'18 TN OL Tanner Antonutti (UT signee)

The difference is that one was talking about former coaches and obviously wanting better for the university, mind you, in a very very ignorant way. The other is talking about a program he hasn't even been apart of yet. Should he be kicked off? That's up to the players and coaches to decide.

The “obviously wanting better for for the university” wasn’t so obvious. Seemed like a selfish look at me rant. Had to do a two parter because he couldn’t squeeze his ego into just one take. Two great plays must have enabled him to skip college and stay high and have fans apologize for him. Antonutti sings along in a 3 second Snapchat and the same fans want it to go to a team meeting. They’ve all done dumber things...and recently. This will end with the team dogging him and get back to FOOTBALL. If he develops and contributes, someday he’ll be able to dogcuss the school on Instagram and get busted with pot in his car...like a VFL!!! FOOTBALL dummies! :rock:
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You're assuming the staff wanted him there. Personally, I'd rather not have injured players on the sideline. Especially when you're getting killed every week. Put them in the stands.

He was the hyped heart and soul of the team. His absence on the sideline ended up being another question in a lost season. No way that the TEAM wanted it. They had to make EXCUSES for him. Another “wanting the best for the university” Jauan Jennings special.
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Oh, there are still people Butt hurt about a kid singing a silly song in here? Guess we need to go through all the stages of grief in order. What stage are we on now? Need to know how rustled to make my jimmies so I can join in the fun.
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The difference is that one was talking about former coaches and obviously wanting better for the university, mind you, in a very very ignorant way. The other is talking about a program he hasn't even been apart of yet. Should he be kicked off? That's up to the players and coaches to decide.

Was he really wanting better for the University or for himself? If he wanted better for the University wouldn’t he have put it first rather than disappearing, skipping practices and classes, getting high, and then giving the coaching staff who at the time still represented UT an ultimatum that if he couldn’t play quarterback he wouldn’t play at all.
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I agree that it was dumb but I’m certain he doesn’t actually feel or believe what he “sang”. It’s part of a song. Although it’s silly to recite those words especially on social media and it’s in poor taste to do it with a player who spurned Tennessee only days before...it’s still just words. Words that are part of a song.
Lighten up on the KID. We’ve all done goofy things that we learned later weren’t so bright and regretted them.
I agree that it was dumb but I’m certain he doesn’t actually feel or believe what he “sang”. It’s part of a song. Although it’s silly to recite those words especially on social media and it’s in poor taste to do it with a player who spurned Tennessee only days before...it’s still just words. Words that are part of a song.
Lighten up on the KID. We’ve all done goofy things that we learned later weren’t so bright and regretted them.

Oh, there are still people Butt hurt about a kid singing a silly song in here? Guess we need to go through all the stages of grief in order. What stage are we on now? Need to know how rustled to make my jimmies so I can join in the fun.

According to some of the responses in here, you will need to set your jimmies to maximum over rustle.

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Think Antonutti would have made the video if he hadn't already signed and secured his spot? Think he'd still be a take?
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All you pathetic bend over and take it types calling rightly upset Volunteers "butt hurt" is funny and annoying at the same time. What this idiot did is insulting to his teammates and all of Volunteer nation...period.

Whether that means he should lose his spot is up to his teammates and coaches.
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Think Antonutti would have made the video if he hadn't already signed and secured his spot? Think he'd still be a take?

I thought the same thing. Kids are stupid so I could see him doing the video. And, if he did, he'd be signing at UTC instead of UTK.
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All you pathetic bend over and take it types calling rightly upset Volunteers "butt hurt" is funny and annoying at the same time. What this idiot did is insulting to his teammates and all of Volunteer nation...period.

Whether that means he should lose his spot is up to his teammates and coaches.

You ever say anything you later regretted? You ever say anything that got overheard or taken out of context? You ever have something you said get blown way out of proportion?

No? Well then please proceed to the stone bin and select your stone for the stoning of Tanner.
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You ever say anything you later regretted? You ever say anything that got overheard or taken out of context? You ever have something you said get blown way out of proportion?

No? Well then please proceed to the stone bin and select your stone for the stoning of Tanner.

Yes..and then I apologized and tried to make up for it.
According to some of the responses in here, you will need to set your jimmies to maximum over rustle.


Haha. Oh wow. I didn't know the settings went that far. I may need to stretch first so I don't pull something.

Okay let me try. Grrrr. I am so mad. This kid has upset my delicate sensibilities with his offensive lyrics. If he ever runs through the T I will use social media to voice my displeasure.

Did I do that right? Have I hit maximum over rustled yet? I hope so. Not sure I can get more rustled. It was fun I guess. Cathartic? Maybe. We'll see.
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Yes..and then I apologized and tried to make up for it.

Then give this kid the same opportunity. You aren't as bad as most that are calling for him to be publically drawn and quartered but why not let the coaches handle how they see fit and we move on to other most hopeful and encouraging topics.
Haha. Oh wow. I didn't know the settings went that far. I may need to stretch first so I don't pull something.

Okay let me try. Grrrr. I am so mad. This kid has upset my delicate sensibilities with his offensive lyrics. If he ever runs through the T I will use social media to voice my displeasure.

Did I do that right? Have I hit maximum over rustled yet? I hope so. Not sure I can get more rustled. It was fun I guess. Cathartic? Maybe. We'll see.

Most jimmies on here have been upgraded with an 11 setting for power rustling. Contact Freak for your free power rustle upgrade kit.
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All you pathetic bend over and take it types calling rightly upset Volunteers "butt hurt" is funny and annoying at the same time. What this idiot did is insulting to his teammates and all of Volunteer nation...period.

Whether that means he should lose his spot is up to his teammates and coaches.

We have so many righteously indignant for so little attention span...two months and we’ll find another windmill. :lol:
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I'm more concerned at this point that yeah, he disrespected his university, but at the fact that he did it because he was influenced by his peer. This obviously shows who the Alpha male is in this situation, and I'm willing to bet the farm that Cade wouldn't be saying that about his University. Having a wishy washy, do what my tougher friend tells me to do player in the trenches is the most alarming part to me. And before people start that "he's a kid" crap, I was 17 once, and nothing like this would've ever happened. It doesn't happen to Alpha males, I bet you couldn't pay Greg Emerson to do it. I'm not saying to revoke the guys scholarship or anything, but he has to look himself in the mirror and decide if he's going to be a man or a flunky
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Then give this kid the same opportunity. You aren't as bad as most that are calling for him to be publically drawn and quartered but why not let the coaches handle how they see fit and we move on to other most hopeful and encouraging topics.
I have a right to be insulted, every Tennessee Vol has a right to be insulted. Calling people "butt hurt" is just adding insult. We will see what becomes of him. I don't have high hopes for him, or a desire to cheer him on, like say a Jordan Allen. I can see no reasonable explanation for insulting a Tennessee like that.

All that being said, I acknowledge I don't know the context, but it looks like he is more interested in hanging on Cades dawg balls, tgan he is on being a Tennessee Volunteer.

If the staff and his teammates are comfortable with him by their side going forward, then I guess I am.

And no matter where I've laid my head, or called home in my lifetime have ever said ***k Tennessee.
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