'17 AL DE LaBryan Ray


So let's set the table for tomorrow. The headliner will be LaBryan Ray and that won't happen till 12:40 eastern time. At this point, we know that Ray spoke with both Alabama and Tennessee multiple times today. Florida continues to swing there, but this is a two team race in our opinion. We just don't see Ray getting out of the state of Alabama even though Tennessee has continued to put the full court press on and at least four different Vol assistants spoke with Ray on Monday. It will clearly be a stunner if it's not the Crimson Tide.

Outside of that, we will be watching Jordan Murphy and Jacquez Jones early in the morning with both taking visits the last several weeks. Murphy took the secret trip to Oxford last weekend and while Tennessee has had steady dialogue with him, it's still worth watching and I wouldn't feel safe until that LOI comes across the fax or e-mail. Then there is Jones who has seen Central Florida and South Florida sandwiched around his official visit to Tennessee. If anything should go on with either of those two, then Tennessee would give Jordan Pouncey a call. Pouncey loved his visit to Knoxville and we believe wants to be a part of this class. It's going to boil down to the numbers and barring a change with Jones or Murphy, he will be on the outside looking in. The positive for Pouncey is his announcement isn't scheduled till the early afternoon hours which gives Tennessee some wiggle room.

Outside of that, expect most everything to happen by lunch and for it to be an anti-climatic day. The hay is in the barn and NSD won't feel like NSD to most of you that have followed the drama over the years. I know this isn't the type of post you want to see, but I wanted to give you guys a look at what tomorrow will look like

This gives me the sads

I was going more for "Christmas Story".
Nobody is giddy about it. Apparently, you guys can't comprehend the difference in stating a fact and wishing for failure. It's a fact that a class that in all likelihood will finish somewhere in the 20s is not championship level recruiting for a school like Tennessee.

I want Butch to succeed, but this is his 5th year here and this class will finish similar his first in which he had only a little over month to recruit. That's troublesome.

BS. Go back about 3 or 4 pages. It's sickening to see some of you guys rely on constant negativity for your own amusement. We get it, Butch can't recuit and this class is a huge let down. Keep reminding us for the millionth time just in case we forgot. Good lord.
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Nobody is giddy about it. Apparently, you guys can't comprehend the difference in stating a fact and wishing for failure. It's a fact that a class that in all likelihood will finish somewhere in the 20s is not championship level recruiting for a school like Tennessee.

I want Butch to succeed, but this is his 5th year here and this class will finish similar his first in which he had only a little over month to recruit. That's troublesome.

Whatever their ranking, this class is far better than Butch's first. I like these players and think they will develop into a good team. Am I a little disappointed? Yes, I had hoped for better, but that's what happens when you have an injury storm and lose for whatever reasons to Scar and Vandy. The team needs to play more consistently good ball, and I hope the coaches will get that into everybody's head p.d.q.
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So let's set the table for tomorrow. The headliner will be LaBryan Ray and that won't happen till 12:40 eastern time. At this point, we know that Ray spoke with both Alabama and Tennessee multiple times today. Florida continues to swing there, but this is a two team race in our opinion. We just don't see Ray getting out of the state of Alabama even though Tennessee has continued to put the full court press on and at least four different Vol assistants spoke with Ray on Monday. It will clearly be a stunner if it's not the Crimson Tide.

Outside of that, we will be watching Jordan Murphy and Jacquez Jones early in the morning with both taking visits the last several weeks. Murphy took the secret trip to Oxford last weekend and while Tennessee has had steady dialogue with him, it's still worth watching and I wouldn't feel safe until that LOI comes across the fax or e-mail. Then there is Jones who has seen Central Florida and South Florida sandwiched around his official visit to Tennessee. If anything should go on with either of those two, then Tennessee would give Jordan Pouncey a call. Pouncey loved his visit to Knoxville and we believe wants to be a part of this class. It's going to boil down to the numbers and barring a change with Jones or Murphy, he will be on the outside looking in. The positive for Pouncey is his announcement isn't scheduled till the early afternoon hours which gives Tennessee some wiggle room.

