinion that he should not be reinstated. Just to be clear, I don't think any of us have the information to make that judgement. That's my point. Those that make judgments of others based on internet rumors and second hand accounts as well as read into Butch's actions are wrong in my opinion.

If Butch is good with bringing him back then so am I. If Butch sends him on his way I'm good with that too. Cause Butch has the information at his disposal that NONE of us have.

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I understand your point but I for one will take a wait and see on this whole issue with TP. I hope CBJ would only allow him back if he really felt he was innocent in this case. As far as LEB, he is annoying and it is so constant in nearly every thread, it makes being on this site less than enjoyable. He is the one poster I wish would just go away. If you find me annoying, that is fine. I know you are a good poster but I wish his crap would stop. If he can post his junk at 500 posts per day, we can complain about it in about 10.

We're both just a couple of morans.:crazy:
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I understand your point but I for one will take a wait and see on this whole issue with TP. I hope CBJ would only allow him back if he really felt he was innocent in this case. As far as LEB, he is annoying and it is so constant in nearly every thread, it makes being on this site less than enjoyable. He is the one poster I wish would just go away. If you find me annoying, that is fine. I know you are a good poster but I wish his crap would stop. If he can post his junk at 500 posts per day, we can complain about it in about 10.

He doesn't go away because people keep responding to him. I can't believe more posters haven't figured out his game. He takes a contrarian angle to every issue simply to stir up crap and rustle jimmies. Thankfully, many people have ignored him. His mindless BS falls dead. Every so often, though, he's able to hijack a thread because he finds suckers willing to comment. And you're right, he makes it far less enjoyable when he accomplishes his goal.
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My point is this..I don't really argue about his innocence. I don't understand why people want to throw this kid away like garbage. Not all acts of violence are equal, some are more egregious than others. If Butch decides the kid has been punished enough for what he did, and thinks he and Gillespie can mentor him, and make a better man out of him...then I say do it. That is a gigantic NO according to some insiders, and a possibility according to others. I hope Butch will decide with his heart, and not what is politically correct at the time. And for the record some women give more than they get. I have never struck a woman, but my ex hit me in the back of the head with an iron skillit because she was pissed of at me and I turned to walk away from her and ignored her. Most women nowadays are not helpless little creatures.
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My point is this..I don't really argue about his innocence. I don't understand why people want to throw this kid away like garbage. Not all acts of violence are equal, some are more egregious than others. If Butch decides the kid has been punished enough for what he did, and thinks he and Gillespie can mentor him, and make a better man out of him...then I say do it. That is a gigantic NO according to some insiders, and a possibility according to others. I hope Butch will decide with his heart, and not what is politically correct at the time. And for the record some women give more than they get. I have never struck a woman, but my ex hit me in the back of the head with an iron skillit because she was pissed of at me and I turned to walk away from her and ignored her. Most women nowadays are not helpless little creatures.

Its like I'm in the club and makin it rain with opinions!

I lost a whole lot of faith in you when you did not open the Big Orange Hotel in OK like you should have.

My faith could be restored if you opened one anywhere, but especially Knoxville...special rates if reserved with a VN username :)

Yes it is that time...
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I lost a whole lot of faith in you when you did not open the Big Orange Hotel in OK like you should have.

My faith could be restored if you opened one anywhere, but especially Knoxville...special rates if reserved with a VN username :)

Yes it is that time...

Actually I won't be flipping any more in the 48. I've actually sold 2 of the ones I had since Dec. If I do any now, they will be in Hawaii.
One would think IF the kid didn't do it, he would be reinstated immediately. Seems odd to punish a kid and wait to publicly clear the air if he didn't do it. Jmo

Why not in Sept? Oct? Nov?

Leb wtf is your problem? Have you ever seen any form of litigation that happens over night? There's statements taken then and investigation then sometimes confessions. In this case it took time to get the truth and he has been allowed to stay in school and now work out. Just relax dude your annoyance is a bliss. Every situation has due process.
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I assumed guilt after CBJ considered the eye witness accounts and decided to dismiss the kid from the football program. You may need more info, I didn't.

The kids been innocent all along, CBJ knew it and was waiting till Sapp sighed his LOI to reinstate Paulk? GTH out with that crap.

The NFL started it and all other entities followed except FSU after Ray Rice any kind of domestic assault or violence causes for immediate suspension or dismissal. It's called trying to be politically correct. I hate it but it happens. Plus UT wanted tobsave face as the stuff with Marlon Lane and Pops had came out and changed university policy so the punishment was kinda mandatory
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I'm not of the opinion that he should be reinstated. I am also not of the opinion that he should not be reinstated. Just to be clear, I don't think any of us have the information to make that judgement. That's my point. Those that make judgments of others based on internet rumors and second hand accounts as well as read into Butch's actions are wrong in my opinion.

If Butch is good with bringing him back then so am I. If Butch sends him on his way I'm good with that too. Cause Butch has the information at his disposal that NONE of us have.


Agree 100%

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