Big boys play big boy schedules. Otherwise, we should leave the SEC and play in the OVC where we can compete.
Bama has won 3 of the last 5 national titles playing schedules in the 20-50 SOS range nationally. Vandy is being heralded and praised on high nationally for back to back 9 win seasons vs by far the worst/easiest schedule in the SEC. Ohio St was 1 win away from playing in the nc title game last and we all know how stupidly easy their schedule was.
We' re gonna play 5 preseason Top 25 SEC teams this year (Georgia, Bama, OleMiss, SCar, Mizzou) which will already provide us plenty of schedule strength, plenty of challenge and competition to satisfy the stupid "if you're gonna be the best, you gotta beat the best" mouth breathers on here. Why the hell should we go and play an OOC top 5 team in Okla, which now gives us the second most difficult schedule in the country, when we're struggling to gain confidence and wins? We're coming off 4 straight losing seasons, first time since world war 1 or something. I wish we would've found 4 winnable OOC games and then go into sec play with confidence and health....and more than anything else, 4 damn wins.