Outside of that, expect most everything to happen by lunch and for it to be an anti-climatic day. The hay is in the barn and NSD won't feel like NSD to most of you that have followed the drama over the years. I know this isn't the type of post you want to see, but I wanted to give you guys a look at what tomorrow will look like

Unfortunately, it looks like I will be productive at work tomorrow.
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So let's set the table for tomorrow. The headliner will be LaBryan Ray and that won't happen till 12:40 eastern time. At this point, we know that Ray spoke with both Alabama and Tennessee multiple times today. Florida continues to swing there, but this is a two team race in our opinion. We just don't see Ray getting out of the state of Alabama even though Tennessee has continued to put the full court press on and at least four different Vol assistants spoke with Ray on Monday. It will clearly be a stunner if it's not the Crimson Tide.

Outside of that, we will be watching Jordan Murphy and Jacquez Jones early in the morning with both taking visits the last several weeks. Murphy took the secret trip to Oxford last weekend and while Tennessee has had steady dialogue with him, it's still worth watching and I wouldn't feel safe until that LOI comes across the fax or e-mail. Then there is Jones who has seen Central Florida and South Florida sandwiched around his official visit to Tennessee. If anything should go on with either of those two, then Tennessee would give Jordan Pouncey a call. Pouncey loved his visit to Knoxville and we believe wants to be a part of this class. It's going to boil down to the numbers and barring a change with Jones or Murphy, he will be on the outside looking in. The positive for Pouncey is his announcement isn't scheduled till the early afternoon hours which gives Tennessee some wiggle room.

Outside of that, expect most everything to happen by lunch and for it to be an anti-climatic day. The hay is in the barn and NSD won't feel like NSD to most of you that have followed the drama over the years. I know this isn't the type of post you want to see, but I wanted to give you guys a look at what tomorrow will look like
Thats Hubbs speak for we are done with this years class, but expect a couple losses on NSD. Doesn't get much clearer than that.
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BS. Go back about 3 or 4 pages. It's sickening to see some of you guys rely on constant negativity for your own amusement. We get it, Butch can't recuit and this class is a huge let down. Keep reminding us for the millionth time just in case we forgot. Good lord.

It's not amusing at all. I choose to not sugar coat everything though. In a perfect world, we would be sitting with a top 5 class going into tomorrow, but that's not the case. The reality of it is, Butch underwhelmed in year 4 and it cost us some elite talent.
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BS. Go back about 3 or 4 pages. It's sickening to see some of you guys rely on constant negativity for your own amusement. We get it, Butch can't recuit and this class is a huge let down. Keep reminding us for the millionth time just in case we forgot. Good lord.

Nobody is giddy. And Butch clearly can recruit. All (some) folks are trying to do is look at things rationally. We're talking about a 5-star kid. From Alabama. Who is an Alabama fan. Bama also has significantly less DE's on their depth chart than us. And they put more guys in the league than we do. Not to mention stability: half our fan base want Butch gone.

Anyone who looked at this situation rationally knew he was going to Bama. But it doesn't ruin our class. Or Butch's reputation as a recruiter. I would be ecstatic to see Ray come here, but never really thought there was much of a chance.

Bama didn't need to cheat to get this kid.
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Nobody is giddy. And Butch clearly can recruit. All (some) folks are trying to do is look at things rationally. We're talking about a 5-star kid. From Alabama. Who is an Alabama fan. Bama also has significantly less DE's on their depth chart than us. And they put more guys in the league than we do. Not to mention stability: half our fan base want Butch gone.

Anyone who looked at this situation rationally knew he was going to Bama. But it doesn't ruin our class. Or Butch's reputation as a recruiter. I would be ecstatic to see Ray come here, but never really thought there was much of a chance.

Bama didn't need to cheat to get this kid.

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Because you know how good or not good they are even before playing a single game of college football. Got it...:thud:

I guess I realize there's a history of highly ranked teams generally landing highly rated recruits. I suppose you think Butch unearthed about 20 'diamonds in the rough'. :eek:k:
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