'18 TN OL Tanner Antonutti (UT signee)

Cut them both.

Tennessee has to rid its program from this **** once and for all. If it doesn’t mean anything to you, you shouldn’t be here.
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Again, I simply said what I feel would help smooth this over faster for the kid. If it were personal I'd be tweeting the kid/bashing him on a message board. I'm doing neither.

It would smooth it over faster for HIM? For him to apologize where YOU can hear it?
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It would smooth it over faster for HIM? For him to apologize where YOU can hear it?

It's simple PR. He made a mistake that reached the eye of the public, therefor his apology should reach the eye of the public. If this was something private then by all means keep the whole thing private, apology and all. This isn't hard, and I can't break it down for you anymore than that.
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Cut them both.

Tennessee has to rid its program from this **** once and for all. If it doesn’t mean anything to you, you shouldn’t be here.

I don’t recognize your authority. :)
It's simple PR. He made a mistake that reached the eye of the public, therefor his apology should reach the eye of the public. If this was something private then by all means keep the whole thing private, apology and all. This isn't hard, and I can't break it down for you anymore than that.

I understand and completely disagree. :thumbsup:
Just saying what I'd tell the kid to do if I were a family member/someone close to him. Feel like it would benefit him greatly. Nothing personal with me, the sun is still gonna come up tomorrow.

Technically the sun doesn't come up, we revolve around it. But I'm not comparing you needing an apology to thinking things revolve around you or anything. Just a fan of science.
Technically the sun doesn't come up, we revolve around it. But I'm not comparing you needing an apology to thinking things revolve around you or anything. Just a fan of science.

Hey I'm right there with ya, I'm fascinated with most things space related. Only used it as a means of expression haha. Still blows my mind some people think the sun is what's moving and not us
Just out of curiosity what does grappling have to do with being a great athlete?

Reread the post I'm responding to. He asked what I did in a poor attempt to minimize my take on the subject. Not to mention in an earlier post, he referenced that he understood what it meant to go through the recruiting process and thus his stance on a kid's behavior has more merit because of his background. I felt I covered all of his concerns in one response.
Reread the post I'm responding to. He asked what I did in a poor attempt to minimize my take on the subject. Not to mention in an earlier post, he referenced that he understood what it meant to go through the recruiting process and thus his stance on a kid's behavior has more merit because of his background. I felt I covered all of his concerns in one response.

I thought you were telling him you'd put the beat down on him if he felt the need to drop by
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I thought you were telling him you'd put the beat down on him if he felt the need to drop by

Lol. Not at all. I just thought it would be an honor to compete with such a high level athlete if he happened to be in town. Maybe have him share some of his secrets as to how he became such a success. I mean I look at this guy and think to myself, 'Here is someone that really has it together'. If we could bottle up and sell what this guy is made of the whole world would be 100-0.
Jauan pissed all over the program for an entire SEASON! Embarrassing. Ain’t a song ever composed as disgraceful.

The difference is that one was talking about former coaches and obviously wanting better for the university, mind you, in a very very ignorant way. The other is talking about a program he hasn't even been apart of yet. Should he be kicked off? That's up to the players and coaches to decide.
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Antonutti should beat the crap out of whoever posted the video. Even if it is his BFF Jawga Charlie Brown.
JJ has earned a mulligan with his play and his time over the last 3 yrs. This bozo isnt even enrolled yet.

I have to chime in at this point. He lost all equity that he had built up when he chose not to be with his teammates on the sideline after he got hurt. I do want him back because he is a good player and a dog on the field. But, to imply that he earned a mulligan is just wrong. He deserves every criticism he has received for not being with his team after he got hurt.
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No, but he was ABSENT. That cannot be dismissed.

You're assuming the staff wanted him there. Personally, I'd rather not have injured players on the sideline. Especially when you're getting killed every week. Put them in the stands.
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You're assuming the staff wanted him there. Personally, I'd rather not have injured players on the sideline. Especially when you're getting killed every week. Put them in the stands.

Totally disagree and can't think of any situation where that would be the case outside of pro athletics where the star player might be in the owners box if he is injured.
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