'18 TN OL Tanner Antonutti (UT signee)

One hasn’t shown his full value yet and the other has shown that although he can make great plays he won’t hesitate to walk out on his teammates if he doesn’t get his way, puts getting high ahead of the team, and will bad mouth representatives of the university. Which one do we want again?

Hmmm, so tell me again, which player went along with singing **** Tennessee?
And which one basically screamed it in a video?

Okay Mr. or Mrs. Antonutti,we get it, just a bunch of kids having fun. No harm. Im sure a bunch of the current players would love to be in a foxhole with this fine young man. At least JJ would lay everything on the line to win. This joker hasn't even practiced one time yet. Big difference.
Okay Mr. or Mrs. Antonutti,we get it, just a bunch of kids having fun. No harm. Im sure a bunch of the current players would love to be in a foxhole with this fine young man. At least JJ would lay everything on the line to win. This joker hasn't even practiced one time yet. Big difference.

Ok Jauan Sr. :) You holdin?
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Are you a teenage boy? The reason I ask, is you and whoever else is in this thread are the only people I’m talking to. To answer your question, I grapple 3-4 times a week. Let me know when you’re in the Knoxville area and you can show me what being a great athlete is all about

I got $20 that says he doesn't even know what grappling is. ..... he may need a big ole matt burn across his face
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All I've got to say is this..... a lot of you tender young lads need to toughen up and stop acting like a bunch of little scorned beaches. It's a kid being a kid.... go worry about something a little more important.
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holdin hope that Nigel and D Taylor welcomes him to spring practice

Oh, you’re baked right now? :lol:
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Are you a teenage boy? The reason I ask, is you and whoever else is in this thread are the only people I’m talking to. To answer your question, I grapple 3-4 times a week. Let me know when you’re in the Knoxville area and you can show me what being a great athlete is all about

Just out of curiosity what does grappling have to do with being a great athlete?
Calling out a coaching staff is leagues different than singing **** the university.

What about walking out on your team because after you had been absent most of the year you didn’t get to play a position you hadn’t practiced? Where does that fit?
I’m not saying either should be proud of what they did. But calling for a kids scholarship because he...acted like a kid...is a bit much. This is how people learn. They make dumb decisions and say stupid things. They get called out on them and people can sit them down and explain the perception from others’ viewpoints. Tell them what is expected and what wont be tolerated and the consequences of similar decisions.
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Then it’s personal. :wink2:

Just saying what I'd tell the kid to do if I were a family member/someone close to him. Feel like it would benefit him greatly. Nothing personal with me, the sun is still gonna come up tomorrow.
Just saying what I'd tell the kid to do if I were a family member/someone close to him. Feel like it would benefit him greatly. Nothing personal with me, the sun is still gonna come up tomorrow.

Not what I meant. If he were to apologize to the team, that should be sufficient. You seem to need it to be a PUBLIC apology...that’s personal.
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Not what I meant. If he were to apologize to the team, that should be sufficient. You seem to need it to be a PUBLIC apology...that’s personal.

Again, I simply said what I feel would help smooth this over faster for the kid. If it were personal I'd be tweeting the kid/bashing him on a message board. I'm doing neither.

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