Seriously. Some of you people really need to give up following recruiting. It really isn't for you. Enjoy the summer and come back in the fall when there are games to be watched.
Following recruiting can be a stressful thing if you let it be, but it really isn't much, if any, different than any other year. You get some recruits, you lose some recruits. About the only things different in recruiting is 1) More in-state talent in TN. 2) More media outlets to follow from.
#2 is the one I personally have a problem with, because it has caused a lot of you guys to come out of the woodwork and jump on the recruiting bandwagon without having a clue as to how recruiting works/flows.
Seriously. Some of you people really need to give up following recruiting. It really isn't for you. Enjoy the summer and come back in the fall when there are games to be watched.
Following recruiting can be a stressful thing if you let it be, but it really isn't much, if any, different than any other year. You get some recruits, you lose some recruits. About the only things different in recruiting is 1) More in-state talent in TN. 2) More media outlets to follow from.
#2 is the one I personally have a problem with, because it has caused a lot of you guys to come out of the woodwork and jump on the recruiting bandwagon without having a clue as to how recruiting works/flows.
Seriously. Some of you people really need to give up following recruiting. It really isn't for you. Enjoy the summer and come back in the fall when there are games to be watched.
Following recruiting can be a stressful thing if you let it be, but it really isn't much, if any, different than any other year. You get some recruits, you lose some recruits. About the only things different in recruiting is 1) More in-state talent in TN. 2) More media outlets to follow from.
#2 is the one I personally have a problem with, because it has caused a lot of you guys to come out of the woodwork and jump on the recruiting bandwagon without having a clue as to how recruiting works/flows.
Anything less than a top 5 class is disappointing this year, just how it is.
Seriously. Some of you people really need to give up following recruiting. It really isn't for you. Enjoy the summer and come back in the fall when there are games to be watched.
Following recruiting can be a stressful thing if you let it be, but it really isn't much, if any, different than any other year. You get some recruits, you lose some recruits. About the only things different in recruiting is 1) More in-state talent in TN. 2) More media outlets to follow from.
#2 is the one I personally have a problem with, because it has caused a lot of you guys to come out of the woodwork and jump on the recruiting bandwagon without having a clue as to how recruiting works/flows.
Anything less than a top 5 class is disappointing this year, just how it is.
You're telling me we had a camp in west TN just for this kid then he goes to Bama possibly? If so we have some major recruiting problems.
I do think, as some have stated, that a lack of a vocal leader and cornerstone piece to this class has caused us to have a rough start. Maleik Gray is a fantastic player, but he isn't what I would consider the cornerstone to a class. Each of the last 3 summer's we have had a relatively huge recruit to anchor us through the summer camps and keep our name out there.
So far we have not had that. The 2017 class is going to be a different animal. It seems like winning games is going to be our crutch this year instead of a vocal leader. If we win games and make it to Atlanta I would like to believe that the situation will solve itself.
However, if we struggle on the field again this year I think this could be a very average class. It really is put up or shut up time for Butch. I'm expecting great things from Team 120, I just hope these expectations will be met.